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Information meeting for the Sångarstriden!

Lisa Nilén 20:41, 6 Nov 2022

Sångarstriden is a competition in spex and fun between LTH's different guilds and is one of Teknologkårens oldest traditions. But what is Sångarstriden about? How can you get involved? And what is the SåS-förmän’s favorite sauce? If you want to get answers to both these and all other questions you can think of, you are welcome at the information meeting!
Where: MH:G
When? Tuesday 8/11, at 17:00
Kind regards

Speak Up Days

Samuel Eklund 18:47, 3 Nov 2022

Speak Up Days is the recurring opinion poll of Teknologkåren, and is used to decide where we will focus our advocacy in the future. Please answer their form:

Jubilee - Panel PUB with FREJA

Rebecka Eldh 15:28, 3 Nov 2022

Are you curious to find out what happens after your studies? And what determines where you end up in the end?

Then we are happy to welcome you to FREJAs anniversary pub with a panel discussion Wednesday 9/11. Or if you just fancy a beer you of course welcome as well.

FREJA welcomes the guild to a pub with a panel discussion and has invited female alumni to talk about what determined their careers and what different paths able after their studies. The evening will also offer both drinks and tasty food.

The doors and bar will be closed during the discussion, around 19:30-20:15, and then open up again after that.

We aim for an inspiring and joyful evening and would like YOU to come by.

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Inspirational lecture with Tomas Persson!

Samuel Berggren 15:23, 2 Nov 2022

Registration is now open for Tomas Persson's lunch lecture the 15/11!

During the lecture, the lucky attendees will witness Tomas Persson, lecturer in mathematics, talk about how he made his career choices to get where he is today. In addition, we will learn about his research in mathematics!

So if you also want to get an insight into the academic career path during the ARKAD days, register now for a unique experience!

The lecture will be given in Swedish

You can register via the F-app or the website:

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Gustav Arvidsson 14:47, 1 Nov 2022

Did you know that ARKAD isn’t just a fair? We organise multiple events during our Event Week and during ARKAD. There will be everything between breakfast mingles, workshops, a Lego competition, and good ol’ lunch lectures with interesting companies and organisations that could become your entry to the labour market! This is a great way for you to get an understanding of what an engineer can do during and after your education and to forge contacts with employers.

Information about events will be published through: our website,; our social media; and our app (available for Android and iOS). Food will be served to the first applicants at most events; a few events will have an upper limit on the number of attendees — make sure to be quick if we publish an interesting event!

Note: Most events are held in Swedish, but all English-language events will be marked.

Ask von Tänen!

Vilma Ylvén 08:19, 1 Nov 2022

Jubelinfo of the day 8/11

Erik Ivarsson 08:47, 31 Oct 2022

Today it is ovve Tuesday and during lunch at 12:15 we will take a picture of our orange glory outside MH!

19:30 It is time for training to nolle music! We gather at 19;15 outside Gerdahallen for those who are registered.

Tomorrow 9/11 FREJA welcomes everyone in the guild (men, women and non-binary) to a pub with a panel discussion and has invited female alumni to talk about what determined their careers and what different paths able after their studies. The evening will also offer both drinks and tasty food.

Motion deadline

Erik Thylefors 20:23, 30 Oct 2022


I wish to remind everyone that the motion deadline is tonight, the 30 October.

Kind regards, Erik Thylefors

Slideshow in Hilbert Café

Niamh McMullin 10:12, 28 Oct 2022

Hii beautiful people of the F-guild!🧡
Like Rebecka wrote earlier today, we will have slideshows from the picture gallery on the TV in the cafeteria starting Monday! Us photographers are super excited and we hope you are too📸🤩💗
However, if you do NOT want your picture to be shown in the cafeteria, this is of course also totally fine. If that is the case, you should email: or send me, Niamh McMullin, a private message on Messenger!🫶

6122 Jubilee

Erik Ivarsson 19:05, 24 Oct 2022

Finally the schedule for the comming 61 year Jubilee is complete!

Here you can see all the events that will occur during the period of 29th of October to the 11th of November.

For more information about each event take a look under the respective event in the calender.

We would also like to add that we are still looking for volonteers that would like to work with us during the Jubilee ball, the Alumni pub and the Gasque. For more information take a look at the link:

Below will follow short descriptions of the events during the jubilee.

29/10 FETSM
The Jubilee starts off with a good ol’ FETSM. Sexet invites you to a FETSM with the theam Made in the 60’s, find your 60’s spirit and enjoy your time after your exams!

30/10 Learn to dance
This is the perfect opportunity to practice your dancing skills before the prom with the help of the technologists' dance courses. They share their brilliance in bug, but will also teach basic waltz!

31/1 Consecration of Hilbert sandwiches through the ages
During the jubilee Hilbert Café will serve old favorite sandwiches from the past years.

31/10 Pimp your helmet!
The facilities committee invites you to a helmet-decorating-evening!
Decorate your helmet so that your nightly bike trips become a bit more safe and make sure that you shine during your trip.

1/11 Release of the jubilee paper
During lunch there will be a release of the absolutely fantastic anniversary magazine with lots of exciting stories and maybe an exclusive interview!

2/11 Bike fixing day
During lunch the fixers invite you to a bike fixing day where you can repair your bike before the coming bikeparty.

2/11 Bike party with the athletes
The athletes invite you to a classic bike party where you, two-and-two, will prepare either an appetizer, a main course or a dessert for other guests and then you will be served the other two by other excited bikers!

4/11 The jubilee ball
A wonderful ball in AF-borgen!

5/11 Alumni pub
The day after the anniversary ball, you are invited to the Anniversary Pub where you can meet some of our alumni in our wonderful MH foyer. Food, drink and competition together with memories from the past will take you back to the happy days of Teknologen!

7/11 Pizza night with Libu
Libu invites you to a pizza night to relax after the exams!

8/11 Exercise at Gerdahallen to old “nolle-låtar”
Together with Gerdahallen, we invite you to a BAT session. The music will consist of previous nollnings music and possibly elements of some dance steps! The session is led by Emmy Carlsson and no prior knowledge is required, bring a happy mood and it will be extra fun!

9/11 Panel discussion with FREJA
FREJA invites you to a panel discussion where you will get the opportunity to discuss important topics in life!

10/11 Beer hike with Reiseleiters
Reiseleiters invites you to a beerhike! A list of suitable drinks will be provided to be enjoyed during this hike with a lot of fun waiting for you.

11/11 Jubilee gasque
The last, but certainly not the least exciting event during the jubilee!
We invite you to a last gasque in the spirit of the jubilee. The theme is no less than a Zoom sitting. But don't worry it won't be a distance sitting. Arrive the way you would to an important Zoom call, fancy waist up, casual waist down!
Come and rock a jacket and a pyjamas during the last day of the jubilee!

Registration opens on Sunday 30/10 at 12:15!

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