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All news

Elected volunteers

Mattias Näsström 10:40, 20 Apr 2018

On the spring guild assembly 2018 we elected these volunteers:

Chair of the Board - Andreas Emilsson
Board members - Alexandra Lengquist, Elli Andersson, Hanna Axelsson and Vilgot Hillbom
Vice President - Jakob Navrozidis
Head of Facilities - Magnus Svensson
Operating Director of Hilbert Café - Kåre von Geijer
Editor of von Tänen - Jessica Lastow
Deputy Head of Corporate Connections - Alexia Han
President of the Educational Council for F - Philip Olhager
President of the Educational Council for n - Daniel Nesic
Member of the Nomination Committée - Simon Olsson (convening) and Peter Hallstadius

The positions Minister for Education, Project Manager of FARAD, President of the Educational Council for Pi, the substitute for Member of the Nomination Committée and three of Member of the Nomination Committée became vacant.

Congratulations and good luck to all the newly elected!

Meeting document

Josefine Öder 17:05, 6 Apr 2018

The agenda for the spring term meeting is now on the notice board outside Hilbertrummet
and on the website at guild assembly -> guild assembly forum, there you can also find motions.

Guild spring assembly is the 17th and 18th April. The registration for the meeting is available on the website.

If you have any questions, please contact the board.

In the departmental service,
Josefine Öder, Secretary

Release of report

Mattias Näsström 14:00, 28 Mar 2018

Thank you for all who came to the release of the report this Monday. Here is info on how you access the report for those who don't have a login to the F-guilds website ( You can either contact your Equal Opportunities Representative or your Board. You can also contact or Another choice is to enter your email-adress in this form, and you'll get the report sent to you. You can also get a paper copy from the Board room in the Math house.

Discussion meeting about the report

Elinor Fagerberg 16:09, 26 Mar 2018

The Committee for Student Equality has now had their presentation of the report regarding the guild's culture, titled Samlade perspektiv på F-sektionens kultur (Collected perspectives regarding the F-guild's culture). The report is now available under document archive but is also available here (the report is only available in Swedish).

What's coming now then? The discussion meeting this evening! Click the link and read up on the event if you haven't already, then show up in Hilbert Café at 17 and discuss the content of the report and how we should proceed forward from this.

There will be the opportunity to receive a presentation of the report in English during the discussion meeting, as well as getting translation of the discussion.

Kind regards
The Committee for Student Equality

Supplementary election for webmaster

Peter Hallstadius 12:56, 25 Mar 2018

The Facilities Committee is looking for a webmaster! Are you interested in app and web development, contact me through before Friday (30/3).

Supplementary election for guild photographers

Otto Holmström 15:15, 20 Mar 2018

The Ministry of Truth will be holding interviews for guild photographers during the upcoming week. If you are interested, contact me using the following link: , no later than this friday (23/3)!

Work group - economy plan

Mattias Näsström 16:47, 18 Mar 2018

On the board meeting before the exams we in the Board started a work group to take a deeper insight in to the economy at the Guild. The goal of the work group is to create a economical plan for the Guild, which contains how much the Guild should profit each year, how the money should be distributed between the different funds and more. Are you interested in being a part of this work group, contact me here:


Ingrid Torstensson 19:30, 15 Mar 2018

Thursday 22th of March it is time for a Pub in Hilbert Café!

It's the first time for a new pub concept where students from the F-, E- and D-guild get the chance to meet representatives from different engineering companies. It is a perfect opportunity to hang out with the companies, have a beer or fix your master thesis! There will be free food.

Take the chance to get a picture of what the companies actually do, get your master thesis or summer job. More info and what companies that will come will soon come!

No sign-up is needed, but be there until 18 to be sure to get a spot!

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The guild spring essembly 2018

Josefine Öder 13:14, 2 Mar 2018

Welcome to the guild spring assembly 2018! The meeting will be on Tuesday the 17th of April and Wednesday the 18th of April. Thursday the 19th of April with be a possible day of continuing the meeting if we don't finish the days before. Candidate through this website. Send motions to sekreteraren before the 3rd of April.

Following dates and times

17th and 18th of April the guild spring assembly

with starting time 17.59.

Following dates and times before the meeting

3rd of April the last day to submit a motion
6th of April the publishing of the meeting document

Please note that the dates for motion stop and set of agenda are not entirely in accordance with the prescribed rules for the announcement of the guild assembly as the days of the exam-period are not counted as normal school days. However, we in the Board have, in consultation with the auditors, chosen to waive these to give you members more time to write motions and to have time with the necessary after the spring guild assembly. If you have any questions please contact us here.

For more information check the website calendar.

I sektionsstyrelsens tjänst,

Josefine Öder, Secretary
Petter Karlow Herzog, Chairman of the board


Elinor Fagerberg 13:21, 26 Feb 2018

This past autumn saw the rise of the #metoo-movement, as well as other similar movements. In relation to this, the Student Union ran a survey regarding sexual harassment. Now, we want to find out how the situation is at the F-guild. The survey is anonymous, and you may answer with as much or little detail as you're comfortable with. This survey is incredibly important; if we don't know how the situation is, we can't work towards improving it.


Psst! It's just a month left until the report release. Hype!

//Committee for Student Equality