The assembly will be held on the 18:th to the 20:th of November. To apply for or nominate to any of the volunteer positions that are elected during the assembly, go on over to the election page. Motions are sent to the secretary before the motion deadline, the 18:th of October.
The following dates and times apply to the spring guild assembly
18:th to the 20:th of November - the autumn guild assembly in MA7.
The meeting opens and resumes at 17.59 on all dates.
For more information on what the different events entail, see the calendar on the website.
If you have further questions about the meeting, please contact the board.
In the guild's service
The board 2024
This page is meant to showcase the various motions and projects that will be discussed during the assembly in order to facilitate feedback and input from other members of the guild.
If you'd like to publish your idea here, contact the board. Finished motions should be sent to the secretary prior to the motion deadline.
Proposition angående organisering av projekt och arbete
Proposition angående flytt av val av representanter till institutionsstyrelser
Proposition angående förtydligande av tack
Proposition angående avskaffandet av bytesfaddrar
Proposition angående revidering av Policy för företagssamarbeten
Proposition angående ändring av tack för kursombud
Proposition angående införande av Policy för ekonomisk hantering och sparande
Proposition angående antal valberedningsledamöter i stadgarna
Proposition angående förtydligande av utslagsröst
Proposition angående inkludering av masterprogram
Email if you want something translated to English.
|Motion angående inget undantag från vegetarisk mat på ordensmiddagen|Motionssvar|
|Motion införande av Pluggis|Motionssvar|
|Motion angående ny flaggdag|Motionssvar|
|Motion angående Jubeldespotens åligganden|Motionssvar|
|Motion angående budgetavsteg|Motionssvar|
|Motion angående avsägelser|Motionssvar|
|Motion angående arbetskläder|Motionssvar|
|Motion angående inköp av Server|Motionssvar|
|Motion om inrättande av Finans- och
konsultutskottet (FFK) vid F-sektionen|Motionssvar|
Here you will be able to find the agenda, minutes, nominations, and other fun stuff related to the meeting, in swedish. If you would like to get any of them translated contact the Board
Proposed meeting order for the autumn 24 guild assembly
Proposed agenda for the autumn 24 guild assembly
Nominations for the autumn 24 guild assembly
Candidature poster for the autumn 24 guild assembly
Documents for the extra autumn 24 guild assembly
2025 © F-guild at TLTH.
Controlling this web: Webmaster