Here you can find posts about everything that is guild related. Rapports from the council, past activities and small talk about everything that is orange.
Do you want to share your feelings and impressions from the last sittning? Do you have a bunch of tips about how you crush your next exam and want to share? Maybe you just need to vent?
Send an email to and your post will apear here sooner or later (don't be shy).
This weekend marked the end of the summer vacation… at least for us members of the board. We had different activities scheduled ranging from briefings of the guild’s regulatory documents and economics as well as exercises in group dynamics. We also decided to take more pictures of what happens behind the scenes during guild activities.
After a many hours of discussions we had a nice meal with good drinks,. All in all it was a fun and educational weekend and we are looking forward to the intruduction period and the coming semester. Tomorrow is the beginning of an unbelievable adventure and we can’t wait to get started!
See you around,
The board of the F-guild
They forgot to translate me ;(
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