👑Hello there dear guild member👑
The semester is about to start again (yippie), which also means that the board meetings are finally starting.💥On Tuesday (September 3rd) it's time at 17.15 in the LC.💥 The agenda for the meeting will be published on the website shortly.
New academic year means new guild members (yaaaay🥳)! I understand that the last week has been packed with info for all of you, but here is a list of some things that might be good to know about the guild's board and board meetings<3.
The board is the section's highest decision-making body after the guild meeting
The board usually consists of nine members: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Board President and four board members.
The board meetings usually take place every two weeks in our room LC. Notices can be found on the website.
It is free to submit motions to the board meetings. This is done by emailing the motion to preses@fsektionen.se absolutely no later than Saturday at 15.00 the week before the board meeting. If you submit a motion, you must attend the meeting to present your motion, and if this is not possible, you should send another person to present it for you.
All members may attend the meetings, but only the Executive Committee has the right to vote and therefore the sole decision-making power at these meetings.
If you have more questions about how board meetings work, you might find your answer here: https://fsektionen.se/dokument/692.
And if you have any other questions, just send an email to any of us on the board. You can find all contact info at the website❤️
Hope we will see you there,
🧡The Board🧡