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All news

The spring election is open!

Teodor Bucht 21:05, 16 Feb 2022

Great guild!

The spring election is open, woohoo!!! There you can apply for many different positions to get involved in the guild, candidacies and nominations for all positions are made at where you can find more information about the election. The election will be open until 20/3 for positions elected by the guild assembly and until 8/4 for positions elected by the board. You can always reach us via email if you’re wondering something!

Whalle met,
Nomination Committee

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The board in the café and summary of F02-VT22

Klara Stefansson 16:13, 16 Feb 2022

Tomorrow (Thursday) between 11 and 13, the board will be sitting in the café, drop by if you have any reflections about how the guild operates, a change you want to see realized or suggestions on something the guild should purchase! If you want to see some examples of what we do and what members of the guild have asked us to do, a brief summary of last week’s board meeting (F02-VT22) follows below:

  • The Festivities Committee sent in a project plan about doing some maintenance on the bar and asked for a budget to see it through. After discussions where it emerged that the Facilities Committee probably already had much of the material needed, the board decided to refer the plan back to the FesCom who shall check what material is already available together with the FacCom and come back next board meeting
  • A number of by-elections were made
  • The new Head of the Café and Head of Corporate Relations were designated authorized signatories of the guild (can sign important papers on behalf of the guild)
  • Old Treasurers were granted LC-access in order to finnsh the annual account
  • A number of editorial changes were made. The Thorin- Engdahl Board’s editorial changes- counter is now at 3
  • Trumpeter 2020, trumpeter 2021, trumpeter 2022 and trumpet enthusiast 1 Erik af Klinteberg reported his purchase of two orange trumpets to the guild, which the board had decided be done on F07-HT21. They were very orange.

If you want more information, send us an email: All members of the guild are welcome to send in agenda items to and attend the Board meetings, the next one will be held 22/2 at 17:30 in LC.

Hope to see you there!
The Board


Peter Stahre 15:40, 16 Feb 2022

It's finally time for the Skiftesgasque!
Skiftesgasque is an annual sitting where all members of the F-section's various committees are welcome, both the ones active during the previous year and the ones who are just starting (!! The posts solely active during the initiation period are not counted among these committees !!). This year the sitting will be split in two parts. Which of the two you will attend will be made clear in the event in the F-app.

During the sitting an optional serving of an alcohol package will be available. This package contains 4 units of alcohol and costs 130kr, alternatively an alcohol free package will be available for the price of 80kr. These packages will be for sale during MONDAY 21/02 12:00-14:00 in the MH-corridor. You will NOT be able to purchase this pass in the entrance to or during the sitting. There will, however, be a bar open during the sitting serving other alcoholic beverages.

After love comes sex. All of the active members of 2021 and 2022 planning on attending will, however, need to hide their strap-on, Shrek costume and foot fetish behind their couch. Instead, dress up in the most exquisite of fine clothing, stand in front of the mirror or lay in bed and practice your sexiest lipbite, or the even sexiest of poses, the - rawr. Old flings will be shifted out and new ones will take their place during the sexiest Skiftesgasque to date!

Place: MH (mattehuset)
Dress code: evening dress
Time: 26/02 14:00-18:00 & 19:00-23:00
Price: Free! 🙂
Theme: A sexy sitting
Ticket: Friday 12:00

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Election of Vice-President of the Committee for Student Equality

Axel Helgstrand 16:22, 14 Feb 2022

Hello dear Guild! Last autumn assembly the new position of Vice-president for the Committee of Student Equality was officially created. Due to it being created at the same assembly where it would normally be elected this position is currently vacant. We are therefore opening up an election for this position and encourage anyone who is interested in sending a mail to, whereupon you will soon be called to an interview. Apply and take part in the both important and fun work of the committee for student equality!
Yours truly, Axel Helgstrand, President of the committee for student equality.

The Board sits in the café!

Hannes Ryberg 16:59, 10 Feb 2022

Dear guild!

Tomorrow friday at 11-13 o'clock it's finally time!! ”For what?”, I hear you ask. For the board to sit in the café, of course!
Do you have any reflections about how the guild operates, or a change you'd like to see realized? Do you have a suggestion of something the guild should purchase? Maybe you'd just like to ask us how we're doing? Then don't hesitate to swing by and talk to us!

Have it neat, vegan meat,
The Board

LiBU in Hilber Café

Axel Helgstrand 15:33, 9 Feb 2022

Hello dear guild!
We in the committee for student equality are going to sit in Hilbert Café from 10:00 to 15:00 tomorrow (Thursday 10/02) so that anyone that wants to can come and talk to us, ask us about what we do/how we work or give opinions on what we should be doing or changes you want to see! Come talk to us! We want your input <3
PS. Cred to the board for the idea.

Book your introduction interview

Emma Ramne 12:31, 9 Feb 2022

We have now sent out emails where you can book a time for your interview for the Introduction. It is unfortunately possible that this email has ended up in your spam/promotions folder so make sure to check there too! If you still can’t see it, please email us and we will send you the email again. If you have applied for both mentor and extrafös you need to book two interviews, otherwise only one. We would like to remind you that the interviews are short, and that the mentor interviews are held in groups of three.

Make sure to book a time for an interview as soon as possible, we would like it if all the interviews are booked already tomorrow night.

See you at the interview! ❤

Love, Föset

Information about Young Scientists

Nils Thorin 11:37, 4 Feb 2022

Dear Guild!

Did you know that the guild is a member of the association Young Scientists? This implies that you automatically become a member of Young Scientists when you become a member of the guild.

What does this mean for you as a member of the guild?

  • Your personal data that you share with the guild is shared with Young Scientists each year. This process is regulated by a contract between the guild and Young Scientists in line with GDPR.
  • You can attend cheaper events since the guild receives financial support from Young Scientists.
  • More benefits that you can read about here:

If you have any questions about this, please send an email to
Nils Thorin, President

Survey about the exam period

Daniel Nesic 00:35, 4 Feb 2022

Hi fellow guild members!

I hope you are having a pleasant night whether you are awake or not. Anyway, TLTH has made a survey that they would like you to fill out. The survey is about the exam period now during January since Corona made a comeback. According to the student union the survey will take 3 minutes to complete so click away at the link and speak your mind about your education!

Link to the survey:

Kind regards, the Students’ Educational Council

Application for Introduction volunteers open now!

Emma Ramne 14:38, 3 Feb 2022

Do you want to help make the next Introduction AMAZING? The application to apply as an Introduction volunteer opens now!

First: The info meeting in English is tomorrow but if you cannot make it then, the powerpoint we used is here.
In English:
In Swedish:

You can also read more about being an Introduction volunteer here on the website:

You can the apply by filling out this form:
You use the same form for all the different volunteer positions you want to apply for, which means you only need to fill it out once. Deadline to apply is TUESDAY 8 FEB 17.00! If you have any questions you can email us at or ask us on Tuesday, we will be standing in the foyer 12-13 answering questions :)

Ps. I am putting the link to apply for Øverste here as well, deadline to apply for that is Monday 7 Feb:

Love, Föset