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All news

Information regarding the guild meeting HT22

Erik Thylefors 16:10, 23 Oct 2022

I want to remind everyone that the guild meeting will be held from the 14th of November to the 17th of November in MA:7 and that the motion deadline is the 30th of October. The board have together with the Nomination committée, the chair of the guild meeting and the president of the Committée for Student equality made a proposal of the meeting order. If you wish to have a document regarding the guild meeting translated, contact me at

Hope all is well and good luck with the exams!
/Erik Thylefors, secretary 2022

Last day to register for the ski trip

Melker Georgson 17:05, 20 Oct 2022

Today is the last day to sign up for the ski trip.

  • Don't forget to pay the registration fee within three days of booking!
  • Remind friends that today is the last day to register so no one miss it Booking of accommodation will take place in a few weeks. There will be rooms of different sizes (4-6 people per room is most common) available. There will be an opportunity to pair up groups if you are 1, 2 or 3 thinking of going together.

Good luck with your exams!

The F-guild's Anonymous Contact Form

Nils Thorin 09:55, 19 Oct 2022

Hello dear guild!

Because of technical difficulties the anonymous contact form sadly has stopped working. The Webmasters are looking at solutions right now, and they can assure you that everything that has been sent there still is fully encrypted. The regular contact forms are still working as usual, but if you would like to contact someone anonymously (for instance the President of the Commitée for Student Equality or the Board) our suggestion would be to create an anonymous e-mail and use that one.
If something has happened, remember that you always can contact the President of the Commitée for Student Equality, who by law is bound by professional secrecy.

In the name of security and secrecy,
Nils Thorin, President

📸🍾 The photographers of the F-guild presents:

Eliot Montesino Petrén 14:22, 18 Oct 2022


Here comes one photo from the Nollympiad as a taste test and the rest of all the photos are available on the website and in the F-app.

Much pleasure! 🧡

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Gyckel sign up for the anniversary ball

Johan Furuhjelm 12:29, 18 Oct 2022

Hello hello!
The anniversary ball is approaching, and we want to see YOU on the big stage. (What an opportunity!)

You can now, and until October 29, register your interest in showing a gyckel via this link:

We will have high standards for gyckel during the ball.

Singing greetings,
The Singing People

New version of the F-app

Cajsa Thulin 18:25, 17 Oct 2022

Us Webmasters have now released a new version of all our favourite app, the F-app! What's new is:

• Now that the introduction period is over the app is redesigned in honor of our 61-year anniversary as a guild.
• You can now download pictures directly from the image gallery instead of screen shotting them or contacting the photographers. Something to note is that the images are quite large (for all your viewing pleasure).
• In the sign up for events, there is now a link to your account settings in order to easily be able to change your food preferences if necessary.
• More easter eggs = more fun! Make sure to poke around in the app in search of them, maybe the app will make a sound...
• The usual assortment of bug fixes is provided.

The app is now available on both android and apple

With great power comes many easter-eggs,
Your Webmasters


Vilma Ylvén 14:53, 14 Oct 2022

Read the new von Tänen here or in Hilbert café.

Hugs, von Tänen 🧡

Apply for Maestro in the Song Contest

Lisa Nilén 11:03, 14 Oct 2022

Hello hello!
There are still some unclaimed maestro posts! Without these, SåS will not be able to happen, and obviously no one wants that!
As a maestro, you’ll be responsible for a part of SåS. If you are a sex-maestro, for example, you get to try being a mini-”head of festivities” for around 1.5 months, and as a stage-maestro, you both get to be a part of writing the spex and direct it! Being a maestro is an opportunity to try a bit more responsibility for a shorter period of time, instead of committing to a whole year.
Come on, it's gonna be fun, apply!!!
Applicaion form (+ more info, only in Swedish unfortunately!!!!):
Hanna and Marcus, SåS-förmän

The board sits in Hilbert Café

Samuel Eklund 11:00, 14 Oct 2022

The board is now sitting in the café. Come by and have opinions!

Jubilee payment information

Erik Ivarsson 12:02, 13 Oct 2022

Everyone that has registered for the jubilee ball should have recieved an e-mail with instructions for payment and what information we need from you. Look in your junk mail aswell.

If you think that you should have recieved an email and haven't contact us at

We are also looking for people who would like to work with us during the jubilee, for example are we looking for Marshals during the ball. To register follow this link:

Here is a description of what a Marshall does during the ball.
Marshall: Keeps a good spirit during the ball, you recieve a 200 kr subvention. You attend the ball and have task as:

  • Prepare decor befor the ball.
  • Decorate the ball room and lay the tables on the day of the ball.
  • Part of the Welcome committé
  • Attend the ball but keep an extra eye on your table to ensure that everyone has a pleasent time.
  • Cleaning after the ball.

Best wishes the Jubilee committé