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All news

General info about Hilbert Café

Teodor Westholm 10:50, 17 Jan 2023

Fika-craviest guild!
As you've probably noticed, the café is currently closed, this is due to so many people being away for the ski trip. Next week it will be open again as usual. It's still possible to get coffee, tea and soda if you have a coffee card. No coffee card, no problem, Samin will sit in the café during lunch today and sell them.

We still haven't found any ladybugs for mondays, so if the sight of a closed café is the saddest thing you can imagine, then channel that energy in to something good, and sign up on the form in the Hilbert corridor.

Finally, we are currently clearing out the mugs from the walls. If you can't find your own cup, it is probably on the counter opposite where the coffee usually is, or wrapped in christmas paper in the southern wing of the café. Once you've found your cup, simply put it back on a hook. Any cups that haven't been claimed in a few weeks will be donated.

The Heads of the Café

By-election for Convenor of the Guild Photographers

Anna Andersson 17:33, 12 Jan 2023

Because the position as Convenor of the Guild Photographers is vacant the Ministry of Truth is now looking for new applicants. The post is responsible for convening meetings for the Guild Photographers, planning the work and taking care of the camera equipment. An added bonus is free admission to all of the events you photograph.

If you are interested, send an email to

Melker Georgson 16:48, 15 Dec 2022

It's time for the most important event of the year!

Extraordinary guild assembly tomorrow!

Nils Thorin 18:28, 14 Dec 2022

Reminder that there is an extraordinary guild assembly tomorrow at 12.15 in MH:G, and everyone is welcome!
The points that will be handled are the by-election of one member of the board, and to officially name the president of the student equality council to safety representative. The full documents can be found here (note that they are only availiable in english).
There will be fika and coffee availiable for everyone present at the assembly.

See you there,
The Board

Meeting documents

Erik Thylefors 11:48, 14 Dec 2022


Now the meeting documents for the additional guild meeting can be found here:
Meeting documents

+1-sitting placements

Peter Stahre 13:09, 12 Dec 2022

Hello everyone!
Now it's decided who has received a spot for the +1-sitting! Since this was not done through the Fapp a mail has been sent to your email. Sadly sex@fsektionen has a tendency to get stuck in the spam folder, so have an extra look there if it doesn't show up as it should.
Payment for the sitting is WEDNESDAY 12:00-13:00 in the HILBERTCORRIDOR!
See you friday!!

Summary of Board meeting F06-HT22

Nils Thorin 15:42, 8 Dec 2022

The last board meeting (F06-HT22) was the years second to last, and here is a brief summary of what was done!

  • Access for the newly created posts Snack Mule, Cardinal Beetle and Cofös with economic responsibility was decided.
  • A purchase with a guild-card outside what it is allowed to be used for was accepted.
  • Emma Ekberg was by-elected to Representative to the Elections Board of TLTH.

If you want more information, send us an email: All members of the guild are welcome to send in agenda items to and attend the Board meetings, the next one will be held 13/12 at 17:15 in LC, which is the last one of the year.

Hope to see you there!
The Board

Board member (half year) is closing

Emma Ekberg 22:34, 6 Dec 2022

We want to remind you that the position as Board member (half year) for the Extraordinary guild assembly closes TONIGHT at 23:59
If you want to apply - go to

P.S. We would love it if everyone who has applied for any position would fill out the form for priorities between positions you have received on you e-mail <3

All whale,
The Nominations Committee 🐳🐳🐳

Apply for FARAD host

William Östlund 16:47, 6 Dec 2022

Click the link above. It will be fun.

It's not a lot of work.
The FARAD gang will be in the foayer at later times. We will put information on the F-app and website