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All news

Lunch Lecture with CellaVision

Filip Vukic 16:11, 6 May 2022

It's time for the section and FARAD's main partner CellaVision to hold a lunch lecture and give Hilbert sandwiches to the first 100 who sign up! 🤩

On May 13, CellaVision will hold a lunch lecture where Adam Morell, who is VP Devices & Software and old F: are from 1998, will give the lecture and talk about how CellaVision's systems work and how they simplify and use image analysis and neural networks and improves healthcare. CellaVision offers food for the first 100 who sign up for the lecture. After the lecture, you can also visit CellaVision's stand and see how their system works live.

Registration takes place in the app or at

Petition for multi-religious prayer rooms at LTH

Axel Helgstrand 12:05, 6 May 2022

The petition for multi faith prayer rooms closes at Sunday the 8th of May (23:59). We’ve reached 350 signatures but want more! Sign it if you haven't already!
Sign here!

The board is in the café!

Nils Thorin 02:43, 6 May 2022

Hello dearest guild!

Today between 11 and 13 the Board will be sitting in the café. Come by if you have opinions about something that should change, become better, or whatever else you wish to talk about!

All the best,
The Board

LiBU Movie Night

Axel Helgstrand 12:18, 5 May 2022

Grab your popcorn and your besties because LiBU is (as a part of the blood donation campaign) announcing an epic cozy movie night! The event will take place on Tuesday 17.05. at 19:00 in MH:G and the movie of the night will be Bohemian Rhapsody. You can bring your own dinner - snacks will be served! LiBU will be there afterwards as well in case you want to discuss the movie or the topic of diseases or reasons that lead to not being allowed to donate blood<3

Be of service to Hilbert Café!

Samuel Andersson 20:58, 4 May 2022

Do you like to see the Ladybugs in their beautiful aprons? Do you like sewing (or maybe just own a sewing machine that you could consider lending)? You might just have an idea of a new design? Then Hilbert Café wants YOUR help!

The Ladybugs' beautiful aprons are starting to wear out and we would need new ones so that the Ladybugs can continue to walk around and be as beautiful as they are today! As help, we have Melinda Rydberg who was Head of the Café Autumn 2019 and is also the creator of our current super nice Ladybug aprons!!

We only need a few who are willing to help and the idea is to sew about one apron each (possibly more if only 1-2 are interested). If you happen to own a sewing machine, it is a bonus but it is not a requirement to participate in sewing!

If you have a sewing machine but do not want to be involved in sewing, but can consider lending it, please fill it in the form!

The registration is not binding. It is mainly a registration of interest!

Registration of interest is made via this form:
Do you have an idea of a new design and do not want to participate in sewing? Send it to

Love from the Heads of the Café (including emeritus Melinda)!

Reminder discussion meeting with the programboard for nano and masters mingling

Daniel Nesic 20:46, 3 May 2022

Hi everyone!

We would just like to remind you about the discussion meeting with the program board for nano tomorrow. The meeting will be in MH: 362 A and is an excellent opportunity to learn more about their program, influence their program and to have some lunch, so if you are a nano student regardless of grade, do not miss the meeting tomorrow.

Then in the evening between 17-19 in Hilbert café, there is a masters mingling, another chance for everyone and this time for everyone in the F-guild to learn more about their specializations and food is also offered here. So end the day on the same great level as you started it and swing by this event.

Kind regards, the Students’ Educational Council

Lunch lecture with Triathlon - Free salad & drink!

Filip Vukic 16:15, 3 May 2022

You can now sign up for Triathlon's lunch lecture The physicist in the borderland between technology and organization where all participants are offered a salad from Grönt o' gott and a drink!🥳

Triathlon will talk about what it is like to work as a management consultant at their company and give examples of assignments where they have supported companies that have faced challenges with a scientific touch.

In the afternoon, at 13:00-16:00, they will also have a stand in the foyer where you are welcome to come and talk to them over a cup of coffee.

Sign up in the f-app or at

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Report bad air quality in MH

Nils Thorin 13:58, 2 May 2022

Do you sometimes notice that you lose your concentration when you are in MH for too long? Maybe headache or a need to open a window? It might just be because the carbon dioxide levels are too high in the room you are in.
If you either experience the symptoms above, or see on the CO2-meter in the room that there is over 800 ppm, then use the following link to report it: The link can also be found under the tab Members on the web-page.

With the help of your reports the goal is to show the House that the ventilation is of poor quality, and the hope is that they then will take action, for example by installing better ventilation systems.

In the guild's service
Nils Thorin, President

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Hilbert Café is in need of workers!

Samuel Andersson 13:39, 1 May 2022

Hello dear guild! Happy first of May and I hope you had an amazing Valborg! ❤️ Right now there are very few people who have signed up for working in the café, and Hilbert Café needs its workers in order to stay open and be able to sell coffee, tea, fika and sandwiches.

So help the café by signing up for working through or the F-app! As a worker, you get benefits such as:

  • a free Hilbert sandwich
  • as much coffee and tea as you would like on the day that you are working
  • a reasonable amount of fika
  • eternal gratitude

You don't need any prior knowledge, just come as you are and have a good time! So sign up for a shift or two, you won't regret it!

Best wishes from your heads of the Café! ❤️

Reminder that help is needed for the masters mingling

Daniel Nesic 19:18, 30 Apr 2022

Hi guild members!

There is still a need for 4th and 5th graders that can answer questions during the masters mingling. Among Nano we need nano electronics and when it comes to F we only have people in the accelerators - physics and technology, biomedical technology and financial modeling and unfortunately there is only one from Pi that has signed up. If you can't participate yourself you can always encourage one of your friends. So head in and sign up all of you that are currently attending master courses, you will get food and your younger classmates need your wisdom.

Sign up form:

Kind regards, the Students’ Educational Council