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The board sits in the cafeteria (reminder of the motion dead line tomorrow)

Lisa Fredriksson 07:48, 22 Mar 2023

Today, the board will be sitting in the cafeteria between 10 am and 12 pm. We would love to hear all of your questions and opinions but a reminder is that tomorrow, Thursday, is the last day to send in motions. If you need any last help with your motions feel free to stop by.

The board

Report on the Equality Form

Christopher Moniz 22:11, 21 Mar 2023

Two weeks ago, I posted a form where people could fill out what they thought the guild needs to improve upon in their equality plan. Overall most of the issues stem from the homogeneous nature of the guild. In a guild where the vast majority of students are cis white men there will be a need to continuously work towards creating a space for minorities, wether that be in regards to sexuality, gender identity, religion or ethnicity. We welcome any critique or suggestions on how we can do better. Below I'll link the form again where you are free to give us your thoughts.

These are some of the stuff that came up.

Using homosexuality as a comedic device:
The issue specifically regards the guilds use of homosexuality as a comedic device in recent spex installments. Although not done with any malicious intent, the practice can be seen as reinforcing stereotypes as well as ridiculing non heteronormative lifestyles. The problem has been raised with the relevant parties in an effort to make sure we, as a guild, refrain from using sexual orientation as a punchline.

Inclusion of gender non conforming students:
The guild continues to work towards becoming a more inclusive space for gender non conforming students. The work includes a push for gender neutral bathrooms which is in the works to be implemented by the house in the near future.

The affect of patriarchal structures on the academic work environment for non-cis men, as well as its affect on guild operations:
The guild acknowledges the homogenity of the organization and its members, and will work towards creating an inclusive organization despite this.

Non-binary inclusion in Freja
It was also brought up that the partner organization FREJA markets themselves as platform for women and non-binary students at F. Despite this there's been critique raised against the organizations use of terms such as tjejträffen doesn't reflect the inclusive platform that is claimed. Although FREJA is not part of the guild we hold a responsibility that the organizations we have official partnerships with are in conformance with our members values and best interests. Libu has spoken with FREJA, and chairs are aware of the issue and do reflect a genuine will to work with it and create a more inclusive space as well as encourage an open discussion on how to improve in these areas.

Send us your thoughts on the Equality of the Guild


Vilma Ylvén 16:51, 21 Mar 2023

Better late than never as we say in von Tänen (does not apply to deadlines given to presendents of the guild). Here's a teaser

To clarify:
new edition of von Tänen Friday 24/3 12:15 in the foyer of MH

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Payment Ölreise

Harald Caap 11:34, 21 Mar 2023

Hello bus traveling guild!
This wednesday we will be sitting in the Hilbert corridor at lunch to take your payments for the trip to Denmark this Saturday (wheyyy)! Remember that if you are signed up for the event you have to pay even if you will be unable to attend so long as there is noone else who can take your spot.

Evening event at Cellavision HQ, 30/3!

Samuel Berggren 10:06, 21 Mar 2023

Cellavision invites F-Guild members from the third year onward for an evening at their HQ! Get to meet the engineers behind the software of Cellavision's world-leading microscopes while witnessing a demonstration of their analyzers! Hurry up and register as the available spots are few!

Registration is available in the app:


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Dodgeball tournament

Love Mattsson 17:20, 20 Mar 2023

After a long wait, it is FINALLY time for the annual DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT!! 👻On April 2nd, the F-guild and E-guild will square off in a legendary battle at Victoriastadion from 1-3 p.m.

Gather your best players and sign up by the link down below for the most prestigious competition of the year! Registration closes next Monday, 27/3, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible! Also make sure to join the event where we later on will post important information! You do NOT want to miss this!

Link for sign up:

Link for event:

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By-election for Song Contest Team Leader

Harald Caap 16:21, 20 Mar 2023

Because the position as Song Contest Team Leader is vacant the Ministry of Culture is now looking for new applicants. As the Song contest team leader, you have the overall responsibility to ensure that the F-guild has a contribution to the TLTH Song contest and that it is performed.

If you are interested. Do not hesitate to apply at:


League of Legends Tournament

Harald Caap 21:59, 17 Mar 2023

Greetings, guild!

It’s time to start honing your skillz in Solo Queue, ‘cause on the 23:rd of April the annual guild tournament in League of Legends will be held! The plan is to run the entire tournament in one day and, if possible, stream the last few games. Sign-up will be posted at a later date but you could already start searching for teammates. The only requirement is that at least 4 of the players are members of the F-guild. The tournament will be held on the EUW server. Contact us if you don’t have an account, and we will attempt to find you one to borrow. If you don’t know where to look for teammates, you can comment on this post or use the guild’s Discord server (link below). It will also be fine to sign up as a single player or in smaller groups, and us @1337:es will piece together as many teams as possible around a week in advance.

F-guild Discord:

Good luck on the rift!

Board meetings!

Hjalmar Mårtensson 12:31, 17 Mar 2023

Dear guild!

This is a remainder that the Board holds meetings in LC every other Tuesday where we make decisions about elections, guild purchases, name changes and more! As a member, you're welcome to all the meetings and you're also encouraged to send points of order to and you get fika if you participate in the meetings!

A summary of the last meeting:

  • A small editorial change in the bylaws was passed.
  • Three new merch designers were appointed.
  • A purchase of a Carrom board was approved.
  • An additional ladybug was appointed.

If you want more information, send us an email: The next one meeting will be held 21/3 at 17:15 in LC.

Hope to see you there!
The Board


Harald Caap 11:09, 16 Mar 2023

After four long years, it's finally back…

On the 12-13th of May, nations, sections, and other student associations will ride their own buses up to Gothenburg with one goal in mind, to get down to Lundagård in the coolest possible way... namely on TANDEM BIKES!!!

While two from each bus sit on their tandem bike, the rest of the bus will play, sing, and party all the way down with stops at large sound / light installation where you will really be able to let loose!

When everyone has reached Lundagård, prizes for, among other things, fastest, most festive, and messiest teams will be awarded together with a final big cheer together in Lundagård!!

So be sure to come to the INFO MEETING Tuesday 21st of March in MH:G at 12:15, fill out the interest check survey coming up, and keep an eye out for the ticket release contest to have the best chance of joining this Once-in-a-Lifetime -adventure!!!

You don't want to miss this 😉
OBS! The info meeting will be held in Swedish
Roll easy,
The tandem generals

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