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All news

The Board in the café and summary of the last Board Meeting (F01-HT22)

Aron Allen 19:51, 12 Sep 2022

On Friday between 13 and 15, the board will be sitting in the café, drop by if you have any reflections about how the guild operates, a change you want to see realized or suggestions on something the guild should purchase! If you want to see some examples of what we do and what members of the guild have asked us to do, a brief summary of the first board meeting (F01-HT22) follows below:

  • Several of our project groups reported regarding their work, everything from web 2.0, to the Hilbert Pub, environmental coordinator and our graphical profile.
  • The new board decided how much gratitude the last board are supposed to be given and we gave them the entire gratitude.
  • New medals and order band are getting bought to satisfy the guilds ceremonial needs.
  • 4 new Zettles were bought since the old ones were in need of replacement.

If you want more information, send us an email: All members of the guild are welcome to send in agenda items to and attend the Board meetings, the next one will be held tomorrow, 13/9, at 17:15 in LC.
Hope to see you there!
The Board through Aron Allen

The Autumn Election is now opening!

Emma Ekberg 18:09, 12 Sep 2022

It’s finally autumn and with that comes THE AUTUMN GUILD ASSEMBLY!
Today, the 12/ 9, is the election opening and it’s time to apply yourself or nominate a friend for all the volunteer positions that are being elected this autumn.
On the tab ”Val” on you will find all positions with more informations about them. Get ready for some sweet, sweet reading!!!

Best whishes from The Nominating Committee

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Naming of adopted wild moose

Aron Allen 17:44, 12 Sep 2022

Hello there in the timetogiveournewmoosenamesquare!
During the spring term meeting the guild decided to adopt a wild moose through the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences since our last moose, Hilbert Hella älg, passed away a few years ago. Because of this we need a name for our new moose. If you have any good suggestions please send it to us through the link below. Later on you will be able to vote for the name you prefer.
The board will remove names we find inappropriate.

All's well,
The board through Aron Allen

New photo albums!

Niamh McMullin 15:29, 12 Sep 2022

New week = new pictures!
Last week we uploaded pictures from the Overall Games, the Patch picnic and the Merch Sales! And today we uploaded the Welcome gasque and INGvasion❤️
Check them out 🤩‼️
The Photographers

FREE coffee and cookies

William Östlund 12:21, 8 Sep 2022

Free coffee and cookies in the MH lobby. The FARAD guy will be there. This will happen during Monday's lunch

On Monday 12/9, FARAD will stand in the foyer and offer coffee and cookies. (during lunch between 12 noon and 1 pm) Feel free to come by if you want. The idea is that we will talk about FARAD, but we can discuss other things if you prefer. Type the election result. Or you can take your coffee and go on your way. Welcome!
Link if you want to come to an interview for the project group. If the times do not fit and you are still interested, please contact me at

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Extra election for Deputy Head of Public Relations is closing the 12/9

Nils Thorin 11:25, 8 Sep 2022

Dear guild!
There is at least one candidacy for the extra election for Deputy Head of Public relations, and the election will thus close at 23.59 monday the 12/9. It still isn't too late to candidate, so if you are interested, send your candidacy to! For more info, se the earlier news post where the extra election was announced.

Everyone who registered has a spot at the Regattaphest!

Emma Ramne 10:51, 7 Sep 2022

Everyone who registered for the Regattaphest has a place at the party! You pay for your ticket today in the Hilbertcorridor 17:00-18:00. There are spots left so we will allow late registration until 18:00 today.

A message from the College of Presidents in consultation with the College of Introduction English below

Nils Thorin 17:14, 6 Sep 2022

The following message is addressed to those who have heard about the events on the FlyING afterparty.
The FlyING afterparty was closed earlier than planned. The reason for this was that those responsible within Teknologkåren and external staff on site did not have the same view on how the event should be run. In order to comply with Teknologkåren’s values and ensure that the introduction is perceived as a safe environment for all students, it was therefore decided to close the event early. We understand that many people have concerns about the evening, but we urge you not to speculate too much or spread unconfirmed information as this can complicate the management.
The Union together with the guilds is actively working on this issue and will pursue the matter, so if you have any information that is relevant to us please feel free to get in touch. Please contact your Guild’s President or Teknologkåren at
If you feel unwell, there are a number of support services you can turn to. Below is a list of some for you as a student.

  • Head of Social affairs at Teknologkåren: Elected sabbatical officer at Teknologkåren who acts as support for members who have been mistreated or unfairly treated during their studies. The Head of Social affairs is a so called “Skyddsombud” (workplace safety representative/officer) which means that they have professional secrecy according to Swedish law.
  • Equality representatives at the Guilds: Like the Head of social affairs at Teknologkåren, the guilds also have elected volunteers with professional secrecy. In the F-guild that would be the President of the Committée for Student Equality who can be reached at
  • LTHs psychological counsellors: The counsellors are social workers and are there for you as a student at LTH. If you find yourself in a situation where you need support and advice, you can contact them, it does not have to be related to your studies. They are bound by confidentiality and visits to them are free of charge.
  • The student chaplains: The student chaplains are available to all students at Lund University regardless of faith or philosophy and can assist with individual counselling, grief counselling, or crisis management as needed.
  • Brottsofferjouren (Victim Support): Brottsofferjouren is a secular and non-partisan non-profit organization that provides support to crime victims, witnesses and their families. Victims can contact them anonymously, the support is free of charge, they have taken a vow of confidentiality and no police report is required to receive support..
  • Support center for young crime victims, Lund: A help forum from the municipality of Lund that offers help to people under the age of 25 who have been the victim of a crime, or have witnessed a crime, and are living in Lund. The support center can help with support calls and practical help such as contact with the police and prosecutors.

If you wish to submit an anonymous complaint to Teknologkåren, you can use the complaint form at

Extra election Deputy Head of Corporate Relations

Nils Thorin 10:43, 6 Sep 2022


Do you like yield? Would you like to become active in the guild and lead a committee? Do you like contacting companies? Then you have a big opportunity since we now announce an extra election for deputy head of corporate relations, who after the new year will become ordinary head of corporate relations for another half a year. Here is some information about the position:

As Head of Corporate Relations your responsibility is to be a support and to have good communications with the entire committe. This includes the members, the Head of Alumni Relations, the FARAD team and the Deputy Head of Corporate Relations. The Head of Corporate Relations also sits in the council of executives. With help from the commitee the Head of Corporate Relations arranges events and shares available job openings with the guild. As Head of Corporate Relations you learn a lot about leadership, planning and the industry.

You can read more here:, or send an email to the current Head of Corporate Relations Alex at

To candidate, send an email to!

Nominate to Hilbert Elks scholarship

Samuel Ekström 13:06, 5 Sep 2022

Greetings guild! The semester is in full swing and Nollegasque has been seen at the horizon. Us from the scholarship committee therefore want to remind all of you to send in nominations for Hilbert Elks scholarship. The award is given to second year students who have helped improve the collective study situation, made the guild more pleasant or in another way gilded some aspect of your time at LTH.
If you know anyone who fits this description send a nomination with a motivation via this form:

The form will be open until a few days before the Nollegasque. If there are any questions you are welcome to write to

Kind regards,
Scholarship committee

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