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All news

To keep in mind before the results of the election for the introduction

Axel Helgstrand 16:24, 6 Mar 2022


The time is quickly approaching when the Fös will announce the results of the election for the introduction, an exciting time for all hopefuls that have applied for mentor or extra Fös. Unfortunately, even though there are a lot of positions to be filled, there are even more excited and amazing people in the guild and not everyone will be able to participate in the introduction as mentor or extra Fös. To not be elected can of course be disappointing and frustrating, but we in the committee for student equality (aka LiBU) want to remind you not to take it personally! The Fös are, just like the rest of us, only humans and doing their best. They have been sitting in countless interviews and working incredibly hard the last few weeks and have had to make decisions based on little information so we urge you to be understanding.

That all being said, if you feel wrongly or unfairly treated of course you shouldn’t just stand by and do nothing. LiBU is always here to receive both criticism and feedback on all the guilds functions, and especially now we urge you to contact us if you feel the need. The Fös will also be posting a feedback form in which you can write down your thoughts and constructive criticism.

We want to specifically urge you to use these channels or maybe send an email when giving criticism or if you feel unfairly treated and not approach or confront the Fös in person. You are, however, of course very welcome to come to us in LiBU in person, but it’s important for the wellbeing of the Fös that they can distinguish when they are the Fös with responsibilities and when they are just themselves. We’re crossing our fingers for you all and wish you good luck with the upcoming exams!

As usual you can contact us on:

Email: (only to the president of the committee which has an obligation to secrecy)

Email: (to contact the committee)

Anonymkontakt: → Likabehandlingsutskottet (Compleatly anonymous contact page that only goes to the president wich has an obligation to secrecy)


Ladybug application open

Oscar Hallstadius 14:31, 3 Mar 2022

Greetings dear guild! 🐞🐞

The application for Ladybug is now up on the board in the Hilbert hall!! 🤩 As a ladybug you are responsible for the café one day each week for an entire study period (half a semester). You make sure that sandwiches can be sold and that there is coffe for all thirsty guild members ☕. No previous experience is required and there are 1-2 ladybugs per day so you may apply with a friend! 🤩🤩

As a ladybug you get the following benefits:
•As much coffe/tea as you want during the study period that you are a Ladybug
•One sandwich each day (or 3 per week if you are 2 people sharing one day)
•A reasonable amount of fika each day
•A spot at the café party
•All the usual benefits a volunteer receives
•Infinite gratitude from the guild members 🥰

Sign up on the registration form in the Hilbert hall before thursday 17/3 to get the chance to receive these amazing benefits 🥳. If you are unable to sign up on the physical form you can send na email to!

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Bike repair day

Mattias Akke 12:53, 2 Mar 2022

Does your bike sound like a symphony by John Cage? Does it spread fear amongst car owners in Lund? Then you should probably bring it to the Bike fixing day on Friday (4/3) at 12.00-13.00. We will supply you with tools and a modest level of experience in fixing bikes. We also sell headlights and other gear so that you can have the safest bike in Lund.

The Board in the café and summary of board meeting F03-VT22

Klara Stefansson 12:08, 2 Mar 2022

On Friday between 11 and 13, the board will be sitting in the café, drop by if you have any reflections about how the guild operates, a change you want to see realized or suggestions on something the guild should purchase! If you want to see some examples of what we do and what members of the guild have asked us to do, a brief summary of last week’s board meeting (F03-VT22) follows below:

  • The question of maintenance of the bar was brought up again. After checking it has been confirmed that the Facilities Committee has enough material, so nothing new has to be bought
  • A few volunteers were granted more access
  • A project group was appointed for painting the beaverboard covering “Riggen” at Fysicum with a nice motive after a project plan sent in by Erik Nilsson. The project was granted a budget of 3000 kr and all interested guild members are welcome to participate in the painting which will probably happen at the end of March
  • The board decided to buy a new mixer table for up to 2000 kr after a motion sent in by Toastmaster Johan Furuhjelm
  • Another editorial change was made and the Thorin- Engdahl Board’s editorial changes- counter is now at 4.

If you want more information, send us an email: All members of the guild are welcome to send in agenda items to and attend the Board meetings, the next one will be held 22/3 at 17:15 in LC.
Hope to see you there!
The Board

Study of gender representation among lecturers

Axel Helgstrand 16:54, 1 Mar 2022

Hello all! The W-Guild is doing a study of students experience of gender representation of the lecturers at the programs. They would very much appreciate if you were to participate!
ps: you probably have to be logged into your LU account to participate

Petition for multi-religious prayer rooms at LTH

Axel Helgstrand 16:52, 1 Mar 2022

There are currently no spaces that are accessible for students and faculty members at LTH to practice their different religions. This leads to the exclusion of people with different religious and/or cultural backgrounds. LTH has ”comfort rooms” on campus, however, the rooms are rarely available and have to be booked. This has forced people to pray in inappropriate spaces such as outside on the street and under stairways. These people have had to give up their lunch breaks, respond to unpleasant looks and experience anxiety over the situation as they do not have a room they can go to today to practice their prayers. This is unacceptable and we as a university have a responsibility for all students and faculty members, regardless of background, to have the same opportunity for proper education and a safe work environment.
LTH is the ONLY university in Sweden to make such a room available for religious minorities. These rooms have also been shown to be important for neurodivergent people in need of private and quiet spaces.
This matter has previously been dismissed by LTH with the argument being that it does not concern the majority of people at the university. If you believe that everybody has a right to equal opportunities on campus, sign the petition below for multifaith spaces and thereby show that the matter is of importance to everybody.
This petition has the support of the Student Chaplains at Lund University.

By-election of new Head of Anniversary is closing

Nils Thorin 19:59, 28 Feb 2022

As we have gotten at least one application the by-election to Head of Anniversary will be closing on thursday 3/3 at 23:59. This means that it isn't too late to apply, so send your application to!
For more info about the post, see the earlier post ☺️

Reminder about food in exercise-rooms

Nils Thorin 16:00, 28 Feb 2022


The House wishes to remind us all not to leave any food in the exercise-rooms, and not to throw away left-overs in the bins in the rooms, but rather to take them with you and throw it in the black recycling bins in the north and south foyer. This makes the situation nicer for both those who clean the rooms, and for others using them!


Emma Engdahl 13:31, 28 Feb 2022

Soon it is time for the spring guild assembly which means it's time to choose new volunteers. So the Management has set up an event for members to attend where they can hang out and ask questions about all the available positions. So come by the lobby at lunch 3/3 and talk with our volunteers on how it is to work for the F-guild and what possible positions might suit you.

Check out the event here:

Payment for the Squash Tournament

Lisa Nilén 11:23, 28 Feb 2022


We will sit in the Hilbert Corridor during lunch on Wednesday (2/3), about 12-13. It's okay to send a friend if you can not come and pay yourself.