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All news

Extra election for Editor of von Tänen is closing

Gustav Arvidsson 13:35, 3 Feb 2022


The extra election for Editor of von Tänen is closing today (3/2) at 17.00. So there is still a little bit of time if you want to apply. Send in your application to

The Board sits in the café!

Hannes Ryberg 17:46, 2 Feb 2022

Hi dear folks!

Tomorrow on Thursday at 10-12 o'clock the board will be sitting in the café! Do you have any reflections about how the guild operates, or a change you'd like to see realized? Maybe you have a suggestion of something the guild should purchase? Then don't hesitate to swing by and talk to us!

Have it good, neighbourhood,
The Board

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Register of Officials Spring22

Emma Engdahl 12:44, 2 Feb 2022

Are you an official at the F-guild? If you are, please fill out this form. If you have more than one position, just fill in ONE form, but mark ALL councils you are part of and write all positions you have.

Link to the form

Emma Engdahl
Your Vice President

Summary of board meeting F01-VT22

Klara Stefansson 11:56, 1 Feb 2022

Last Tuesday we had the first Boardmeeting of the year (F01-VT22), here’s a brief summary of what was done!

  • Two formulations in “Riktlinjer för F-bilen” (Guidelines for the F-car) were changed after an agenda item sent in by Car Supervisor Erik Nilsson
  • A project group was appointed to decorate the Herald’s cowl after discussions around the motion sent in by Chief Herald Carl Boklund. The project was granted a budget of 800 kr
  • A receipt with incomplete information was approved.
  • A work group was appointed to change “Policy för grafisk profil” (Policy for graphical profile) after the motion sent in by the Minister of Truth, Gustav Arvidsson.

If you want more information, send us an email: All members of the guild are welcome to send in agenda items to and attend the Board meetings, the next one will be held 8/2 at 17:15 in LC.

Hope to see you there!
Board member Klara Stefansson

Extra election Editor of von Tänen

Gustav Arvidsson 17:01, 31 Jan 2022

The Ministry of Truth is looking for an Editor of von Tänen. As editor you are responsible for the editorial staff and publish one edition each reading period. If you have any questions or want to apply, please send an email to

FETSM - Valentine's day

Peter Stahre 16:38, 30 Jan 2022

Cupid is drawing his bow while the public health authority hints at eased restrictions... If the gods of love will allow, friday the 11th of february won't just offer hot meals and love elixirs in a passionately red-decorated MH-foyer, but maybe even a romance (or two?!).

It's time for the first FETSM of the year!!
REGISTRATION OPENS: 18:00 31/1, in the F-app
THEME: Valentine's day
TIME AND PLACE: 11/2, 18:00 MathHouse


Election for Representative for the Exchange Students

Daniel Nesic 20:10, 29 Jan 2022

Detta inlägg är bara på engelska då det främst berör utbytesstudenter.
This post will only be in English since it mainly concerns exchange students.

Hi all guild members!

The Students’ Educational Council is back again with yet another election this time it is the election for Representative for the Exchange Students. Everybody at the guild can apply for this position, but it is strongly recommended that you are an exchange student yourself.

The Representative for the Exchange Students is to make sure that the Students’ Educational Council takes the special study conditions of the exchange students into consideration. The representative also takes part in discussions regarding matters relating to exchange students at the guild and is the contact person between the Students’ Educational Council and the exchange students. The term of this position is one semester.

So if you are interested in the position, hurry up and apply to it by emailing

Kind regards Students´ Educational Council.

Info meeting nollning 2022 3/2 and 4/2

Emma Ramne 15:18, 26 Jan 2022


We are nearing the start of the recruitment process for helping out with the Nollning (Introduction month) 2022! We are very excited, and to make sure everyone knows what options there are to sign up for we are holding two information meetings explaining the positions of mentor and extrafös. The meetings will be held in MH:G and also on zoom, the first on 3 Feb 12.15, held in Swedish, and the second on 4 Feb 12.15, held in English. The meetings will have the same information, so if you speak both Swedish and English the choice is yours which one you want to attend.

The link to both meetings is, and this link can also be found in the info box for the events on the F-app.

If you have helped out in a prior Nollning you will probably have attended a similar meeting other years, but there is some new information coming out, particularly surrounding the interview process, so we think it is worth listening in this year even if you mostly know what the Nollning is about! We hope to see you there :)

Ps. We also have an instagram, foset2022, that you can follow if you want to know more about what we do!

Föset <3

Everything you need to know about FARAD 25/1

Simon Brandt 18:40, 24 Jan 2022

Tomorrow is the big day for FARAD. Competition winner is announced at the bottom.
Those who have signed up for the zoom-circle have recieved an email with all relevant information.
If you haven't signed up, you can join a drop-in meeting between 9-10, 12-13 and 15-16. Links to the meetings can be found in the following spreadcheet:
If you want to join the zoom-circle but haven't signed up, join the following zoom-meeting:
You can already start matching with and chatting with companies in TalentPond. Some of the companies have published ads for what they are looking for, so download the ap, register using your student email and join the event to start swiping.
We will have a lounge in the MH foyer tomorrow between 10-15 with coffe. Maria and Karin from student counceling will be present if you need help with anything!
Last but not least we want to announce the winner of our competition. The winner is Erik Nilsson who guessed the correct answer 262m.
We hope you look forward to the fair tomorrow as much as we do!

Application for introduction-treasurer closing!

Erik Nilsson 18:49, 22 Jan 2022

Applications for the position of introduktion treasurer will be closing on wednesday the 26:th of january at 11:59 pm. If you want to apply or ask any questions, please e-mail