Here you can find posts about everything that is guild related. Rapports from the council, past activities and small talk about everything that is orange.
Do you want to share your feelings and impressions from the last sittning? Do you have a bunch of tips about how you crush your next exam and want to share? Maybe you just need to vent?
Send an email to and your post will apear here sooner or later (don't be shy).
Since you all refused to take the advice in my last post (well done, I'm proud of you) it's time to give you a proper lesson in micro-room etiquette. It comes to you in the form of a list so that it will be even easier to absorb.
With these simple tips and tricks, I'm sure you'll never make a micro-room faux pas again.
food in microwave,
Miss von Tänen
In short, here is a list:
Anyway the most important tip is the last one:
I do not want to,
Miss von Tänen
If desired, the last post of the summer will be about pie.
On the whole, the conclusion is that everyone should eat more pie.
Miss von Tänen
Lund is quite empty in the summer. Especially central Lund on weekday evenings. And it does not help that the sun goes down so late. Empty bright streets and gentle winds that for once do not blow headwinds. Spoopy vibes. Would recommend.
But there are lots of things you can come up with even if you do not have a job, you can for example take a daily walk back and forth to the library to return the book you read that day and borrow a new one. Then you can spend about half an hour trying to argue to your friends that you actually have a life, it's just a little break, isn't that the whole point of summer? Or you can ... Uh ... There are probably a lot of things. A lot of things. Yep.
By the way, does anyone know what applies to playgrounds? As an adult, do you have as much right to swing on a swing as a child? Or should you jump off at speed and run in the other direction as soon as a child even looks in one direction ??? Should age discrimination in playgrounds or not ???? Need answers to cope with the summer.
On equally important tracks, we in the Ministry of Truth try to arrive at the truth about soup. The question at question is:
As a concept, is soup a good thing?
The correct answer is of course yes, but SOME committee members seem to have gotten it a little on their hind legs. (I do not mention names but email if you want to quarrel). So if you dear readers have any relevant opinion, we are more than happy to receive it by any e-mail that ends at @ Anything works. Preferably written in capital letters, but it is voluntary.
Summer and soup,
Miss von Tänen
Now you were surprised huh!? Didn't you think that you would get steaming fresh content even during the summer holidays? But then it will be! Because I asked a person (forgot who it was) if it was a good idea, and I THINK they said yes. So that was all I needed.
Today's post I would like to dedicate both midsummer and doing half-stupid things to make it a fun story. The ambitious can definitely make sure to combine the two and come up with something dubious tomorrow, but for those who want a little more traditional midsummer celebrations, I have composed a list of things you can come up with:
And concerning the second subject; just do it. Stop thinking. What is the worst thing that can happen lol. You are young, shave your hair (recommended), get a tattoo, flirt through life, create stupid things, do what you wanted to do but do not dare. What are you waiting for. The pension? Fucking tit.
Summer is young,
Miss von Tänen
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