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All news

Masters mingel participant

Samuel Eriksson 17:37, 27 Mar 2025

Are you about to start your specialization but don’t even know where to begin? Or are you just curious about what the future has to offer?
On Thursday, April 3rd, there will be a specialization mingle from 6–9 PM, where you’ll have the chance to talk to those who have already started their specializations and learn what they have to offer.

The event will take place at Hilbert Café, and food will be served—specifically, pasta salad.

Food is available at cost price for participants, and registration is required to guarantee a meal. Registration is now open and closes on April 1st at 12:00 PM. You can register via the F-app.
If you instead want to represent a specialization and get free food, see the link in the previous post.

Afterparty tickets for The Spring Ball

Albin Kårlin 16:13, 27 Mar 2025
Hello dear guild! 🎉💫

The most magical night of the year – the ball – is almost here! ✨💃🕺 We’re so excited, and we hope you are too!! 😍🎶 If you or someone you know didn’t manage to get a ticket, it’s not too late – we’re releasing 100 extra tickets for the afterparty (from 00:00 to 03:00) 🎉🍾. At the afterparty, Klubb Kadaver will bring amazing music and great vibes 🎧🔥, so you definitely don’t want to miss it! 💥

And guess what? All members of the student union are welcome, so bring your friends from other sections and come enjoy a fantastic night at AF-borgen! 🏰💫 It’s going to be a night to remember! 🌟

Excited greetings from the Ball Committee

Application nano trip to Aarhus

Ester Hagberg Kuylenstierna 11:53, 27 Mar 2025

Here comes some info from the project group organising the the trip to Nanorama in Aarhus:

Hello all nanostudents!

Here is an update on the Nanorama event in Aarhus that you were informed about earlier this year. Nanorama has invited nano students from Sweden and Norway to celebrate the organization's anniversary together in the second week of May! This means a week of different activities such as guest lectures, pub crawls, sittings and lots of other fun!

Our names are Kajsa and Julia and we are the ones organizing this trip. We are sending you a non-binding registration form where we want some input on how you want to shape the trip. In the form, you will be asked to fill in a reason why you want to go, but this question will only be used in case of lack of space. There is room for 8 nanostudents from Lund. Last day of application is 4/4.

We hope you are excited about this and want to join us for a fantastic week in sunny Denmark!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact one of us at

Important info before the section meeting

Elina Kazemi 10:40, 27 Mar 2025


Here is a summary of some things to be aware of before the section meeting:
⭐️ meeting agenda: the board's draft for the meeting agenda is published. It contains our proposal for rules during the meeting
⭐️ the agenda: will be published this Sunday at the latest. It contains the order of the items to be discussed.
⭐️ the meeting documents: will be published a few days before the section meeting. It contains all the documents such as motions, motion responses and proposals. Motion responses will also be published continuously during the next week on the section meeting forum.

Don't forget to register in the F-app for each day you intend to attend the section meeting to get free food. The deadline for registration is April 1st. Please note that you need to bring your own cutlery and lunch box. Otherwise, it is possible to buy disposable items for 10 kr.

With love 🫎
🧡🧡The Board🧡🧡

Ticket release Tandem

Hugo Lindblom 18:16, 26 Mar 2025

Hey all Tandem enthusiasts!
This Friday, you can finally secure your spot for TANDEMSTAFETTEN!! The ticket release will take place through a small treasure hunt, where it’s first come, first served to claim a spot. Keep an eye on Mattermost this Friday at 12:55 – you don’t want to miss this! (You should make it to your 13:15 appointments)
You can register both yourself and a cycling buddy if you want. Registration is binding, but since the number of spots is finalized based on the registrations, we cannot guarantee everyone a spot. So, first come, first served!
The estimated price is around 1500 kr, which includes everything from the bus, meals for the weekend, kickoff, Pedalborg, a spinning session at Gerda, and much more!
So, get your fastest bike and your speediest cycling shoes ready – we’ll see you on Friday at a secret location…
Roll fast,
Your Tandem Generals, Saga & Hugo 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

Minecraft server with D-guild

Emma Kendrin 17:10, 26 Mar 2025

What's up gamers!? 😎🎮
In collaboration with D-guild, we have the honour to announce that a Minecraft-server opens this monday!!! 🥳🥳

The address is and to get whitelisted, write your minecraft username in F-guild's discord server in the channel minecraft-whitelist (if you don't have Discord, write to me or someone else in @1337 and we'll solve access!) 🔥

If you haven't joined the F-guilds Discord server yet you can join through this link:

The rules are as follows: 
• Don't break someone else's builds
• No insults 
• Respectful language 
In other words, be nice and take care of each other regardless of section affiliation and everything will work out fine 🧡🩷 
If you feel that someone is not following the rules, let us know! 

Hope you are as excited as we are and that we'll see you in the cubist world next week ⬛

//Your Minecraft-excited Kirbygang 🎮👾

PS. Don't forget the @1337 game night this Thursday, bring all your friends and enemies 🥰

Change of date for the board sits in the café

Elina Kazemi 08:35, 26 Mar 2025


Change of date for the board sitting in the café. We will be sitting in the café this Friday at 10-13 primarily for the purpose of giving you the opportunity to ask and/or express your opinion on the motions and the meeting agenda. However, other questions and opinions are of course welcome. And as always, there will be coffee but also ....... POPCORN🍿!!!!

See you then🫎
🧡🧡The Board🧡🧡

Reminder: Masters mingel representative

Samuel Eriksson 12:03, 25 Mar 2025

Have you started your specialization? Then next Thursday, April 3rd, you can get FREE food and help younger students find their way.
It’s time for the specialization mingle, where students currently in a specialization will be available to answer questions about their specialization and courses. Therefore, we need specialization students to represent different specializations. The event runs from 18:00 to 21:00, but even if you can only attend for a short while, it is greatly appreciated.
Sign up below:

Game-night with @1337

Manne Mönster 19:12, 24 Mar 2025

Calling all gamers! 👾
Now the exam period is finally over. Is there a better way to enjoy than with games? Of course not. Therefore, we in @1337 invite all of you to MH for a wonderful game night this thursday 27/3, 18-21. There will be access to Just Dance, Mario Kart, Smash and for those of you that are more analog some boardgames, but if you want to play something specific please bring it.

If you have any questions about the event please contact the minister for culture Manne Mönster or mail

Motions and registration for food at the section meeting

Elina Kazemi 16:16, 24 Mar 2025

Hello everyone!

I hope tentaP has treated you well and you are ready for LP4.🍀 The section meeting is approaching rapidly. The motions are posted on the website and can be found at the section meeting forum.🌱 Some examples of the motions are; cooperation with arms companies, introduction of SÅS-maestro as a volunteer position and the volunteer medal.🌿 The agenda will be published on March 30 at the latest and with it the board's motion responses and proposals.🧚 Also, don't forget to register in the F-app for each day you intend to attend the meeting in order to receive free food. The deadline for registering for the food is April 1st.🪷

The board will be sitting in the café on Thursday at 10-13 primarily for the purpose of giving you the opportunity to ask and/or express your opinion on the motions and the meeting agenda.🧃 However, other questions and opinions are of course welcome. And as always, there will be coffee but also ....... POPCORN🍿!!!!

I would also like to remind you that the F04 board meeting is tomorrow and everyone is welcome.🦚 The meeting documents include; ratification of the president's decision regarding the purchase of music stands and music software, motion regarding bubbly for the full-time session and motion regarding representation costs.

Have a great LP4🫎
🧡🧡The Board🧡🧡

The Council