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All news

Apply to the Representative Council 2023!

Gustav Arvidsson 11:44, 5 Oct 2022

The election for next year's Representative Council is hereby announced! Between the 3/10 and 3/11 you can candidate or nominate to the Representative Council 2023 at

The Representative Council is Teknologkåren's highest decision-making body and contains representatives from all guilds. It is incredibly important for all guilds that a full Representative Council is appointed. Join and represent your guild today!

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The end of the Blood Feud

Marisa Wodrich 13:29, 4 Oct 2022

All good things must come to an end. Soon, the blood feud will be ending, which is a long-term project where we try to donate as much blood as possible as a guild. If you haven't donated yet and are allowed to donate, please do so within the next weeks and send us a proof, if you want to get one of our super amazing patches for free!
Love, LiBU <3

Nomination for Hilbert Älgs Orden

Carl Boklund 13:22, 4 Oct 2022

Excellent Guild!

Your light in the morning darkness, your warming embrace in the autumn haze is finally here. It's time to nominate candidates for the Hilbert Älgs Orden or promote existing members!

This is done via the following form:

/The committee of medals and honurs

Eliot Montesino Petrén 18:23, 2 Oct 2022

Hi there F-guild members,

It is Sunday and nu are the pictures from WaDerloo (the introduction w.2) uploaded to the gallery. Go in and have a look! It went wild when brave, but wet, F-guild members fought to protect their dream-shroom.

The photographers of the F-guild

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Gaming night with @1337

Lisa Nilén 10:29, 1 Oct 2022

Greetings honorable guild!
Us @1337:es (read: atleets), the guilds gaming committee, understand the fatigue of nollning has consumed the guild. Therefore we would like to invite you to join us October 5th for an evening of Mario Kart to soothe the mind! At 18.00 the fun begins with Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart Wii, and maybe some other games if it’s of interest. It's a drop-in, so show up as you like! Of course we will offer some simple snacks!
For info on location see the event in the app or on the website!
See you there!

The Song Contest is recruiting

Lisa Nilén 10:27, 1 Oct 2022

Talented guild!

Sångarstriden is a competition in singing and spex against the other guilds at LTH. We SåS foremen are excited to do this, but we can't do everything on our own. That's why we need maestros!

As a maestro, you take a little extra responsibility for the Sångarstriden to happen, and you get to help shape the F-guild's contribution. Does that sound like something for you? Then you can read more about it on the link, which is also a registration form.

Registration is open until Sunday, October 9th, with elections shortly after. If you have any questions or ideas, just get in touch at or catch one of us on campus!

Hanna Hertzberg and Marcus Sundblad, Sångarstrids-foremen.

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Vote - Naming of adopted wild moose

Aron Allen 14:17, 29 Sep 2022

Hello honored section!
You have now had the opportunity to submit your suggestions for the name of the new moose, and it's time to vote for the one you like best. The board has come up with the twelve names we think are the best and most appropriate but the section has the casting vote!

Link to vote:

//The board through Aron Allen

SMURF on friday!

Nils Thorin 10:25, 29 Sep 2022

This friday (30/9) it is time for SMURF (Super-Many volUnteers aRe sought-aFter). There the guild's committees will be in the foyer over lunch and inform you about the different volounteer positions that you can candidate for at the upcoming autumn guild assembly. There will be fika, candy, a quiz, and a small prize, so come by if you are interested in the slightest to candidate for a volunteer-position for next term!

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The Jubilee needs workers!

Erik Ivarsson 18:11, 28 Sep 2022

The Jubilee approches and the committe needs workers!

Here is a link where you can read more about what we are looking for. We need people for the jubilee ball (4/11), an Alumni pub (5/11) and a gasque (11/11).


We can also tell you that the number of seats at the jubilee ball has been increased to 350!

The Elk Trip

Sofie Wigren 12:06, 28 Sep 2022

Hello everybody!

The time has come! The 8th of October is the day of the annual moose trip! A formal trip in memory of Hilbert moose and then a (not so formal) sitting in MH in the evening. If you want to know more we have a more detailed description here on the webpage/in the F-app.

The registration opens tomorrow at 12.15 so be ready! Then you can pay during lunch next Monday (3/10).

Best regards

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