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All news

Task force: moderation of discussions on guild assemblies

Christine Sjölander 13:42, 9 Oct 2017

During the spring assembly we decided to create a task force to investigate in what guidelines we could have for the discussions during the guild assemblies. From this the chairman of the assemblies can moderate the meetings in an effective way. THe board is currently looking for members who are interested in participating in this task force. Take the chance and sign up you interest by emailing the board on We are also happy to answer any questions by email or in person!

The Council

Föset is now evaluating the introduction weeks

Sofie Hellmark 15:41, 6 Oct 2017

Hi! This evaluation is made to make the introduction weeks better for the future. To get a good view on the introduction weeks we would like your opinions. We would appreciate if you could spare some time to answer this form!

Open Committee Meetings During Study Week 7

Mattias Näsström 18:29, 1 Oct 2017

During study week seven you will be able to participate in some of the weekly meetings that some of the committees have. Here are the days and the times for the different committees:

  • Ministry of Truth; 9/10 at 12.15 in the Management Central
  • The Webmasters; 9/10 at 17:15 in the Management Central
  • The Students’ Educational Council; 10/10 at 12:15 in the Management Central
  • The Corporate Connections Committee; 10/10 at 12:15 in MH:362C
  • The Festivities Committee; 12/10 at 12:15 in the Management Central
  • The Committée for Student Equality; 12/10 at 12:15 in Sister Kent (SK)
  • Ministry of Culture; 13/10 at 12:15 in the Management Central
  • The Treasury; 13/10 at 13:15 in the Management Central

Soon preparations for Sångarstriden will finally begin, and we want you

Mattias Näsström 18:14, 1 Oct 2017

Sångarstriden (the song battle) is a lovely competition between the guilds of teknologkåren where each guild prepares a choral, a drinking song and a small musical number. The preparations will be once a week and it is a great and fun opportunity to get involved, teamwork and get to know new people.

We will have an info meeting this wednesday 4/10 kl 12.15 in MH:R, please come there if you want to hear more about the event and the groups you can apply for!

Application for the different groups is now open, apply for whatever sounds interesting (besides the choir, of course!!).

Kind regards, The SåS-foremen and group leaders

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Do you want to participate in an awesome Physics Tournament?

Lea Christierson 07:46, 21 Sep 2017

It is now time for the annual International Physicists' Tournament, and we are looking to recruit a team. The idea of the competition is that a group of students, with the help from an instructor, works under completely free circumstances to solve interesting physical problems, involving both theory and experimenting. Study how you determine the temperature of a fluid by listening to the sound it makes when it is poured, build a speaker, and investigate stunning phenomena. Below is a complete list of all 17 problems.
You will work with the problems for about 8 months, after which you present your solutions, and compete against other teams. If you are interested, all you have to do is to fill in the applications form below.

All 17 problems:

Sofie Hellmark 12:24, 13 Sep 2017

En FeD resa - sign up open

Alexandra Lengquist 12:52, 4 Sep 2017

The sign up is now open for saturdays sittning. Payment will be done on thursday evening from 17.00 at pluggkvällen and if you can't be there ask a friend to pay for you or email the head of feativities.

Wanted: Students who want to make a Change!

Lea Christierson 14:27, 1 Sep 2017

The Institution of Mathematics at LTH wants to change the One Dimensional Analysis course. In order to make these changes they first want to know what we, the students, have to say about this, so they are now arranging interviews with eight students. You have the possibility to be anonymous. Are you interested in having a say in the matter? Do You want to make a change? Don’t hesitate to fill in the form below or to contact me at if you have further questions.

Lea Christierson, the Minister of Education

Welcome Gasque

Jonas Hansson 18:46, 14 Aug 2017

Hello everyone!
Are you excited for a sittning? Then you are at the right place! Tomorrow the 15th of August at 12:00 the registration for this Autumn’s first Nollningssittning, the Welcome Gasque, opens. So prepare your party dress and get ready for the very first sittning of this year’s Introduction Weeks.

OBS! Nollor will register at a later occasion.

Where do I register - På
Who can go? Everyone, although the nollor and mentors will be prioritized
Where? Gasque, Kårhuset
When - 18(..), the 22nd of August

Maria Gunnarsson 13:40, 13 Jul 2017