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Inspirational Talk

Ludwig Linder 20:26, 26 Apr 2021

The F-guild welcomes all interested to a inspirational talk with Fredrik Hook, Professor in nano- and biophysics at Chalmers.

The talk will talk about his work with diagnostics and vaccination against covid-19 and will be held in swedish.

If you want to see similar talks hosted in english please write to so we know there is an interest.

Notice to the extraordinary guild assembly on the 20:th of May

Erik af Klinteberg 12:13, 26 Apr 2021

Due to the vacancies left at our guild after the spring guild assembly last week, the Board hereby calls for an extraordinary guild assembly on the 20:th of May at 5:59 PM on Zoom. More information has been provided in the attachment

Nominate/Candidate on

In the service of the F-guild
Erik af Klinteberg, Secretary 2021

Extraordinary Election Spring 2021

Mattias Näsström 07:32, 26 Apr 2021

During the ordinary spring assembly there were a lot of positions that were left vacant. We are therefore opening an extraordinary election today, Monday, at 08:00 with the positions that were left vacant. The election can as usual be found at

Among others there are positions for The Board and The Students’ Educational Council and these two are very important parts of the guild. The Students’ Educational Council and the monitoring and development of the education that they do is essential for the guild since we technically need this to be able to exist. The Board is also really important for making sure that the guild can keep working and deliver fun activities for you as members.

If you have questions about the election you can reach us at

The election closes

Mattias Näsström 14:41, 25 Apr 2021

We in the nomination committee just want to remind you that the election for the positions elected by the Board closes tonight Sunday 25/4 at 23:59 so be sure to candidate and nominate before it's too late, the election is found at 🎉

If you have any questions you can as usual reach us at 🧡

Masters mingling

Daniel Nesic 21:39, 21 Apr 2021

Now on Tuesday, April 27th between 17 and 19 it's time for masters mingling (specialiseringsmingel). People attending master courses will be there, alumni will be there and even the program boards will be there. So if you have any kind of question whether it is big or small this is the perfect opportunity to find some answers while also having a good time.

Zoom link:

Hope to see you there!
Kind regards the Students' Educational Council and Heads of Alumni Relations.

Tour de Breakoutroom

Otto Grafström 13:30, 21 Apr 2021

This event will be in Swedish

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The zoom link to the guild assembly

Lukas Gustavsson 17:40, 20 Apr 2021

I thought that it was a little bit troublesome to find the zoom link to the guild assembly yesterday so here is a accessible one:

Zoom ID: 619 9642 5601

Large screen shot 2020 04 28 at 11.13.20  2  c9c9452c3abe0cba806b61153318ba9d

Pub Quiz

Malte Åhman 13:49, 19 Apr 2021

This event will be held in Swedish :(

Survey to show interest in participating in the master mingling as a master student

Daniel Nesic 14:56, 16 Apr 2021

Hi everybody!

We hope that you managed to get some well deserved time off or that you have wrestled your reexams into submission. In a while or more precisely at Tuesday 27/4 17-19 the Heads of Alumni Relations and the Students’ Educational Council will host a master mingling (specialieringsmingel). However, to make this event work we need people that are taking master courses right now to attend the event and share their wisdom. So here in this post comes a survey where you can show that you as a master student are interested in participating in the event and thus making the choice of which master courses to take easier for your fellow guild members.

Link to the survey: ( the survey will close on Wednesday 21/4 at 15.

Kind Regards the Students’ Educational Council.

Spring Guild Meeting on Monday the 19:th of April

Erik af Klinteberg 12:07, 16 Apr 2021

The Spring Guild Meeting will soon be upon us! On Monday, the 19:th of April at 5:59 PM the meeting will start at the Zoom link provided in the Guild Meeting Forum or the event in the calendar on our website!

If you want to prepare before the meeting (of course you do!) you can find all of the meeting documents on

You can also make sure that you have an account registered on (use your university-provided e-mail). If you do not have an account registered, please register one as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me on, or to the entire board on You may also post them here in the comments on Facebook if you feel like it.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting this Monday!

In Hilbert's service
Erik af Klinteberg, Secretary 2021