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All news

Study room in Zoom

Daniel Nesic 20:23, 10 Apr 2021

Hi fellow guild members!

We in the Students’ educational council have made a Zoom room which is constantly open until the 18th of May and this room can be used for studying if you feel like being a little more social. Unfortunately we can’t have breakout rooms open when there is no host in the meeting, so in case the room becomes to crowded and you can’t study properly, then you can email and you will eventually be added as alternative hosts which will enable you to open up breakout rooms.
Zoom link:

Good luck with your studies!

Kind Regards Students’ educational council.

Otto Grafström 14:53, 29 Mar 2021
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Notice of the agenda

Erik af Klinteberg 12:14, 28 Mar 2021

Greetings guildmembers!

The agenda for our spring guild assembly has been published on On the same page, you will also be able to find motions, propositions, and the account of operations.

More documents will be uploaded here over time, so keep your eye out for that. Before the meeting on the 19:th of April, you should also make sure that you have registered an account on, to enable us to start the meeting on time. 😄

On the behalf of the guild
Erik af Klinteberg, Secretary 2021

Meetings with the program boards

Daniel Nesic 21:39, 26 Mar 2021

Hi fellow guild members, for the first time this decade it is time for discussion meetings with the programboards of the F/Pi programmes and the Nano program!

Come and meet the chairmans of the programboard, the study and career counselors, the program planers and the Student's Educational Council. At the meeting you can ask questions, express opinions or just get to know your program a little better. On the meeting the programmes as a whole will be discussed, this means that the meeting should be interesting for all F,Pi and Nano students no matter what grade you are in. So come by, the meeting will be informal and filled with lots of good talk and interesting discussions for everybody.

The F/Pi meeting will take place at the 30:th of Mars 12:15-13
Zoom link:

The Nano meeting is at the 31:th of Mars 12:15-13
Zoom link:

Kind regards the Students' Educational Council.

Nominations for the Spring Assembly

Mattias Näsström 18:57, 26 Mar 2021

The nominations from the Nomination Committee as well as from the Nomination Committee's Nomination Committee can be found on the webpage under the Guild Assmebly Forum 🎉

If you have any questions just send an email to 🧡

Reminder Teacher of the Year 2021

Daniel Nesic 01:22, 24 Mar 2021

Hi fellow guild members!
Don’t forget to nominate a teacher who you think is good to the teacher of the year 2021 award, the nomination will close Wednesday night.

Kind regards the Students’ Educational Council.

Teacher awards

Daniel Nesic 16:07, 10 Mar 2021

Hi everybody!

We just like to inform you that the nominations for Teknologkårens pedagogical award and the teacher of the year award here at the F guild is open and will close on the 21th and 24th of March respectively. So if you are attending a course with a good teacher? Is the teacher exceptionally good at inspiring and making people committed? Then use the links below to nominate the teacher. The same teacher can win both awards, so make sure to use both links. Also remember to make a good motivation, because when it is decided which teacher is going to win the award, it is not only the number of nominations that is important, but also how good motivations they have received.

Link to Teacher of the Year:
Link to Teknolågkårens pedagogical award:

Kind regards the Students’ Educational Council.

Apply for Minister of Education or President of the Educational Council!

Daniel Nesic 19:26, 8 Mar 2021

Hi everybody!

In less than 2 weeks the election will close and a lot of positions are still without applicants, among these are many of the currently available positions within the Students' Educational Council (SEC). However, this low number of applicants is a perfect opportunity for you to snatch a coveted position within the guild. The Minister of Education (ME) and all the Presidents of the Educational Council (PEC) are fun, interesting and informative positions that also happen to be very important for the SEC and the guild and therefore we recommend you to apply to one of these positions.

As ME, you are the one who leads the SEC and calls its members to meetings. Furthermore, ME also participates in SRX meetings where you meet other guilds and discuss broader and more general study related issues and you can also get tips and advice on how to manage study related issues within your own guild. Finally, ME is also a member of the Council of Executives and is therefore involved in discussing more general matters concerning the guild.

As ME you can expect to spend on average between 10-20 hours per week on your position where the large range comes from how many events you choose to arrange / participate in, so what you do with the position can in some regards be very open for your own interpretation. The time you spend does however tend to be quite unevenly distributed as you usually have quite a lot to do during the introduction for new students (nollning), during the spring term election and during the autumn term election.

PEC for F/Pi/ N is a position that is very important for the SEC core function, the monitoring of our education. It is the PEC who chooses course representatives and then together with the course representatives attends evaluation meetings after half the course has passed and CEQ meetings after the end of the course. At these meetings PEC together with the course representatives, the program board and the course coordinators discuss what has been positive and negative with the course and how to improve it. In addition to this, SRO also participates in program board meetings for their respective programs, where they work together with the program board to evaluate and improve the program as a whole.

As PEC, you need to spend an average of about 5 hours a week on your position, but the time spent can often be quite uneven with some periods being rather calm and others where you have quite a lot to do.

With that said we hope that you find both of these positions interesting and that you apply for one of them in the coming election. Both of these positions give you the ability to influence your studies to a great extent, makes you better at handling emails and meetings and also develops your leadership skills. These are all valuable skills to have when you eventually start to work. So apply to one of these positions and get a fun, interesting and important activity besides your studies at the same time as you do the guild a big favour.

Kind regards the Students’ Educational Council.

Reminder of motion deadline

Erik af Klinteberg 09:17, 5 Mar 2021

Greetings guild members!

We currently have one week left until the motion deadline on the 12th of March for the spring guild assembly. So, if you have an awesome idea for a motion, then it is high time to start working on it now. Finished motions should be sent to prior to 11:59 PM on the specified date. Should you have any questions regarding how to write a good motion, feel free to get in touch at the same e-mail address.

I am looking forward to accepting your motions.
On the behalf of the guild assembly
Erik af Klinteberg
Secretary 2021

Reminder about the study evening for first graders

Daniel Nesic 22:00, 3 Mar 2021

Hi fellow guild members!

I Just wanted to remind you about the study evening for all the first graders tomorrow 17-19 on Thursday and you can also find the Zoom link for the event further down in this post. This study evening can be a good way to squeeze out the last bit of productivity of the day and then you can relax and join the Reiseleiters’ beer tasting which stars right after the study evening. Hope to see you on the study evening!

(Zoom link:

Kind regards the Students’ Educational Council.