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Introduction volunteer


How exciting that you want to get involved in the most fun event of the year, the Introduction 2024!
Below, we've briefly summarized what the different voluntary positrons entail. What we think is important and what we expect from our introduction volunteers. If you’re unsure of anything just let us know, we’re happy to answer any questions!

Here is the presentation from the english info meeting:

When applying for a volunteer position, it is important to understand that you will be asked to put in the time it takes. We want you to keep that in mind and be willing and eager to help out. The idea, of course, is not for everyone to be at everything, things can happen and everyone needs to rest, but think twice before you apply.

Group mentors
In the spring there are a couple of education sessions and some fun events. We also encourage you to hang out with your group on your own so that you get to know each other and create a great group from the start.

During the Introduction, you are expected to be involved throughout the period. This does not mean that you have to attend every single event, but as a group you should make sure that there are always a few mentors around for the mentees to turn to. This means many evenings and weekends.

Make sure you are able to answer questions and provide info.

What do we expect from you?
What the Introduction Committee expects is for you to be there. Working to make everyone feel welcome, comfortable and making friends. You'll be a safe point for the mentees. We also expect you to be in good contact with your fellow mentors and that you are flexible.

Extra important?
Work with your mentors to ensure that someone is always on hand and that everyone has time to be available when they need to.
Make sure you show that studying is important too!

Contact mentor
This means having closer contact with the Introduction Committee and relaying information between them and their fellow mentors. You can also be a point of contact to the other mentoring groups. In terms of time, this means the same as a regular mentor + one lunch meeting per week during the Introduction.

International Mentor
The same as a group mentor but for an international group of mentees, You will speak English with your group of mentors, both mentors and mentees. It is particularly important to introduce the international mentees to LTH, Lund and Sweden and to make them feel part of the F-section. The introduction starts about a week earlier for international students

Mission mentors
In the spring there are a couple of education sessions and some fun events. We also encourage you to hang out with your group on your own so that you get to know each other and create a great group from the start.
During the introduction you will be responsible for a building, practicing or craft night and hang out with mentees at a couple of sessions/other events starting in week 1.

Below is a list of missions that have been included in previous Introductions, but exactly which missions are included varies from year to year:

  • FLYING: All sections will go to Helsingborg with home-made flying vehicles and compete to get as close to Denmark as possible (one day we will get all the way there, we just know it).
  • The Introduction movie: The mission is to record a theme-accurate short movie which is then played for everyone on the last day of the introduction, before the Nollegasque. An Introduction movie mentor should have some movie making experience.
  • Nollesexet: The mission group gets to practice holding their very first sitting for the other mentees. The theme, the food, the drinks, everything is up to the mentees!
  • Revyn: The assignment is to create a themed Revy, with rewritten songs. It is performed on the last day of the introduction, before Nollegasque.
  • Regattan: Each mission group builds a boat in a theme-like style and competes against the other guilds on the lake, the goal being to sink the other guilds' boats.
  • Cheer: The group will create a cheer routine of about 3 minutes and then compete against the other guilds for the best routine during the Introduction weekend. On top of that, Cheer usually gets to participate in some other events and spread their joy! Their mission is to know as many guild chants as possible and shout them across campus.
  • Nollympics: the group gets to plan and organize an event with fun competitions for the other mentees. Here, only creativity limits what you can come up with.
  • The Balloon trebuchet: The mission team constructs a Balloon trebuchet, aka a catapult for water balloons. Guilds then compete in accuracy with their Balloon trebuchet, using the guild's own Introduction Committee as the target…
  • Boxcar: The mission is to build the finest, fastest, most stylish boxcar, and then show just how incredibly fast it is by competing on a track against the other guilds' cars.
  • Showdown: In the showdown mission, you'll get the chance to both stand on stage and craft whatever it takes to get the audience's attention! Here, all guilds compete against each other in a show with no lines, full of background music and effects, and lots of over-the-top acting. Lots of laughs and fun await, may the best section win! And as a bonus the show can't be more than 3.14 min long...
  • The Head of the Introduction Committee Obstacle Course: Each gouilds's mission team gets to build their own obstacle, which will then be assembled into an obstacle course for all the guilds Head of the Introduction Committee. On the day of the competition, you should of course be there to cheer on and support your Head of the Introduction Committee!
  • Waderloo: In the Waderloo mission, each guild builds its own monument in the theme of the introduction. Here, creativity is allowed to flow to create a real masterpiece, but the most important thing is that the monument is stable and durable as the last guild with standing monument is the winner! Be sure to protect the guilds monument and destroy the others, but don't be afraid to get a little wet along the way -Band: Together with the others in your group you will rehearse about three songs, and then play them live at a sitting.

In previous years, the timetable for completing the assignments has looked something like this:
End of lv1: FlyING
End of lv2: Obstacle Course, Cheer, Boxcar, Balloon trebuchet, Regatta, Waderloo, Showdown
End of lv3: Nollesexet and Nollympics
End of lv4: Nollegasquen when the Revue and the Nolle film are shown
Even after the mission is complete try to make sure the group hang out.

What do you do?
Gives the mentees a chance to meet more people from the guild in addition to the mentor group.
Carry out the goal of the mission, which might include building a boxcar, putting together a Revy or shooting a movie.

Extra important?
Try to get as many people as possible involved in the mission to create a great group! At the same time, many people might want to study and no one should feel forced to deprioritize studying!

What are the Extrafös and what do they mean?

  • Graphics Fös: works closely with the Fös on all the design needed for the Introduction. This includes logos, posters, badges for various events and sittings. It also includes design pieces for the introduction guide and the wall in the Hilbert room.
  • Colourfös: As a Colourfös, you will help us paint the Hilbert wall in the weeks leading up to roll call. Therefore, it is a requirement that you are in Lund approximately from the beginning of August. Then you will also paint our beautiful mark on the mark hill, hopefully, on a sunny day during the Introduction.
  • Sewingfös: They help the Introduction Committee to sew cloaks. Sewingfös also helps with accessories and details on the Introduction Committee's outfits. You will work on this in the spring. It takes a while to sew a cloak, so it's good if you keep that in mind.
  • Stortorgsfös: Helps to organize the Stortorgs dinner which takes place shortly after the end of the introduction. Mostly work after the introduction. It takes a lot of planning too, but that can be done when you have the time.
  • Campfös: Has the main responsibility for helping at and organizing the Camp. You will have to do some planning in the spring and then we expect the campfös to be available from 2 weeks before the start of the Introductions (so from lv. -2). Beneficial but not completely mandatory to have a driver's license.
  • Sittingfös: Organize one or a few sittings during the Introduction. Mostly work a bit before and during the Introduction.
  • Studyfös: Extra help to the mentees during the Introduction study evenings. Needed during the Introduction from lv. 1.
  • Falukorv: The Falukorv is the convener among the Hot dog fös. Their task is to distribute the work among the Hot dog fös during and before the various Introduction activities, as well as planning and ordering the food to be served.
  • Hot dog fös: Helps to cook and stand in the pub during various Introduction activities. Needed during the Introduction from lv. 0, possibly lv -1.
  • Filmfös: Helps to film the intro film which is shown to the mentees on their first day as well as the themed release film. The theme movie will be filmed in the spring, the intro film in August, so the filmfös needs to be in Lund for most of August. We need people who can film, direct, edit, etc.
  • Aftermoviefös: This is new for this year. Aftermoviefös will be at some events during the Introduction, film and then cut together to a great aftermovie. This is a real opportunity to use your creative side and use the tools and styles you want.
  • Webbfös: As a Webbfös, you help the Introduction Committee with everything that has to do with the fappen and the website. You work both in the spring to change the design/features of the fapp, but also during the Introduction if things go wrong with the fapp or the web. We have set a requirement that you are/have been spider- or superman.
  • Hatfös: A new role whose task is to take care of everything that has to do with the technologist hats. This includes holding a hat-fitting during the Introduction, ordering the hats, then placing them in the right place before the nollegasque.

To summarize, the following extrafös are needed at the following times:
Spring: graphics-, film-, sewing- and webbfös.
Summer/August and Lv 0: sewing-, colour-, graphics-, film- and campfös.
Introduction: Falukorv-, hot dog-, study-, web-, sitting- and hatfös.
Others are not as tied to a specific time. When you want to plan is up to you. However, the dates of the events are fixed.

What do you do as an extrafös?
A bit different depending on the job! But make sure you understand what it means when you apply and be prepared to put in the time it takes. If you have any questions, just ask us and we'll be happy to answer!

Extra important?
Good communication with the Introduction Committee and any other extrafös.
If you have any questions, just send us an email and we'll be happy to answer!

the Introduction Committee 2025! <3