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Lisa Nilén 16:24, 6 Dec 2022

Hallojsan in the feztboysan!
It is soon time for the ski trip, which we athletes want to celebrate with a Pre-Aprés-Ski-Party⛷😱
On Saturday, December 17, this legendary event takes place! It starts at 20.00 with games and then the after-party starts at 22.00!
Observe! BYOB
Registration opens at 12.00 on 8/12 in the fapp!
Everyone is welcome, even if you are not going on the skiing trip. For more info see the fappen🎿
Your crashing athletes (haha)

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Relaunch of minecraft server

Lisa Nilén 16:23, 6 Dec 2022

Creative guild!
For some time now, we at @1337 have discussed and planned a relaunch of the guilds minecraft-server, and the time has come! Enter 11/12 in the calendar and power up your pc at 16:00 a clock to join us @1337 when the server goes live! We believe that the server will be a major improvement compared to last time as we have contacted the client to make sure you get the best performance so we all can avoid that lag when loading the world!
See you then!

+1-sitting update and payment for ordensmiddagen

Peter Stahre 17:11, 5 Dec 2022

Hello everyone!

After further planning, we masters have now come up with what the +1 sitting will look like. We will simply have the same setup as before, with you registering yourself and an additional person in a google form. However, due to previously mentioned rules, we will have to limit ourselves to people within TLTH. So it's okay to bring someone who goes to, for example, the M-section or the V-section, but not okay to bring someone who goes to, for example, law school, regardless of where the person is studying.
The theme is the same, so find a partner to pair up with or dress up as a true super duo!

The forms for registration will be posted on Facebook and in the mail now on Wednesday at 13:00 and will be open until Friday 23:59. This time no social security number will be needed! Last time the seats sold out within 10 minutes, so be sure to be prepared!

We must also state that payment for ordensmiddagen takes place Wednesday 12:00-13:00 in the hilbert corridor.

The board sits in Hilbert Café

Samuel Eklund 14:00, 5 Dec 2022

On Friday the 9th of December between 11 and 13 the Board will be sitting in the café. Come by if you have opinions about something that should change, become better, or whatever else you wish to talk about!

All the best,
The Board

Interview season

Erik Thylefors 09:28, 5 Dec 2022


As you all probably know but might still be worth reminding of, it is always a good idea to check both your email and your spam mails in the interview season so you do not happen to miss an interview for a post you would really like to have (for example within the procession)!

In service of guild engagement,
Erik Thylefors

Game night with @1337

Lisa Nilén 13:58, 3 Dec 2022

Greetings honorable guild!
@1337 would like to invite you to join us December 7th for an evening of gaming! The fun begins at 18.00 o'clock, with Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and maybe Jackbox if attendants so wish. It's a drop-in, so show up as you like! There will also be fika, just so you know 😏.
For info on location see the event in the app or on the website!
See you there!

Last past of the fjul calender

Lisa Nilén 12:48, 2 Dec 2022

The long wait is over. F-mas eve is finally here 🧡🧡🧡 and with it comes the thrilling finale of this years fjul calendar. It will be shown on the TV in Hilbert cafe at 12:40. You can also follow the link. The last F-mas candle will be lit and the last gift will also be handed out in the foyer at 12:15!!!
See you att the sittning tonight!
Felices fiestas,
Your Reiseleiters

The Alumni Calendar

William Östlund 20:58, 1 Dec 2022

Dear people of the F-Guild,

Today is December 1st and the Alumni Calendar starts today. The Alumni Calendar is a type of christmas calender. Every day for a while now, there will be one F-Guild alumnus to read about. The alumnus will tell us about their life as a working adult and what it's like to have graduated. The Alumni Calendar is part of FARAD, the career fair that will take place on the 31st of January. Please come to FARAD.

The Alumni Calendar will be published in the F-Guild's facebook group by Albin Sigurdson and will also be published on FARAD's instagram account fsek_farad.

For those who don't know, FARAD is the F-Guild's career fair thingy, which is supposed to bring students and possible employers together. FARAD consists of a fair on January 31, followed by the pub events nano-FARAD on February 1 and pi-FARAD on February 2. Farad is also a derived SI unit. It is the unit of capacitance and 1 farad = 1 C/V = 1 m^-2·kg^-1·s^4·A^2

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Lisa Nilén 16:46, 1 Dec 2022

December is here and what isn't more perfect than episode 2 of reiseleiters fjulkalender where you continue to follow reiseleiters eventfull planning in before fjulen. 🎅🎄🕯
Merry fjul
wishes reiseleiteriet

Episode 1:
Episode 2:

Information about Young Scientists

Nils Thorin 12:40, 1 Dec 2022

Dear Guild!

Did you know that the guild is a member of the association Young Scientists? This implies that you automatically become a member of Young Scientists when you become a member of the guild.

What does this mean for you as a member of the guild?

  • Your personal data that you share with the guild is shared with Young Scientists each year. This process is regulated by a contract between the guild and Young Scientists in line with GDPR.
  • You can attend cheaper events since the guild receives financial support from Young Scientists.
  • More benefits that you can read about here:

If you have any questions about this, please send an email to
Nils Thorin, President