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Extra Election

Daniel Nesic 12:51, 2 Aug 2021

Hi all guild members!

More of the summer has passed then what remains and it is soon time for us to return to school and that is hopefully a school that is more physical and less computer screen. Anyway, there are still several weeks left of the summer which you can fill with lots of fun, like for example applying for the position of President for the Students’ Educational Council (PSEC). This is a position with a central role in the Students’ Educational Council that is responsible for the study monitoring and helps develop their respective program. During the summer a candidate for PSEC for Nano has been found but there is still no candidate for PSEC for Pi and F. However, regardless if there is a candidate or not it is now possible for all of you to apply for these positions. This extra election will last a week from today to Sunday and if you want to apply for a position you can contact me at and if you want more information about the positions you can also contact me or visit the F-guilds webpage.

I hope the remainder of your summer will be pleasant, your Minister for Education Daniel Nesic.

Otto Grafström 14:05, 26 Jul 2021

Johanna Gustafson 20:36, 1 Jul 2021
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Input on the design of the F-guild car

Emelie Zhu 20:32, 13 Jun 2021

Hello beautiful!

The F-guild car is going to be wrapped orange with cool guild-related designs this summer, as decided upon at the latest guild assembly. The board would like some feedback on the potential designs. You'll have our eternal gratitude and we will hopefully have the hottest guild-car ever seen! The form can be sped through in 10s (if you'd like, more time can always be spent), it closes Saturday evening (19/6 23.59) and has some nice pix. Pls give us input and reacts, we miss (feedback from) you guys 😢🧡.

Have an awesome summer and hopefully we'll all see each other soon! (Form is in Swedish, but all you gotta do is select a pic)

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Klara Stefansson 16:24, 7 Jun 2021

Pentry closed

Ludwig Linder 16:04, 28 May 2021

Hello F-guild,

The house has asked us to message that the pentry in the mathhouse will be closed for the remainder of the week because there is nobody to supervise the social distancing.

Have a good week.

Extra election, Project Manager of FARAD

Markus Sörqvist 15:39, 24 May 2021

The Corporate Relations Committee has now opened an extra election for the post Project Manager of FARAD! The post involves leading a project group that organizes the F-guild's labor market fair FARAD. If you want to gain experience as a project manager, market the guild for companies/various workplaces and also be part of the F-guild's board, then this is a perfect post for you!

Please send your application to before May 27th, 23:59. Don’t hesitate to send an email if you have any questions, for example about the election process! I refer questions regarding the post to our current project manager, Oliver Wiksten, via

Good luck with your exams!
Markus Sörqvist,
Head of Corporate Relations

Centre for Mathematical Sciences closed during night

Ludwig Linder 10:43, 24 May 2021


The house has told us to inform you that the Centre for Mathematical Sciences will be closed for students between 02.00-06.00 for a couple weeks.

The reason is to make sure nobody sleeps in the house.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Daniel Nesic 22:50, 14 May 2021

Lecture with previous Cofös Petter

Daniel Nesic 17:50, 14 May 2021

Hi all guild members!

Now on Wednesday the 19/5 at 17:30 we will be visited by our previous Cofös Petter who will be having a short lecture about the benefits of commitment outside of your studies and work. So come by and listen to some words of wisdom from an engineer that has begun working and get an idé of how your life might turn out once you start working.

Zoom link:

Kind regards the Students’ Educational Council.