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All news

+1 Sitting

Peter Stahre 15:44, 11 Nov 2022

Many of you have been wondering about the mysterious event on December 16th for a long time... And now it's finally time for us to reveal what the +1 event has to offer!
It is time for the festivities committee to hold our first event with people from outside LTH! It will be a sitting at Lophtet where only half of the guests will register directly for the event, while the other half will be registered as the guest's +1. There is no requirement that the person should not belong to LTH. You only get a chance like this once in a lifetime!
In order for this to work with various permits, we will need the name and full social security number of the added guest (as well as food preference), these will of course then be removed as soon as the event is over. This will be stated in a form that I will post here on facebook and in Fappen on Monday 14/11 12:15. The registration (survey) is then kept open until Monday 21/11 13:00. So make sure you find a partner right now! So: for this particular event you will not register for the event in Fappen. First come first served.
The theme for this sitting iiis: “Sixone two and two”! So you and your partner have the task of coming as a truly iconic duo! Oreos & milk, jar & lid, reverse & cowgirl, put no limits to your imagination!
More information about times and such will be in the event description closer to the event.


Meeting documents

Erik Thylefors 12:18, 11 Nov 2022


As you all know the Meeting documents are out on the website! Study them and see you on Monday

/Erik Thylefors, secretary 2022

FAQ Guild Assembly

Emma Engdahl 19:46, 10 Nov 2022

Have you never attended a Guild Assembly before and wonder how works? Or have you participated before but have some questions about it?

You are most welcome to come and ask questions and talk about the Guild Assembly with SMO (Guild Assembly chairman) Lukas, the election committee and the board tomorrow at lunch in the MH entrance!

See you then!

Candidate poster

Erik Åskag 13:28, 10 Nov 2022

Hi dear guild!

With the upcoming guild assembly closing in, and after Friday's release of the nominees, here comes the highly anticipated sequel: the candidate poster!

Lardy greetings// The election committee

@1337 news

Lisa Nilén 21:06, 8 Nov 2022

Hello there, dear guild!
Your faithful @1337:es have listened carefully to the whispers permeating the guild halls. We have come to understand that there is a HUNGER for MORE GAMING! However, it turned out to be quite difficult to make out exactly what the whispers were requesting, due to all the wonderful noise of the jubilee weeks. Therefore we wish to ask you all directly: Which gaming related events do you want to see next?
Cast your vote and give further suggestions using the form below!
Did you know that we have a discord server for these events (or just a fun place to hang out)? Here’s the link for that too!

Beer tasting at the BEERhiking with Reiseleiteriet

Lisa Nilén 21:02, 8 Nov 2022

It’s finally time for beer tasting throughout Lund with Reiseleiters in this Jubilee week. Buy the beers from our beer tasting list and come with us on this culinary hike, with exciting stops and beer trivia planned for the route. Who knows - maybe you find your new favorite go-to beer? 🍻 The hike ends with painting our monuments on campus. WARNING: Under-bridge-rave will occur on this hike. 👺

Urquell- Tjeckisk Traditionellt, den första pilsnern
Veldensteiner - Tyskland, lager i tysk stil
Mariestads Julebrygd- Mörk Lager Sverige
Affigem Blond - Belgisk Ale
Clockwork - Tangerine Session - Brittisk IPA
Meantime - Brittisk lager
Cidraie Pear - Frankrike
Fors Tom Collins - Sverige
Hannas Skumtomte - Sverige
Halmstad Crush Kanelbulle - Sverige
Urban Peers - Peach - Sverige
West Midlands Dry - Storbritannien
Mikkeller - Drinkin’ the snow
Estrella Damm N.A - Spanien
Lervig No Worries- Drivin’ home for Christmas - Norge
Leffe Blonde - Belgien
Hoegaarden - Belgien
Pistonhead Flat Tire N. A - Sverige

Svante Sandblom 19:23, 8 Nov 2022

Happy Tuesday!☀️
Here is a brief summary of what was decided at the last board meeting, F05-HT22:

Two expenses in which complete receipts were lacking were approved.
The FARAD group were elected
The Ladybugs for the study period were elected
The board approved the allocation of money for the purchase of a new Soundboks
The board decided to purchase a new computer and two new monitors

Feel free to contact us for more information on All guild members can submit items to the agenda and of course you are very welcome to attend the board meetings which are held every other Tuesday at 5 pm in LC!🧡
The Board

Come and try pole dancing!

Melker Georgson 14:45, 8 Nov 2022

FINALY it is once again time for the athletes' successful event try pole dancing!💃 This saturday (12th November) it is time, the registration opens at 17 today and there are three different time slots to choose from.
No prior knowledge is required and you don't need to be strong or flexible. Come as you are and have fun! More information and the registration can be found in the fapp.
Your pole dancing athletes

Large pole 9a33695f330dbf63f569b9fceabeab24

Meeting agenda

Erik Thylefors 20:29, 7 Nov 2022

Hi hi!

The meeting agenda is now available. You will find it at the guild assembly forum under the tab guild assembly where you will (soon) find all the meeting documents!

Take care and see you Monday!
/Erik Thylefors, secretary 2022

The election committee´s nominees

Ellie OBrien 22:13, 6 Nov 2022

The election committee have set their nominations, they can be found under the Guild assembly formum on the website! If you only wish to see the nominations, they can be found here:
Don’t forget the meeting which begins the 14/11!

Happy whale regards valleB