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All news

Autumn guild assembly

Erik af Klinteberg 05:41, 22 Nov 2021

Extraordinary guild!

Today at 5:59(.) PM in MH:G, the first day of the autumn guild assembly will commence! I want to remind everyone that all meeting documents are available at and that it is never a bad idea to show up to a meeting prepared. If I had to mention two extra relevant documents it would be Proposal for time guidelines for everyone planning to candidate to a volunteer position, and Requirements profiles for everyone who are going to vote in an election (and of course you should also read the propositions, motions, Board responses, etc.. But you have done that already, haven't you?)

If you have not been to a guild assembly before you should create an account on the guild's digital voting system ( or during assembly hours ( Without an account, you may find yourself unable to partake in the assembly. Luckily, it takes little to no time to create an account and there are instructions on the page (notice that you have to sign up with your university-provided email).

See you at the assembly!
Erik af Klinteberg, secretary 2021

Lunch lecture with FOI - Poké bowl + Drink

Filip Vukic 15:38, 15 Nov 2021

The F-guild invites all F-students to the lunch lecture Technology for safety' with the Swedish Defense Research Agency, FOI. All entrants are offered a poké bowl, drinks and a free lunch box!

The Swedish Defense Research Agency, FOI, will offer a technology journey that stretches from the past, on to the present and all the way into the future. You will get a small insight into current and future challenges that society faces and which can be solved with new exciting technology.

The lunch lecture take in place in MA: 7 on 23 November.

Registration takes place in the app or on

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Ghost Ball Tournament with the Athletes for F and M

Nils Thorin 20:40, 14 Nov 2021

Hello there!

Are you ready for ghost ball? 'Cause we are! The M- and F-guild will the 21/11 be arranging a ghost ball trournament at Victoriastadion. Create a team together with (max) 5 other M- or F-people, or come as you are.
Under an exciting two hours (13:45(.)-16) teams will be put against eachother to conclude who will win and who will begone... Sign up opens on Monday 15/11 at 12.15, and quickness is key, as a maximum of 12 teams per section will be able to take part (unless M doesn't fill out their places ofcourse!). For more info such as groups, rules and outfit-tips, join this Facebook-event:

To sign up as a group, enter your group name when you sign up. If you sign up alone you will be assigned a team.

Hope to see you there!
//The Athletes from F and the Sportsgroup from M

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Programming Case with CellaVision

Markus Sörqvist 16:20, 9 Nov 2021

The F-guild invites its main sponsor CellaVision for a programming competition with pizza in MA9 on November 15th at 5.30 pm! (admission from 5:15pm)

During the evening, you will receive a task that engineers at CellaVision have come up with, which is solved in a programming language of your own choice. The assignment will test programming and math knowledge as well as logical thinking.
The task can be done in pairs or individually and a prize will be awarded to those with the best solution. If you are interested in a job, dissertation, or summer job at CellaVision, this is also a perfect opportunity to show your skills!

All participants will be offered pizza during the evening. Please bring a (charged) laptop to participate.
See you on monday!

The path to equality at the workplace with Sveriges Ingenjörer

Lukas Gustavsson 12:53, 5 Nov 2021

** Note: This lunch lecture will be held in Swedish.

How much more money do a male engineer earn compared to a female during his lifetime? And what can we do to reduce these differences?

To reach an equal society men and women need to be economically equal. Caroline Sahlén, economist at Sveriges Ingenjörer, gives a lecture about how to reduce the structural differences that lead to inequality in engineers working lives.

FREJA invites students at the F-guild and will provide lunch to those who sign up (first come first serve) on this link.

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School Disco with Reiseleiteriet

Otto Grafström 15:32, 4 Nov 2021

Hey there!

Do you miss dancing cheek-to-cheek and playing limbo? Or maybe you just want to dance to some great old disco songs?

Then you should come to Reiseleiteriets school disco at Lophtet on Friday 11/11 for a night you’ll never forget!!

The party is open for both the F- and M-guild and it’s BYOB, so no alcohol will be sold on site. Glass bottles are forbidden.

The registration opens on Friday 5/11 at 12:15 and is done through the app.

Payment (40 kr) will take place in the Hilbert corridor on Monday 8/11 between 12 and 14.

You can find all the info about the event in the link down below:



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Join the Brunnshögs-10k aka the Emigration

Otto Grafström 16:27, 1 Nov 2021

Hi! This Saturday, the 6th of November, the F-, K- and W-guild are arranging a [drink whatever you want]-10k through Brunnshög (our new campus ???) with fun activities along the way!

It's the perfect combination of pre-partying and exercising!

Totally free (you bring your own drinks) and you don't need to apply, just show up outside of Kemicentrum at 15 🙂


The Ministry of Culture and The Students’ Educational Council along with K and W

Registration for café shifts

Nils Thorin 16:54, 28 Oct 2021

Registration for café shifts have now opened! You can sign up on the F-guild website (not the F-app). There are no prerequisites to work a shift, and every worked shift gives:

  • a Hilbert sandwich
  • coffee the day you work
  • fika in reasonable amounts

and four worked shifts gives you a coffee card and the possiblity to attend the ledgendary café party!

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Table Tennis Tournament 2021

Nils Thorin 10:06, 21 Oct 2021

Hello ping-pong-loving guild!
It's finally time for the guilds most long awaited event since the the last table tennis tournament, namely THIS YEARS TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT!
During LP2 it will be lively in the table tennis room, as the group stage begins in week 2 that study period.
Sign up to the tournament here: .
Last day to sign up is Wednesday week 1 (3rd of November).
More info about the format and general info will be released in this facebook group: .
We're planning that the finals of the tournement will be played roughly in week 6, but can come to vary depending on how many participants there are.
Fast serves and good topspins
The Athletes 🏓

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Thanks for the survey answers, it's closing soon

Daniel Nesic 17:57, 20 Oct 2021

Hi all guild members!

I just wanted to thank you for all of your answers to the survey regarding distance education. At the moment we have 80 answers and that is very good. However, there is still some time left before the survey closes, so if you haven’t answered it yet feel free to do so for the betterment of your guild and for a chance to win a gift card worth 200 SEK.

Kind regards the Students´ Educational Council.