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All news

Sensation Red

Emma Ramne 18:46, 19 Sep 2022

On Wednesday 28/9 the M-Guild are hosting the afterparty SENSATION RED! The party is in Gasque and will have a DJ, light show and lots of red everywhere, and everyone at LTH is welcome! Tickets will be released at 12:15 on Monday 26/9 via the Entrie app. The Facebook event for Sensation Red can be found here:

Exchange studies mingle

Lisa Fredriksson 16:43, 19 Sep 2022

Hello everyone!
Friday the 14th of October the world masters will arrange an Exchange studies mingle for the students that are interested in going on exchange. We want to reach out to the Swedish students that has been on exchange and the international students that are in Sweden right now if they would like to share their experience. In the form you can fill in where you have been or where you are from together with what time you can attend.
Warm regards,
World masters (Linnea, Marisa, Linnea)

Nominations to Hilbert Elk scholarship is closing

Nils Thorin 13:01, 19 Sep 2022

Greetings dear guild!

We in the the scholarship committee want to remind all of you to send in nominations for Hilbert Elks scholarship.
The award is given to second year students who have helped improve the collective study situation, made the guild more pleasant or in another way gilded some aspect of your time at LTH. If you know anyone who fits this description send a nomination with a motivation via this form:
We will close the form at midnight!

Kind regards,
The Scholarship committee

New photo albums

Niamh McMullin 21:02, 18 Sep 2022

Hi beautiful people!
This week we've uploaded pictures from the Welcome Gasque, INGvasion, FAbellös and the sittning we had yesterday (part 1)! And the group photos from day 1 are coming tonight as well! Have a look! 🫶💗‼️
The Photographers

Kubb tournament and "pimp your ovve" with LiBU

Marisa Wodrich 13:34, 16 Sep 2022

Do you also have way too many patches piled up and too little time to sew them on? Do you feel like your ovve is not unique enough to match your unique personality? If so, come hang out with us in LiBU on Sunday! We will supply materials such as needles, thread, paint and other fun things you need to make your ovve the coolest on LTH! We will also hold a kubb tournament between the mentor groups, so do not miss your chance to be able to call yourselves kubb masters of the F-guild. Except eternal glory, a very nice price is promised to the winning mentor group. We will meet at 13 on the grass outside MH, and the kubb tournament will start at 14. Food will be served at a cheap price.
Love, LiBU <3

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Payment NolleGasque

Peter Stahre 16:07, 15 Sep 2022

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow Friday 17/09-22 12:00-13:30 the festivities committee will be recieving payment for the NolleGasque in the Hilbert corridor MatteHuset. In order to reduce the length of the queue so that we have time for everyone who wants to pay, we appreciate it if all mentors who have the opportunity collect payments in advance from the mentees and pay for them together .

If you do not pay for your place during this occasion, a reserve (if available) will take your place during the sitting.


CO2 levels in the Math Building

Nils Thorin 15:15, 15 Sep 2022

Now when the new term has begun and more and more people are in MH's halls you might have noticed that the air quality is poor where you are studying. You might be experiencing a headache or a need to open a window? If you either experience that, or see on the CO2-meter in the room that there is over 800 ppm, then use the following link to report it: The link can also be found under the tab Members on the web-page.

In the guild's service
Nils Thorin, President

FARAD project group

William Östlund 10:48, 14 Sep 2022

FARAD needs a project group in order to take place. Please apply. You get meeting coffee. It's also a great way to keep meeting people regularly after the introduction. You might even make friends for life.

If you are interested, you are welcome to come for an interview:
If none of the times suit you, you are welcome to contact me in any appropriate way.

Come on it will be fun :)

FARAD is a labor market fair that takes place at the end of January. I'm in charge ( :D ), but need people who can solve the details behind the fair. You can become part of that people now this autumn.

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Bicycle repair day Thursday 15 of september!

Daniel Fogelberg 13:53, 13 Sep 2022

The fixers will bring all you need to fix your bike, just in time for Triathlon with Triathlon!

Right outside MH during lunch the fixers will hang around with some tools to borrow along with lights and reflexes for sale. If you need any help with your bike we will do our best to help you, or show the best How To Fix Your Bike YouTube film. Come join us to ensure that your bike is ready for Triathlon with Triathlon!


Lisa Nilén 09:12, 13 Sep 2022

The summer is barely over and it's already time to plan this year's ski trip! Your athletes are super excited and curious regarding how many of you would like to join! Send this form if you are interested (non binding).
Where? Somewhere in the Alpes!
When? First week of study period 3 (around 16-22 Januari 2023)
A pleasure,
Your Athletes