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All news

The board sits in the café

Frida Liliequist 11:52, 17 Apr 2024

🌷Hello there dear guild🌷

On Friday between 10 and 13, the board will finally sit in the café again! This week's theme is the extra inserted guild meeting, but just as usual, you are free to talk to us or ask questions about the guild in general;)💐🌸🌼

Yesterday we had our fifth board meeting, and some of the decisions taken were to:

  • Approve this year's equality and sustainability plan.
  • To give the deputy head of festivities, chef, head waiter, pub manager, reisemeister, introduction committee commissioner, and introduction committee commissioner with accounting responsibility permission to sign out the car key to the F-älgen.

The next board meeting will take place on Monday, May 13, 17:15 in LC!

🧡The board🧡

Merch just became more sustainable, cheaper and more fun!

Pontus Lindberg 18:12, 16 Apr 2024

How the fuck have we accomplished this you wonder? Well with our most recent investment of course: t*he F-printing workshop*! Here’s how it works:

You bring any piece of clothing. Preferably, something from your closet or from second hand. You bring it to The Hilbert Room on thursday 25/4 between 11 and 14 o’clock. You meet up with us where we will be hanging out and attentively listening to your own, customized order where you pick your own motive, size and placement. Let your creativity flourish! Your piece will be returned to you about 2 weeks later with the print attached.

So, what can you print? Well actually, almost anything! We have made some new banger designs and gathered some old that everybody recognizes, but nothing is stopping you from proceeding with your own.

Hopefully, you are totally sold right now. That gives me the perfect opportunity to tell you about the limitations: your piece of clothing won’t be able to be washed warmer than 40 degrees, and the garment has to be cotton.

We have tested this thoroughly, but this is still completely new to us, and there is a risk that the print won’t react to all pieces the same way. Your piece might become discolored, and the print might come off after a couple of washes. In such a situation, you will of course be refunded for the print, but still don’t use any clothes that you are very careful with.


  • Fill an A4: 100 SEK
  • Fill an A5: 60 SEK
  • Fill an A6: 40 SEK

PS: a hot tip is that we, even though it is not made of cotton, have been very successful in printing on the F-guild backpack (and the bucket hats, if you for some reason own one of them).

PPS: I have attached a small sneak peak of our new designs <3

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Specialization mingle

Ludvig Wadenbäck 13:30, 16 Apr 2024

For 4th and 5th graders further below.

Hello! On monday there will be a specialization mingle (22/4 17:00-20:00). The event is mostly for 3rd graders, but everyone is welcome.

If you are unsure about which courses to choose or what specialization to take, this is a prime opportunity. You will be able to ask questions about courses and specializations. (good) Food will be purchaseable for 20 sek.


We still need more 4th and 5th graders to be able to represent all specializations, so register! If you know any other 4th and 5th graders, tell them to register. Don't be afraid of registering to a specialization that someone else has already registered for, I will send out who should come in the weekend.

Link to the form:
(If your specialization is missing, then someone has already registered for it)


Frida Liliequist 17:56, 15 Apr 2024

⭐Hello dear guild⭐
The board can happily announce that the extra guild meeting will take place at 17.59 on Tuesday, May 7th! You will find the invitation here:
Then the elections that were postponed at the ordinary guild meeting will be dealt with, i.e. all presidents of the educational council as well as members of the nomination nommittée and deputy members of the nomination nommittée.
In addition, the election of the webmaster will be dealt with then, as the motion to move the election of the webmaster was approved at the regular guild meeting.
If you have a motion that you want to submit, the last day to do so is April 22nd.
🧡The Board🧡


Tova Franvin 18:10, 14 Apr 2024

@leets are finally introducing the F-guilds's very own chess tournament!! WOOOHOOOoo how exciting!! 🦁🦾

To sign up, click the link below:

We have acquired two beautiful chess boards, the matches are planned to take place in MH with 10+5 minutes of playing time per player. The exact format of the tournament will be announced later, but it will involve group stages followed by knockout rounds. Kind of like how the ping pong tournament usually goes.

The first matches can be played starting from Monday next week, April 22nd. The final match is a few weeks ahead.

The winner of the tournament will also get to face the guild's very own International Master, Milton Pantzar!!💨🙌

Join in, and together we can create F-history.♟️🟧

// Your hyped @leets

Lunch lecture by Lingotion.

Hampus Green 12:10, 14 Apr 2024

Hi everyone!

On monday the 22/4 we welcome the founder of the startup-company Lingotion to hold a lunch-lecture in MH:G. Here is a short presentation from the company:

We are providing lunch to present Lingotion, an exciting startup in Lund working with
generative AI in the video game industry. Lingotion is looking for 3 newly graduated
engineers, or students at the end of their education – to build the company’s
research and development group from the ground up. This group will become the
core of the company's future product development. The startup is based on research
and prototype work carried out by the tech serial entrepreneur Andreas Rodman,
who will present the company followed by a Q&A session.
22 April 12:15 Gårdingsalen

The lecture will be held in english and you can sign up in the app from 14:00 to get a free hilbert sandwitch, see you there!

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Election of Överför and Aftermoviefös

Lovisa Werselius 17:03, 12 Apr 2024

The Introduction Committee announces the election of Överförare and the filling of Aftermoviefös.

To be Överför means that you are responsible for convening Föret during the introduction, you plan För events and you will also be the contact between Föret and the Introduction Committee.

As an Aftermoviefös you get to participate in various events during the introduction to film and then make an aftermovie.

The election closes Monday 15/4. Email if you want to apply for any of the positions.

Lunch lecture with Sveriges Ingenjörer

Max Larsson 08:49, 12 Apr 2024

Next week on wednesday 17/4, Sveriges Ingenjörer will come to the F-guild to give a lecture on how to create a professional resumé in order to land your dream job. Registrations opens today, friday at 12:00. Don't miss the opportunity to also get personal guidance on how to improve your own resumé in Alumnirummet after the lecture
Participants will receive a classic Hilbert sandwich.

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Fix-anything with the Facilities committee

Pontus Lindberg 12:23, 9 Apr 2024

The Caretakers have broadened their horizons. They no longer only want to take care of your bikes, but all of your belongings! Some examples:

  • Fix holes in clothing (we have sewing machines!)
  • Swapping out broken cables and contacts (in charges for example)
  • Replacing built-in phone batteries that have started getting tired
  • Repairing furniture
  • Tape and glue broken course books
  • Still bikes!

Take this opportunity to save on both money and environment!

Some repair jobs require special components and parts. Therefore, please send an email to where you explain what you want to do beforehand so that we can investigate whether something needs to be purchased until then.

If this seems interesting, meet us somewhere in MH (probably the foyer) on the 23rd of april at 16:00!

Cleaning day in MH - 21 April

Victor Rasmussen 17:23, 3 Apr 2024

Honor Hilbert Moose's death anniversary with some spring cleaning in MH.

Each committee will have its area of responsibility, so all volunteers are more than welcome to come and help!!!

The board fixes food at cost price, aaand we will grill!!!!
Sign up in the F-app to be guaranteed food!

It will be a nice hangout for everyone who wants to!

Huggs and kises,
the board

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