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All news

Information about FARAD 2021

Oliver Wiksten 11:01, 19 Jan 2021

Dear guild! The FARAD career fair is nearing but as you understand it’s not possible to have a regular fair in corona times. But this pandemic will not affect your chances to get in touch with companies. The FARAD project group presents

FARADigital 2021 - The Fair of the Digital Era

The fair will take place the 26th of january (next tuesday) and will be all digital on the platform Graduateland 10:00-16:00 where you’ll meet your favourite companies and institutions. I’ll be able to chat with the companies, as well as talk to them over a video call. See what services they are offering by looking at their job ads on the platform.
The web address to the FARAD career fair is Register yourself now! Start sharpening your profile now so that it is in top shape when you meet your future. It’s three short but important minutes that can change your future for the better.

Bonus! The first 50 who register for the fair get a limited edition FARADigital-patch to your ovve! To get a patch, you need to fill a simple form after you’ve created your profile and registered yourself for the fair:
Curious already on who’s gonna participate in the fair? Check out:


At EY we have many alumni from the F-guild at LTH who have made successful careers as Management Consultants. We are therefore excited to collaborate with FARAD 2021 in a digital case event Tuesday 26/1! Take the opportunity to learn more about case solving and get a peek into working at EY as a Management Consultant. The event will be an evening event where you will be presented with a problem in which you in small groups will be challenged to solve and present to a panel of judges. There will be an exciting prize for the winner and all participants will get a gift card at Grönt och Gott!
Registration closes on 22/01 17:00!

P.S. Make sure to follow our newly started Instagram and LinkedIn pages at and!

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Apply for Student Sessions with Cellavision and DVel

Oliver Wiksten 12:48, 13 Jan 2021

This is your opportunity as a student to get closer to these companies by applying for Student Sessions! A student session is a general open interview you can apply for through us. Here is a step by step tutorial on how to apply:

  1. Read through the requirements attached to this post to make sure you qualify.
  2. Fill this form:
  3. Wait for the company to respond to see if the company is interested in an interview with you.

Super easy! Get your CV fixed and write a cover letter and apply no later than 17th of January. Your future is in your hands!
Psst. You haven't missed that FARAD just started an Instagram and a LinkedIn? Make sure to follow us there:

//The project group for FARAD 2021

Nominations for the positions elected by the Board

Mattias Näsström 23:12, 10 Dec 2020

All nominations for the positions elected by the Board can now be found at the bottom of the Guild Assembly Forum page!
You can also find them here

Distance hugs from the Nominations Committee <3

Meeting about the establishment in Science Village

Simon Althoff 14:10, 7 Dec 2020


As you might know, Lund University has decided on an establishment in Science Village. There are many questions about this and both employees and students wonder - What might a future campus look like? Are cafes, meeting rooms, study places planned?

From business descriptions, both from the student unions and the university, JAIS architects have made a first sketch of what it could look like.
In order for everyone to have the opportunity, at an early stage, to provide input on the draft / sketch, the Science Village establishment group would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting with the architects.

This meeting is primarily aimed at those students who are directly affected and union active who know about the establishment, but of course other interested students can also participate.

When? December 9 at 12: 00-13: 00.


Simon Althoff 09:55, 4 Dec 2020

The scaffolding in front of the reception in fysikum towards professorsgatan seems to have become unstable and should therefore be avoided. If you have any business in fysikum do not use the reception entrance unless strictly necessary.

Extra election - Treasurer in Charge of the Introduction

Filip Johansson 14:22, 1 Dec 2020

Do you like the introduction? Do you want the chans to influence the introductions economy and budget and be helpful to the Fös? Then being the Treasurer in charge of the Introduction would be perfect for you! We announce an extra election for the position year 2021. Here is some more information about the position:
The Treasurer in charge of the Introduction keeps track of the Fös and the Introductions economy and sits in the Treasury together with the Treasurer. You make a budget for the introduction together with the Fös, the Treasurer and the board and then do all the accounting and invoicing for the council. In this position you get to work close to the Fös and the Treasuring, and it requires relatively much time during the introduction.

There's more information in Swedish at:

To apply you email me at at latest on Friday, December 4th.

Nomination Groups

Mattias Näsström 11:38, 24 Nov 2020

Hello! The nomination groups can now be found at the bottom of the Guild Assembly Forum These groups are responsible for interviewing and presenting their nomination for the positions that are handled in the Fall Election and elected by the Board.

If you have any questions you can email

New facebook-group for finding study-buddys

Teodor Bucht 11:14, 24 Nov 2020

On a board meeting two guild members suggested that a new facebook-group should be created where people can find study-buddys. Now it is here!

The purpose of Pluggkompisar på F-sektionen is to make it easier to find someone to cooperate with. It could be finding someone writing the same re-examination, someone to do course projects with or someone to write your masters thesis together with. If you find yourself in any of these positions, simply post in the group and let the Guild do its magic.

Extra election Minister of truth

Teodor Bucht 16:09, 20 Nov 2020


Do you like truth? Would you like to become active in the guild and lead a committee? Do you like spreading information? Then you have a big opportunity since we now announce an extra election for Minister of truth for 2021. Here is some information about the position:

As the Minister of Truth you are responsible for the Ministry of Truth's work as well as their budget and you also hold a place in The Council of Executives. You have as tasks to send out the Weektorn on Sundays before every study week in both Swedish and English, to be responsible for the guild's different information channels such as Facebook as well as different notice boards and ask the Committee to service when the guild need help with spreading information. The Minister of Truth is also part of the Student Union's information college. You are expected to run projects and all the time evolve the Committee in new directions. The post doesn't include any big handling of money but it happens from time to time, mostly when you order posters.

You can read more here:

To candidate, send an email to before the 29th of november.

Vote in the Council Election and make sure the F-guild wins a nice prize

Simon Althoff 10:49, 18 Nov 2020

Do not forget to make your voice heard in the Student Union’s Council Election! Make sure to vote for the candidates you want to represent you on the Union Representative Council at no later than 27 November. For the guild with the highest turnout, a nice prize also awaits, which we of course want the F-guild to scoop in! The F-guild is currently in fourth place.

It is also possible to vote with a physical ballot paper at the reception desk in Kårhuset on 18 and 19 November between 09:00 and 16:00. However, in order to avoid crowding as much as possible, everyone who can is urged to vote online.

The Union Representative Council is the Student Union's highest decision-making body and consists of 27 students from the different guilds. The 27 members assemble approximately ten times a year and make decisions that affect all members of the Union. For example, the council decides who will have the honor of being on the Union Board, working as sabbatical officers and exactly how much money is a reasonable amount to donate to the renovation of the AF building. Council representatives are elected by the members of the Union, i.e. us students. Any questions can be e-mailed to Vote now and increase our turnout at!