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All news

Deadline booking mentor interviews

Lovisa Werselius 11:09, 18 Feb 2024

Hello Guild!

Hope you all have a nice weekend. We in the Introduction Committee are now in the middle of the interview process and wanted to turn to you who have applied for a mentor (group, mission, international).

Almost all time slots for mentor interviews are booked up. If you have applied for mentor, but have not had time to book an interview, email us at no later than Tuesday the 20th of February at 23:59, and we will make sure to find a time.

Have a nice Sunday,

The Introduction Committee < 3

von Tänen release!

Hjalmar Svensk 15:48, 15 Feb 2024

Boom! the von Tänen Editorial staff are releasing a new issue of von Tänen this friday! We will be in the MH-foyer from 12.15 to 13.00. New for this release is a crossword competition. The first one to show us a completed crossword will get a price(and honor). Read the issue and hang out with us!
NOTE! Because we have a limited amount of issues we implore you to only BORROW von Tänen during lunch. We want as many people as possible to be able to read our magazine. ❤
See you soon
/ the Editorial Staff

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The board sits in the café<3

Frida Liliequist 19:12, 14 Feb 2024

🌛Good evening all stars🌜!

Do you have an idea for a change that you've always wanted to push through in the Guild? If so, you have the perfect opportunity to put it forward and discuss it with us on the board, as we will be sitting in the café on Friday between 10am and 1pm!

Already as soon as February 27th there is a motion stop for the spring meeting, so it is high time for you section members to start your motions already now! and we in the board are of course happy to help you with this, so come by on Friday so that we can help you present your motion in the best possible way:) And of course we offer coffee and POPCORN! 🍿🍿🍿

Hope to see you,
The board🧡

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Teacher of the Year 2024

Ludvig Wadenbäck 13:20, 14 Feb 2024

Hi all!

Are you taking a course with a particularly good teacher? Is the teacher extra good at inspiring and creating commitment? Or maybe he/she is very pedagogical and an awesome lecturer? Then make sure to nominate that teacher for the teacher of the year award at the F-guild! You can nominate via the form linked in this post and the nomination is open until Tuesday the 26th of February. After we have received all your nominations we will send a proposal for a winner which you can then vote on at the spring term meeting. Remember to write a good and detailed motivation because it is not only the number of nominations that is important but also how good motivations a certain teacher receives.

Link to teacher of the Year form:

Kind regards, the Students’ Educational Council

Info about the Equality plan workshop

Malte Callsen 21:04, 13 Feb 2024

Hello dear guild!

This Monday (the 19th) it's time for the guild’s equality plan workshop. Yay! Just like last year, ALL volunteers (that includes you) within each committee will discuss issues related to the committee's equality work, culture and stress management. The idea is that you as a committee member should be able to give input on last year's equality plan, and include what you think is important in the equality plan 2024.

We start by gathering in the foyer at 17:15 (..) for a short introduction, and then you will discuss in small groups (5-6 people) in each committee, in various places in and around MH. Finally, you will talk to the whole committee about what you have discussed. It is important that at least one person in each group writes down what you discuss, so bring a computer or similar.

We will offer coffee and cookies, but the discussions will probably take about 1-2 hours, so if you are going to get hungry - bring something to eat.

Finally, if you are in more than one committee, decide for yourself (or ask a friend) which one you think needs you the most!

Treat equally (or else <3)
LiBU 2024

Alumni pub cancelled

Samuel Berggren 16:05, 13 Feb 2024

The Stock game x Alumni pub has unfortunately been cancelled due to low interest.

Corporate relations committee
Heads of alumni relations and mentorship programme 2023

Gyckel interest form for Skiftesgasque 2/3!

Victor Liedberg 12:07, 12 Feb 2024

Yo yo, all post havers!! 📬📬

Skiftesgasque is fast approaching and the guild needs your most amazing gyckel desperately! Register your interest in the form below and we hope to see YOU on stage. (Wow how cool!)💃🕺

⚡The form closes 25/2 at 12:00⚡

the sing masters

Book your interviews!!

Lovisa Werselius 20:17, 9 Feb 2024

Hello Guild!!

Now it's time to book your interviews!

All of you who responded to the registration form have received an email with a link to the interview booking calendar. Mentor interviews and extrafös interviews take place on separate occasions.

Can't find an email? Check your spam or email us at

Make sure to book as soon as possible, the first interviews start already on Sunday the 11 of February.

The Introduction Committee < 3

Registration Skiftesgasque

Joar Gelin 12:00, 9 Feb 2024

Här kommer anmälningslänk till Skiftesgasque:

Anmälan är öppen till tisdag 13/2 kl 20:00.

Kom ihåg att betalning för dryckespaket kommer att ske via Zettle-betallänkar!

Alla som får plats på sittningen får ett mail med platsbekräftelse, se till att kolla er skräppost efter denna!!

Anmälan till evenemanget är bindande. Anmälda som ej dyker upp på eventet och ej har en reserv som kan ta ens plats är betalningsskyldiga för sitt dryckespaket. Detta är i syfte att minska matsvinn under evenemanget.

Under sittningen kommer en eller flera fotografer att närvara. Vill du inte vara med på foto så prata med dem.

Plats: Gasquesalen
Klädkod: Högtidsklädsel
Tid: Lördagen 2/3 17:30-23:00
Preliminärt pris för dryckespaket: 100 kr utan alkohol och 120 kr med alkohol.

PoK //Sexet24

Clearing of lost and found and song books

Pontus Lindberg 08:37, 9 Feb 2024

We recently spent time clearing the Guild’s facilities from forgotten items and clothes, including everything in the lost and found locker. There were plenty of stuff, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you suspect that you may have lost something. There have also been many song books stashed in SK lately. We have moved these as well, and you need to contact me to not loose them, should your book be amongst them.

Contact by 4/3-24. Otherwise, everything will be donated or thrown away.