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Extra election for Representative of the International Affairs Committee! 🌏

Samuel Eriksson 13:26, 2 Jul 2024

Happy summer, ☀️

The Student Council is looking for more World Champions! As a World Champion, you are responsible for exchange students, both those coming here and those leaving. This involves informing guild members about opportunities for studying abroad and ensuring that international students within the guild feel welcome. Additionally, you will work with other guilds as the guilds’s representative in TLTH's International Committee and keep the Educational Council informed about its activities. 🦉

To apply or if you have questions, please email The extra election closes 12th of July.

Sunny regards,
The Educational Council

Thanks for VT24 and happy midsummer

Victor Rasmussen 18:11, 20 Jun 2024

Hello dear guild, members and other F-Fans! 🧡🧡

After an Flourishing spring, Full of commitment and fun, I hope that all you Fabulous F:ers Have a fantastic summer as you have earned. I would like to thank you for this semester and wish you all a pleasant midsummer.

To those of you who have taken your long-awaited exam, I would like, from the entire guild, to extend an extra big thank you for your time at the guild. There are many of you who, through countless hours of hard work, have been involved in laying the foundation for the activities we university youngsters today have the opportunity to enjoy. You will always have a place in the guild’s heart and I hope that you will also carry F in yours. Good luck out there in the big wide world!

To those of you who have Fought through another year, but who have not quite reached the finish line yet, I say instead: Enjoy the sun, get some much-needed rest and recharge for the fall again. Together we will make sure that F continues to Flourish and be Sweden's best guild!

Have a great summer 💐💐

Hugs and kisses,
Victor Rasmussen

TLTH is looking for department representatives!

Ludvig Wadenbäck 16:38, 14 Jun 2024


Congratulations on (hopefully) surviving another term. 🎉 With the term ending, you might have a lot of opinions about some of the courses. In that case I have the perfect opportunity for you. Teknologkåren is looking for student representatives for the departmental boards. You can apply to any department, but we are primarily looking for F students for the following departmental boards:

  • Centre for Mathematical Sciences 🧮
  • Department of Physics 🧲
  • Computer Science 💻

Departments are the organ responsible for courses. 🫀 It is the task of the departmental representative to convey the students' opinions to the department through meetings with the departmental board, which is the main decision-making body within the departments. For example, the departmental board of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences implemented the change in math exams with a higher-grade part, where the number of higher-grade questions were decreased but obtaining enough points in the passing-grade part gives a higher-grade point. You can also implement these types of changes by being a departmental representative. 😎

If you are interested, email me at

Have a lovely summer,

The Educational Council 🦉

Election international mentors

Linnea Sartorius 17:06, 13 Jun 2024

Hi there lovely guild! I hope you all have a nice summer thus far.

We are currently looking for additional international mentors to our amazing mentor group, preferably 3-4 more. As an international mentor you get to attend all events that a group mentor do and some more. You get the chance to introduce Lund and Sweden to a group that will really appreciate it, and maybe learn a thing or two yourself. Here comes some answers to questions you might have:

When do I have to be back in Lund?
The international mentors have to be back 21/8, only two days before the other mentors. We then get to meet the mentees on thursday 22/8.

What events do the international group get to attend more than the usual introduction events?
We are working with other guilds to have a sittning at a nation, pubs and so on specifially for international students:)

Will I become part of the group of co-mentors if I get elected now?
It is of course hard to predict, but your co-mentors are looking forward to new additions to the group and will do their best to make everyone feel included. You will then meet the day before meeting the mentees to get some practical info and meet each other. Then, after having met the mentees and having attended the kickoff for all mentors on friday, I’m convinced it is gonna be great.

I applied for mentor earlier this year, do I need to get interviewed again?
No, if you’ve already attended an interview you only need to fill out the form below. All that have not previosly applied will be offered a zoom interview.


The election will be open until Thursday 20/6. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to E-mail me at


Cofös Linnea

Election meeting

Frida Liliequist 12:16, 3 Jun 2024

🌷Happy summer dear guild🌷

On Wednesday at 18.00 it is finally time for the board to vote in new volunteers for HT24! ⭐️

To see all the nominations, you can go to the meeting documents, which you can find here:

Some of the nominations have been changed from those posted on the board in MH, including for archivist. It is the nominations that are in the documents that the board will go after❤️‍🔥

Hope everyone has a great summer and see you in the fall,

🧡The Board🧡

Don't forget to fill out your CEQ-surveys

Ludvig Wadenbäck 11:00, 1 Jun 2024

Hello everyone!

Hope your exam period has gone well. It has yet again become time to fill out the CEQ-surveys. This time, The Students' Educational Council unfortunately can't give out coffee and candy, but you will still get a chance to win in the CEQ-lottery.

CEQ-surveys helps us make your courses better for all future students. If you think that the survey takes too long to fill out, I can tell you that all questions are not obligatory and half an answer is better than no answer at all. The most important fields are the open text fields for when we have meetings with your teachers.

Have a wonderful summer,
The Students' Educational Council

The facilities committee signing off

Pontus Lindberg 15:47, 26 May 2024

The summer is finally here. Except for all wonderful things that brings, there are also some sad news. The Facilities Committe dives deep into dormancy. You can no longer count on being able to rent equipment or the car during summer. It might be possible, but don't count on it. Contact us on any contact channel if you have any questions!

Tools however! You can borrow those for the majority of summer thanks to Leo Leppe Hot Stuff. Just write to

The Facilities Committee will be back after summer of course, then with my very competent successor Wilhelm behind the wheel. That's it for me, see you around!

Apply to become a full-timer!

Pontus Thuresson 07:21, 20 May 2024

Message from teknologkåren!
Do you want the most fun, best, and most rewarding year of your life? Become our colleague!
We are next year's full-timers and we're on the lookout for our colleagues! Whether you need a break from your studies, a new community, invaluable experience, or new friends, apply to be a full-timer!
Come to the Council Meeting in Hollywood at 17:15 on Tuesday 21/5!
Positions available:
Secretary general
Head of Educational Advocacy
Head of Internal Educational Affairs
Head of External Educational Affairs
More information about the positions is available on the website!

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Filling of färgfös

Lovisa Werselius 17:36, 17 May 2024

We are announcing the filling election of Färgfös.

The Färgfös paints the introduction wall and the introduction badge in the badge tray. You need to be in Lund from the beginning of August. Färgfösen is responsible, with the help of the introduction commissioner with design responsibility, for the schedule of the painting.

The selection will be open until Monday 20/5. You apply by filling in the form:

Happy weekend
Föset <3

Hjalmar Svensk 12:03, 15 May 2024


This Friday at 12.15 in the MH foyer the von Tänen Editorial Staff are releasing their last issue. Witness the end of our reign - an era of funny articles and comically bad design. Enjoy the pre-exam-period-period by reading in the Spring sun and chatting with the von Tänen-crew. See you then!

von Tänen forever!
/The Editorial Staff

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