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Harald Caap 16:02, 27 Feb 2023

The one who waits for something good, never waits too long (hehe)
The aftermovie from the introduction 2022 is now live on Youtube!

Merch sale + Bike fixing day

Rebecca Jungåker 14:20, 27 Feb 2023

Merch designer will be selling merch!! Thursday, lunch time, hilbert corridor! Be there!
Bike fixing day aswell!!!

Samuel Ekström 20:35, 24 Feb 2023

Hello guild! Soon high school students and other folks will be deciding what they will be studying for the foreseeable future. If you wish to help any one of the, you could let one of them shadow you for a day. Sign up through this link:
As thanks tlth will give you a free lunch at moroten och piskan (if you take care of multiple students, you will be given multiple lunches)
/Minister of Education

It's time to apply for positions elected at ValFM!

Anna Andersson 16:44, 24 Feb 2023

It is time to announce to apply for positions elected at ValFM! During this meeting eight new sabbatical officers, the Union Board, Heads of several committees and a bunch of other positions will be elected. The positions to be elected will be presented during the following weeks.

ValFM takes place on April 2nd, candidacies and nominations can be done until Sunday 12/3. During the meeting the possibility for floor candidacies will also be open for all available positions.

Read more and candidate or nominate at

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SMURF | We want you to apply for this terms elections 1/3

Aron Allen 13:26, 23 Feb 2023

Dear guild!
Friday 3/3 the elections for the posts elected at the Spring Term Meeting closes and therefore we invite you to SMURF during lunch next Wednesday (1/3). The idea is to mingle with people from the committees that are seeking people during the spring. These are: the Committee for corprate relations & FARAD, the Board, the Hilbert Café, the Ministry of Truth, The Facilities Committee, the Students’ Educational Council, and the Nominating Committee! If you are interested in any position in these committees or just want to know more about them, you are warmly invited to this semester's edition of SMURF!

with hopes of smurfing hits,
the committee, via Aron Allen

Sports at the guild - information

Harald Caap 17:09, 22 Feb 2023

Dear atheltic guild!
Do you like sports or do you want to do more sports this year? Then you are recommended to join the facebookgroup Idrott på F-sektionen:
In this grupp, this year's athlets will post information about a lof of fun sports-related events, both our weekly events and bigger, one time events.
During this spring we will have the following events:

  • Physical training/running, Mondays at 19:00, meet up at MH
  • Badminton and squash, Fridays at 15:30, Victoriastadion
  • Sports with E-guild, Sundays at 15:00, Victoriastadion
  • Volleyboll
  • Football Apart from these we have other ideas, such as climbing, which we are really excited about, so stay tuned! If you don't want to miss a thing, make sure to join the group Idrott på F-sektionen. Everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me. Hope you are as excited as we are. Your Athlets

Springsemster-meeting 2023

Hanna Areskoug 13:17, 22 Feb 2023

Hallo in the meeting-pants!
Spring is approaching and we are starting to move towards brighter times. As an extra light in the darkness, the board announces the spring semester meeting on April 24-25!
Take the chance to apply for one of the section's fun posts, to make your voice heard by sending in motions, and to review last year's board! Who knows, maybe there is something yummy on our dear Nisse T...

The link to the election:

Ps. The board advises: apply for ValleB

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The Council

Game-night with @1337

Harald Caap 13:15, 22 Feb 2023

Greetings honorable guild!
We want to invite you to the first gaming event of the year! The 1st of march we will be hosting Mario Kart in MH:G. We will be playing Mario Kart 8 and Wii, as well as some tournament play. Our preliminary schedule puts the MkWii tournament at 18 with casual Mk8, followed by a Mk8 tournament at around 19. THESE TIMES ARE PRELIMINARY. They can be adjusted according to the will of attending gamers.
There might be some fika as well if you’re lucky 🍪
Wahoo! (read in Mario’s voice)
//the @1337s

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Delayed Medals

Erik Thylefors 18:01, 21 Feb 2023

Dear guild!

Regrettebly, you will not be given your medal during skiftesgasque due to the guild changing its medal designs and the new medals being delayed. I hope that the committe of medals will be able to give you your medal next week.

I wish to remind everyone who has been a funktionär during the last year to complete the following form:

Erik Thylefors, Chief Herald

The Guild owns sewing machines! WOOHOO!

Rebecca Jungåker 21:43, 20 Feb 2023

The Guild now owns two sewing machines which can be rented by the members!!! If you wish to do so, you can use the same form as the one used for renting the soundboks or tents. The form can be found under the tab Members -> Rent Equipment, here on the web site. It’ll cost 50kr/day for private use.