The F-guild currently consists of around 950 members who are talented students from the highly regarded master's degree programs in Engineering Physics, Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Nanoscience.
Our students are primarily educated in general, technical problem solving with a broad and varied base in areas such as physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, medicine, materials technology as well as systems and computer science. The students are trained in the ability to familiarize themselves with new and different problems. This could be interesting for diverse organizations and companies that value flexible employees.
The F-guild's business relations committee work with the goal to provide their students with insight into their future labor market as well as connections with potential employers. If you are interested in marketing yourself for or want to get in touch with our students, please refer to the following links:
Our offers Contact usBelow you will find information about the specializations offered in our programs.
Engineering Physics : This is the first engineering programme started at Lund University. Students undergo extensive education and receive deep theoretical as well as experimental knowledge in mathematics, physics in addition to technical subjects such as mechanics, control engineering and electronics.
Specializations :Engineering Mathematics: This is the program where students study more mathematics compared to any other engineering program. The program is unique in Sweden and is characterized by the motto "Mathematics as a form of technology". The strong mathematical foundation combined with data- and system scientific knowledge enables students at this programme to develop an incredible expertise within their selected field of specialization.
Specializations:Engineering Nanoscience: Nanotechnology is a key area for the future of Swedish industry and the students of the program recive hiqh quality interdisciplinary education in areas such as medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, material science and electronics. In addition to gaining a strong specialist competence, the students also learn to bridge the boundaries between traditional areas of knowledge.
Specializations:2025 © F-guild at TLTH.
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