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Frida Liliequist 19:28, 2 Feb 2024


Finally, the news you've all been waiting for, on March 26th the spring semester meeting will be held! And the election opens already tomorrow, February 3rd.

The Board🧡

The board sits in the café

Frida Liliequist 16:08, 30 Jan 2024

🏫🏠📚Good afternoon dear guild🏫🏠📚

Do you have opinions on how our guild premises should be used? Or do you have thoughts about MH's premises in general? Then you have a perfect opportunity to express these to us on the board on Friday when we sit in the café between 10 and 13!

Right now LTH is making an inventory of the need for premises on the entire LTH campus, and they are doing a survey to see if all study places meet their definition of what a study place is. With that said, if you have opinions regarding premises and study places, Friday is really a perfect opportunity to express them! And as icing on the cake, you get a cup of coffee. If you have other thoughts about the section in general, we welcome them too:)

Hope to see you,
🧡The board🧡

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Extra election for car foreman

Pontus Lindberg 08:19, 29 Jan 2024

Hello dear guild! I hereby declare the extra election for car foreman open. As car foreman, you will be responsible for the car on the logistical, mechanical, economical and spiritual plane. A perfect post if you are looking for a tad more responsibility, and want to be a part of the guild’s coolest Committee!

To candidate, or ask any questions you might have, send an e-mail to

Volunteer recruitment for the Introduction 2024

Lovisa Werselius 10:46, 27 Jan 2024

Dear Guild!
In February we will start recruiting mentors and extrafös.

Do you want to be a part of welcoming all the new students to the Guild, but don't know how? Then be sure to come to our info meeting at 12:15(..) in MH:G on Monday, February 5th or Tuesday, February 6th. The Tuesday meeting will be held in English.

On Thursday, February 8th, we will also be in the café between 11-14 and answer questions about the Introduction and the recruitment process.

The application form to be a mentor or extrafös is open from the first information meeting until Friday, February 9th, 13:00. More information about the application and the interview process will be published on the website and Facebook, so stay tuned.
You can find the details of the info meeting as an event in the F-app, or on Instagram @foset2024!

Hope to see you then!
-Föset <3

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FARAD - closing registration

Embla Lindahl 12:22, 26 Jan 2024

Dear Guild!

Registration closes at 17:00 tonight for the FARAD banquet, a fantastically enjoyable gathering for all students where a divine three-course dinner, refreshing drinks, lovely music and lively entertainment are offered. The banquet takes place on 1/2 at 19:00 and is a great opportunity to talk to company representatives or just have a lovely February evening with your friends, be there!

On the picture you will find the companies attending the fair. More information about the activities next week you will find on fappen or our F-guild's webcite!

Take the opportunity to sign up for a contact conversation with the company d-fine. D-fine is a consulting company that deals with i.a. quantum computers and quantum machine learning with a strong focus on sustainability. The talks take place during the fair day on 1/2 and are a great opportunity to talk to the company in private about employment, or just get a private presentation of the company.

Registration via the form below:

Here you can read about the position they are applying for, and the requirement profile for applicants:

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Tindra Palmér 17:07, 25 Jan 2024

It's time for the F-guild's annual career fair, FARAD!
On February 1st from 10 am to 4 pm, lots of interesting companies will be standing in the MH foyer to talk to students from all programs at the F-guild. Here you will have the opportunity to find your master's thesis, summer job, or just talk to potential future employers. The fair is for all members of the guild, from all programs and years, and it is a great opportunity to talk to companies that want you!!
NOTE: NO registration required for the fair

Get shadowed by a student

Pontus Thuresson 13:35, 25 Jan 2024

Here comes a message from get shadowed by a student at LTH:

Hello all LTH students!

Would you like to be shadowed by, for example, high school students and inspire them about our programs? Answer questions about studies, student life, accommodation, and perhaps help students choose their education! Sign up using the link below! :)

As a token of appreciation, LTH offers lunch in the form of lunch vouchers at Bryggan in IKDC, for each completed shadowing.
For more information about being shadowed as a student, please visit the link Alternatively, email your questions to

Fewer working shifts in Hilbert café

Emil Grunning 14:55, 24 Jan 2024

Hello, dear guild!
As you might have noticed have the working shifts from 10:00-13:00 been taken away from the website and the app. We cafémasters are sorry for this, but our sales are quite low right now and 4 workers per day isn't needed. We will put them back as soon as the sales goes up again. You are very welcome to come to the café and wish for sandwishes you and others would like to buy.
Hugs from the cafémasters

Force your friends to apply for ladybug on Mondays or Wednesdays!

Emil Grunning 22:47, 23 Jan 2024

Are you and (or) your friends interessted in keeping Hilbert café open on Mondays or Wednesdays? Come and talk with me (cafémaster Emil) in the café tomorrow. I will keep open between 08:00-13:16

🧡Meet the New Board🧡

Frida Liliequist 20:19, 23 Jan 2024

🌞🌻☀️Hello sunshine🌞🌻☀️
On Thursday between 10 am and 1 pm, the board will for the first time this year sit in the café and offer coffee. The only thing required to get a cup is that you have a question about the board, the committee or the guild's activities in general!

Since last time we have a new secretary, president, treasurer, vice president and three board members, so come and meet the new board!

Until next time,
The board🧡

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