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All news

Motion stopp

Hanna Areskoug 08:13, 13 Oct 2023

Hellojsan i the meeting-pants!

Today (13/10) at 23:59 is the deadline for submitting your motion for the 2023 Autumn Term Meeting which takes place on November 13-15. Motions should be sent to:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the section meeting, you are welcome to go to the section meeting page on the section's website: where the board's proposal for the meeting order is also posted today!

For further questions email

In the service of the guild

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Post-exam party

Sophia Stickel 22:18, 11 Oct 2023

Welcome to this year's biggest post-exam party hosted by Sexkollegiet!

After a challenging exam period, it's time to let loose and celebrate like never before! On October 28th, after the last exam is done, a grand celebration awaits that you won't want to miss! Put on your most glamorous attire and get ready to unleash yourself at a “Sexkollegy Afterparty”!!!

WHERE? In Gasque!
WHEN? Saturday, October 28th, from 22:00 - 02:00!
WHO? All members of TLTH!
THEME? A Sexkollegy Afterparty
DON'T FORGET! Your ID, Mecenat card, and ticket!

Link to buy tickets:

Motion writer's cabin

Axel Orrhede 20:03, 10 Oct 2023

Motion writer's cabin! 🗂️📝
The fall semester meeting is starting, and there is an exercise stop already on Friday! On Thursday between 10-13, the board will sit in the café and help you write motions for the fall semester meeting. This is a great opportunity to come there and get the opportunity to influence the section's activities.

The board

Payment Älgresan!

Thea Flemsäter 16:33, 10 Oct 2023

It's almost time for Älgredsan!!
Tomorrow lunch we will sit in Hiberkorridoren and take the payments <3

Vivat alces in memoria nostra,
Your devoted reiseleiters

Apply for ladybug and feel the good vibes!

Emil Grunning 16:12, 10 Oct 2023

The application list for ladybugs lp2 is now on the bulletin board in the Hilbert corridor. Apply even if someone already has taken the day you want, new ladybugs will be prioritized as usual.

Sallad for lunch on Wednesday

Samin Chowdhury 19:25, 8 Oct 2023

Hello, dear guild!
We cafemasters want to remind you that we will be selling sallads in the café on wednesday. We will be making 50 portions and they will cost 30 sek each (if you have your own box) and 40 sek if you need box, lid and cutlery.

The election for the Council (FMval) is here!

Anna Andersson 14:15, 8 Oct 2023

The Union Representative Council is the highest decision-making body of Teknologkåren and, therefore, the guild’s. The Council meets approximately once a month and makes decisions regarding, among other things, the election of sabbatical officers, budget, and much more. As a member of the Council, you represent your own opinions and not those of your guild.

The election for the Council (FMval) is here, and you can already nominate someone or candidate yourself for the Council at The nomination and candidacy period is open until November 3rd. Voting will take place between November 13th and November 30th. If you have any questions, please contact

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Pontus Lindberg 16:26, 6 Oct 2023

Me and the merch designers have a very secret and very fun project which needs your best memes! They should be about maths or the guild or something somewhat similar. Send them to (but please be civilized).

Election for posts elected at the guild meeting are closing!

Nils Thorin 12:00, 6 Oct 2023

Hello dear guild!

As you may know, the elections are open, and you can candidate and nominate to posts. What you may not know is that it will not be like that forever! This is because the opportunity to candidate for positions that are elected at the guild meeting closes tonight at 23:59, so get in and candidate before it's too late!
However, you have plenty of time to apply for positions that are not elected at the guild meeting, the opportunity to candidate for them does not close until 19/11 or 27/11.

If you have applied for a position that is elected at the guild meeting, you will receive an email from us in the election committee shortly after the election closes where you will have the opportunity to book an interview with us. Please do that as soon as possible!

See you (maybe) at the interview!
The election committee

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Shadowed by high school student

Hanna Areskoug 17:44, 5 Oct 2023

Hello in the shadow-pants!

LTH is looking for students at the F-guild who want to be shadowed by, for example, high school students. As compensation, you are offered a lunch at Bryggan in IKDC per shadowing opportunity. For more information and instructions on how to register, see the following website:

/Secret Service

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