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All news

Café competition - Results

Samuel Andersson 16:40, 21 Mar 2022

Dear guild!

It is time to announce the winners of the café competition between the different councils! 🎉🎉

And the winners are…. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
GROUP 1!!!!! This means that if you belong to one of the following councils:

  • The Fös
  • Hilbert Café
  • The Facilities Committee
  • Ministry of Truth

a Hilbert Sandwich for each shift you worked last LP waits for you in Hilbert Café!🥖 Talk to one of the ladybugs and they will assist you!

If you also worked at least 4 shifts last LP you can go to the café and claim your coffee card! Just talk to one of the ladybugs and they will help! 🐞🧡

Lots of hugs from the heads of the Café! 🥰

Large kaffekort 58df6d21cabf93c50cfee638003bb3e5

Regarding minute reviewer

Erik Thylefors 12:14, 21 Mar 2022

It will be necessary for a minute reviewer to speak Swedish. For more information, switch to the Swedish version.

Pre-discussion for the spring guild assembly

Teodor Bucht 10:55, 21 Mar 2022

Great guild!

Here is a list of all the candidates for positions elected by the spring guild assembly:

The nomination committee has identified things with the current election system that we find problematic. Firstly we think that the discussion during the assembly sometimes becomes long and repetitive, secondly we think that discussion about the candidates occasionally has been quite rude. Because of this we aim to partially replace the discussion on the meeting with a form like this. So we want you to write everything that you would have said during the discussion here instead. By doing so your opinions about the candidates will affect the nominations committees nominations. The deadline for filling in the form in Saturday 26/3.

Exactly like during the meeting you have to stand by the things you say during the discussion and therefore we collect your contact credentials in case we have any questions. Note that it is only the nomination committee that can see the answers to the questionnaire.

Here is the link to the questionnaire:

Whale met,
The nomination committee

Café shifts

Samuel Andersson 22:01, 20 Mar 2022

Hello dear guild!

You can now sign up for working in Hilbert café on the web page!
When working in the café, you get benefits such as a free Hilbert sandwich, as much coffee and tea as you like on the day you are working and a reasonable amount of fika! You do not need any prior knowledge or experience, just show up and have a good time!

Virtual hugs from your heads of the Café!

Large jobba caf  7e5da63715f6100b38d5952d496b3308

Important Dates for the Spring Election

William Östlund 13:38, 16 Mar 2022

Here are the most important dates to keep track of for the Spring Election and all volunteer positions.

14th of February - Candidation and nomination to volunteer positions open
20th of March - The last day to apply for volunteer positions elected by the Spring Election
21-27th of March - The nomination committee holds interviews. Everyone who has applied for a volunteer position elected by the Spring Election will be interviewed
28th of March - The nomination committee will publish their nominations. These can be seen on posters around the Math Building
4th of April - The Spring Election takes place
8th of April - The last day to apply for volunteer positions elected by the Board
12th of May - The nominations for volunteer positons elected by the Board will be published
19th of May - The board elects volunteer positions

Best Regards,
The Nomination Committee

Large vallebild 836611b50543cde4d810672740cfff7d

Reminder regarding the motion deadline

Erik Thylefors 13:38, 15 Mar 2022


I just wanted to remind everyone that the motion deadline is the next Monday, Monday the 21:st of March.

Good luck with all the exams!
Erik Thylefors, sekreterare 2022

Important information regarding the spring election

Teodor Bucht 22:51, 14 Mar 2022

Great guild!

The nomination committée wants to try a new method. We want to send out a form to the guild where everyone can come with opinions about the candidates and the election. We will therefore publish everyone who has applied for a position elected by the spring guild assembly directly after the election closes. By doing this we are trying to move a bit of the discussion tome from the assembly and make the nomination committées nominations more substantiated.

If you have input och questions, contact us at

Whalle met,
The nomination committée

P.S. Don't miss that the election for positions elected by the spring guild assembly closes this Sunday!

Get shadowed

Daniel Nesic 20:01, 14 Mar 2022

Hi all!

Hope everything goes well with your exams and the like! The exam period is perhaps not a favorite for any of us, but fortunately it is only a small part of the experience of being a student at the F-guild, an experience that I think most of us enjoy. For us at the F-guild, this experience is quite obvious as it is part of our everyday life, but for outsiders it is not so easy to know what it means to be a student at the F-guild. So if you want to be involved in showing what it means to be a student at the F-guild , LTH is currently looking for students who want to be shadowed. If there is interest, you are warmly welcome to contact Josefine Hoffman, the coordinator for the shadow activities at LTH, at More info about what it means to be shadowed can be found on the following website:

So send an email between exams and compulsory tasks and help LTH to get new students studying at the F-guild!

Kind regards, the Students’ Educational Council


Peter Stahre 19:03, 8 Mar 2022

Is there anything better than waking up on a Sunday morning to the smell of freshly made waffles? Grab a pick-me-up, maybe a nutella waffle and an irish coffee, sit down and relax. For many, Saturdays are the highlight of the week, which often makes Sunday a slightly slower day, this year we also have the Saturday after the exam week at the same time as the Carnival’s “Karneveljen”. BUT, this doesn’t stop us from having an amazing sunday as well! So take the opportunity to celebrate that the exams are over, and recover with us during our DayFETSM.

Dresscodde: waffle/overall
Time: Sunday the 20:th of march
Price: 70kr
Ticket release: Friday 12:00


Introduction volunteer notices

Emma Ramne 20:08, 6 Mar 2022

The recruitment process is over and we have now sent out notices for all mentor and extrafös-positions. Unfortunately it is likely that the email has ended up in your spam/promotions folder, so check there if you haven't seen yours yet. If you applied to both mentor and extrafös you should have received two different emails. Big thank you to everyone who applied this year!

Love, Föset