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Spring Election 2025

Closing in:

Read more about the election here


Ellen Boström 18:25, 23 Mar 2025

Hello everyone! The time has come for another clearing of cups!
We have put all cups on the counter in Hilbert as well as on a table in the south wing.
Find your mug and hang it up again!
On friday LV2 (the 4/4) we will remove any leftover mugs.

Greetings from the café!

Reminder: Masters mingel representative

Samuel Eriksson 12:03, 25 Mar 2025

Have you started your specialization? Then next Thursday, April 3rd, you can get FREE food and help younger students find their way.
It’s time for the specialization mingle, where students currently in a specialization will be available to answer questions about their specialization and courses. Therefore, we need specialization students to represent different specializations. The event runs from 18:00 to 21:00, but even if you can only attend for a short while, it is greatly appreciated.
Sign up below:

Game-night with @1337

Manne Mönster 19:12, 24 Mar 2025

Calling all gamers! 👾
Now the exam period is finally over. Is there a better way to enjoy than with games? Of course not. Therefore, we in @1337 invite all of you to MH for a wonderful game night this thursday 27/3, 18-21. There will be access to Just Dance, Mario Kart, Smash and for those of you that are more analog some boardgames, but if you want to play something specific please bring it.

If you have any questions about the event please contact the minister for culture Manne Mönster or mail

Motions and registration for food at the section meeting

Elina Kazemi 16:16, 24 Mar 2025

Hello everyone!

I hope tentaP has treated you well and you are ready for LP4.🍀 The section meeting is approaching rapidly. The motions are posted on the website and can be found at the section meeting forum.🌱 Some examples of the motions are; cooperation with arms companies, introduction of SÅS-maestro as a volunteer position and the volunteer medal.🌿 The agenda will be published on March 30 at the latest and with it the board's motion responses and proposals.🧚 Also, don't forget to register in the F-app for each day you intend to attend the meeting in order to receive free food. The deadline for registering for the food is April 1st.🪷

The board will be sitting in the café on Thursday at 10-13 primarily for the purpose of giving you the opportunity to ask and/or express your opinion on the motions and the meeting agenda.🧃 However, other questions and opinions are of course welcome. And as always, there will be coffee but also ....... POPCORN🍿!!!!

I would also like to remind you that the F04 board meeting is tomorrow and everyone is welcome.🦚 The meeting documents include; ratification of the president's decision regarding the purchase of music stands and music software, motion regarding bubbly for the full-time session and motion regarding representation costs.

Have a great LP4🫎
🧡🧡The Board🧡🧡

The Council


Samuel Eriksson 12:00, 24 Mar 2025

During lunch on Thursday, March 27th, you finally have the opportunity to talk about your program directly with those in charge of it—the program leadership. Do you think some courses are completely crazy? Do you feel like something is missing from your program? Was everything better in the past? All these burning questions and more will finally be answered.
The first 60 participants will also receive a FREE and exclusive sandwich from “Moroten och Piskan”. No sign up is required. (There are also a few vegan sandwiches)
The event will be held in a panel format with a set discussion agenda, but you only need to speak up to add topics. It is divided by program leadership, so FPi will be in MH:G, and Nano in MH:R. You are also very welcome to drop in during lunch. If you are in MFOT or MMSR, you should go to MH:G, and if you are in the Nanoscience Master, you should go to MH:R.
If you want to be first on the agenda, you can already email your point to

Lunch lecture with Swedish Peace- and Arbitration Society - Swedish Arms Exports

Alicia Ahlgren 10:08, 24 Mar 2025

The issue of arms exports can evoke strong emotions. The Swedish defense industry represents a significant part of the Swedish economy and allows us to send weapons to Ukraine. At the same time, many may be skeptical about companies profiting from conflicts. How does Swedish arms export work? What are the laws and regulations, and who ultimately makes the decisions? Who are the biggest recipients of Swedish arms exports? Does Sweden sell weapons to warring countries and dictatorships? The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society is an organization that, for over a hundred years, has been convinced that conflicts can be resolved without violence and that wars can be prevented. Sign up using the link below and come to Kåraulan for lunch on April 1st and learn more about the facts and perspectives on Swedish arms exports (the lecture will be held in Swedish). The TLTH Sustainability Committee will provide lunch! 🥳

Everyone is welcome but for free lunch there are limited spots available🔥

NOTE: This is an event by the TLTH’s sustainability committee and is available for all guilds.

More news

Subscribe for the F-guilds weekly newsletter which is sent out every week of studies.


Want to submit a post to Weektorn? Send it to Minister of Truth - Albin before Sunday at 17.

You can also read Weektorn here.

Listen to the F-guild's podcast here! Questions and comments about the podcast can be sent to Minister of Truth - Albin

You can also listen to Hilbert's Corner here on Spotify.

Please contact us using this contact page, or by visiting the guild's board room, located at the first floor of the Math house.

Visit address

Sölvegatan 18, 223 62 Lund

Post address

F-sektionen inom TLTH
Box 118, 221 00 Lund