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The fill selection for FARAD closes

Eric Hansson 12:12, 15 Sep 2023

FARAD has received enough applications and therefore closes the election Tuesday 19/9 17.00.
If you want to apply, do so at this link:
Those of you who have already booked an interview but haven't had it yet will have it as planned.
Have a nice day bye

Hilbert elk scholarship

Aron Allen 12:14, 14 Sep 2023

Hello dear guild!
We in the scholarship committee would very much like you to nominate people for the Hilbert elk scholarship. Below is a description of the scholarship:

*The scholarship is awarded to second year students at the programs in engineering physics, mathematics or nanoscience who have promoted the studies and study situation of the members of the guild, common interests, and promoted camaraderie and good spirit.

If you know someone who matches this description, please send a nomination with motivation via this form: If you don't have anyone to nominate, encourage others to nominate instead.

The form is open until a few days before Nollegasque and if you have any questions you are welcome to write to

Kind regards,
The Scholarship Committee

Meet the board in the cafeteria

Axel Orrhede 16:28, 13 Sep 2023

Good evening everyone!🌜🧡
When? 10-12 tomorrow (Thursday)
Where? Hilbert Café
How? Express your views and questions on the F-guild
Who? You! (and us in the board)
Why? You get coffee
Theme? Sustainability policy
Come and talk to us!

The Board

Coffeebug on Tuesdays

Emil Grunning 15:16, 13 Sep 2023

As you might have noticed was the café closed yesterday, which was very sad. We cafemästare are therefore open to have a coffeebug on Tuesdays. As a coffeebug you would open the café 07:45 and close at 10:00, 13:00 or 15:00, you choose. The thanks for this would be coffee, fika and a hilbert baguette 1, 2 or 3 days depending on how long you have it open. You would not make any sandwiches, only make coffee and sell fika. You are very welcome to apply as a pair to have more fun while working. Write to if you are interested (even if you only can a few Tuesdays)
Please help us keep the café open

Study about Physics Students

Ludvig Wadenbäck 18:02, 11 Sep 2023

Hello. Do you want to participate in an interview regarding your views and opinions about the physics program? Then you’ve come to the right place. Have a look and fill in the form below for some more information and a chance to participate. Only for engineering physics.

Apply for gyckel at NolleG 22/9

Victor Rasmussen 20:45, 10 Sep 2023

Hello there meat & blueberries!!

NolleG is coming up and your most amazing gyckel is needed!!

Note that the demand for time to gyckla at NolleG is high and that we will have to prioritize. You are therefore not guaranteed to gyckla, although we hope that you will register your interest anyway!

Apply for gyckel through the form below.

The form closes Friday 15/9 at 12:00.

Hugs & kisses,

FARAD offers coffee and explains what they do in the foyer

Eric Hansson 11:06, 10 Sep 2023

What is a FARAD?

FARAD has two definitions that I care about, a boring one that already exists and a fun one that you can help create! A few days ago the fyllnadsval for FARAD-projektgruppsledamot opened, but what does it mean? How do you fill in an election? What does FARAD do? How can you help make a FARAD? When will I get my coffee?

You can get the answer to all your questions tomorrow, Monday 11 September 12.15 mattehusets foyer! The project group for FARAD will offer coffee and cake and answer questions about FARAD. Hopefully, some driven souls will take the chance to apply for a project group member in FARAD and have an incredibly fun autumn!

If you can't save yourself and already want to apply, the link is here:

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Fyllnadsval FARAD-projektgruppsledamot

Eric Hansson 10:23, 10 Sep 2023

The FARAD project group needs to be replenished to make FARAD the best it can be! FARAD is the F-guild's market fair, which is a large fair that invites many companies that want students studying at the F-guild. Work begins after the reset, which makes it an excellent item to have this fall. In FARAD, you deal with a few different things: you meet new friends, gain good experience for your CV, learn to contact companies, plan sittningar and earn money for the guild. There is something for everyone! To facilitate the work, there are various positions of responsibility, more information on how can be found here: .

If this sounds absolutely amazing, fantastic or extremely fun, you should apply! Click the link at the bottom to get in touch with me!

Apply here!

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Nominate for Hilbert Elks scholarship

Ludvig Wadenbäck 17:02, 9 Sep 2023

Greetings guild! The semester is in full swing and Nollegasque has been seen on the horizon. Therefore, we from the scholarship committee want to remind all of you to send in nominations for Hilbert Elks scholarship. The award is given to second-year students who have helped improve the collective study situation, made the guild more pleasant, or gilded some aspect of your time at LTH.
If you know anyone who fits this description send a nomination with a motivation via this form:

The form will be open until a few days before the Nollegasque. If there are any questions you are welcome to write to

Kind regards,
Scholarship Committee

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Message from Nollesexet - A sittning in the Lake-Lake

Maurits Magnusson 11:57, 8 Sep 2023

Welcome to a feral sittning in the Lake-Lake at Lophtet on the 16th of september. Dress up in your best Lake-Lake attire and get ready for a fantastic night. Maybe you come dressed up as a dead fish, trash or a green algae concentrations. Only your imagination sets the limit. Maybe the question we all ask ourself will be answered - Whats inside the mysterious Lake-Lake?

The registration starts at 12.15 at today lunch. There will be two sittings held, so that there is enough spots for everyone. The first sittning starts at 5 pm and the second one at 8 pm.

Price: 120kr
Theme: Lake-Lake
Place: Lophtet
Time: 5 or 8 pm