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By-election Baked

Samin Chowdhury 18:54, 11 Jul 2023

By-election for baked!
As you can never have too many baked goods, we´ve decided to elect a few more baked(s), if you´re interested send a mail to
the election stops at 8pm on Friday 14/7
the Café

Closing of extra election

Christopher Doggett 11:49, 23 May 2023

Dear guild!
There is at least one candidate for the extra election for depuet treasurer in charge of the introduction, and the election will thus close at 23.59 tuesday the 23/5. It still isn't too late to candidate, so if you are interested, send your candidacy to! For more info, see the earlier news post where the by-election was announced.


Christopher Doggett 12:24, 19 May 2023

Are you running out of money? Do you want to spend the guilds money instead of your own? Do you want to watch over everything the Fös does? Then you are the perfect candidate to be the new Introduction Treasurer!
The introduction Treasurer is an extremely important position that makes the introduction possible (I mean it, it's more important then the Fös). You will work in close cooperation with the fös, take charge of their accounting and alos help them receive payments.
If you want to know more or are just curious then give me a shout when you see me in the Math house! Or contact me in any other way!
To stand as a candidate, send an email to!

Bike fixing day

Rebecca Jungåker 12:11, 17 May 2023

Hello err'body!!! Kristi flyer tomorrow you know. Don't you wanna celebrate!!! Come join us on bike fixing day. By the MH entrance at 12:15

Kind regards
Master of stuff / Stuff master


Sofie Wigren 19:05, 16 May 2023

The last board meeting (F06-VT23) was the years second to last, and here is a brief summary of what was done!

  • A budget deviation for Corporate Relations was approved
  • Two extra elected volunteers had their thanks approved
  • The Her-Tech-Future-Overseer was granted access to SK
  • The purchase of a new stand for the guild’s photo wall was approved

If you want more information, send us an email: All members of the guild are welcome to send in agenda items to and attend the Board meetings, the next one will be held 17/5 at 17:15 in the MH-foyer, which is the last one of the year.
Hope to see you there!
The Board

Exam-breakfast reading week 8

Anna Andersson 18:00, 16 May 2023

Do you need motivation to leave the bed and study for your exams?

No worries, Teknologkåren is here to help!
During next week (reading week 8), we will be out on campus from 8:00 am handing out breakfast to hungry exam-studying students. We will be there until we are out of breakfast or until 9:00 am.

Dependant on the weather you’ll either find us outside of or inside the following houses:
Monday: E-huset
Tuesday: Mattehuset
Wednesday: Kemicentrum
Thursday: A-huset
Friday: V-huset

Come and get a tasty breakfast that we are handing out for free!

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The café closes for the summer

Teodor Westholm 15:12, 15 May 2023

Best guild!
This week, the café will be open until wednesday, and after that we'll close for the summer. It will be possible to get coffee and fika during the exam period if you have a coffee card though, so make sure to buy one before wednesday!
The Heads of the café

Documents for the extraordinary section meeting VT23

Hanna Areskoug 17:26, 14 May 2023

Hello in the cozy-pants!

Dear members! If you feel that you haven't read enough today, here you have the opportunity to read the documents for the extraordinary section meeting that will take place on May 17 at 12.15!

/Sekret service

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Agenda for the extraordinary section meeting

Hanna Areskoug 10:46, 12 May 2023

Hallojsan in the pollen-pants!

Our extraordinary section meeting is now approaching! To see what interesting points will be discussed, you can check the agenda that is now available on the f-guilds website, see link:
See you on May 17 at 12.15🌻

//Sekret service

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Harald Caap 17:35, 11 May 2023

What's up kings!!
We have received a cancellation on our tandem bus, so if there is anyone who feels like taking a spontaneous trip on the tandem bicycle this weekend or has any questions beforehand, just contact me (Waldemar Kulle)or Josephine Höjding and we will solve it! 🚲🚲
Roll easy,
Tandem Generals