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Guide to guild accembly in the digital era HT20 Edition

Ludwig Linder 13:36, 9 Nov 2020

Before the meeting

  1. Get an account on our digital voting system via the link You must use your school email!
  2. Use your real name on Zoom. Use your school accounts.


  1. Joina guild meeting via the zoom link:
  2. Click on chat to open the chat, where you can communicate with Meeting Chair and adjuster.

To request the word

  1. Write to Axel the chairman of the meeting if you want to talk. You are then written up on the speaker list.


  1. On certain issues voting takes place with acclamation. This works through that you click the yes or no buttons when the meeting chair asks for a vote.
  2. Closed voting can always be requested and done over rostsystem. This is done by writing a message to the meeting chairman Axel Carlsson. Closed voting always takes place in the case of individual elections with more than one candidate.

Of order

  1. In the event of questions you send them directly to the Chairman of the Meeting. Begin the message with Order Question. Order Questions breaks the speaker list.
  2. Example of common order issue: Has everyone decided on the issue.

At the service of the guild,
Ludwig Linder, Secretary

Nominations and candidate poster for the Fall Assembly

Mattias Näsström 23:22, 8 Nov 2020

After 10 hours intensive debating we in the Nomination Committee have finally completed our nominations for the positions elected by the Fall Assembly, they can be found on the Guild Assembly forum, where you can also find the nominations from the Nominations nomination committee! 🥳

There you can also find the candidate poster.

As usual, you can always send us an email at if you have any questions 🧡


Simon Althoff 10:15, 3 Nov 2020

Whether you are in the beginning of your education and you are curious about the industry, or you’re nearing the end of your education and you are searching for a master thesis, you will find the answers at ARKAD! This year is the first time ARKAD is virtual, and we are very excited about this year's fair, and think that your opportunities to find a summer internship or master thesis are even greater than previous years. Due to the new format, it will be easier than ever to find and come into contact with interesting companies, and to find the ultimate summer internship or master thesis. The fair takes place 11th to 12th of November, but don’t hesitate to create your online profile now at! Hope to see you at the fair!

Large arkad virtual fair 835ca1196a4748b53484159ed9e39eea

We want your opinions!

Teodor Bucht 14:01, 21 Oct 2020

Great Guild!

The board is currently working with the plan of operations for 2021 and we want your opinions! Do you have any thoughts about what the Guild should prioritize during 2021? Answer the form:

In service of the Guild,
President Teodor

Nomination period for the Union Representative Council

Simon Althoff 12:30, 21 Oct 2020

Hello all crammers!

The nomination period for the Union Representative Council is in full swing! Take your chance to meet new wonderful people from all guilds at LTH and at the same time influence the union's work for real.

The council is the union's highest decision-making body and must represent all union members. We therefore welcome candidacies from all kinds of people. First and fifth graders, you without previous commitment and you who have done nothing but gotten involved in student life, are all equally encouraged to run. For example, the council decides who will have the honor of being on the Union Board, working as sabbatical officers and exactly how much money is a reasonable amount to donate to the renovation of the AF building.

If you or someone you know thinks it would be fun to attend meetings, influence and get an insight into the entire union's activities, do not hesitate to visit and candidate or nominate no later than October 28! No previous experience is required, it is your interest and your opinions that are important! Of course, all council members become volunteers at TLTH centrally, and you are therefore e.g. entitled to attend fun gratitudes for the work you do. The council has about ten meetings a year and you can read more about its work at or email if you have questions.

Information about the interviews

Mattias Näsström 15:19, 20 Oct 2020

Soon it's time for us in the Nomination Committee to interview the candidates for the positions elected by the Guild Assembly. Below you can see information for when and what type of information we in the Nomination Committee will send to you as a candidate.

In the evening on the day before your interview you will get an email to confirm the time for your interview. In this email we will also include a zoom-link for the interview as well as some points that are good to think through before the interview.

On Monday the 2/11 when the election for positions elected by the Guild Assembly has closed we will send out some more general information to everyone who has candidated, where among other things there will be a form which you need to fill in to be included in the candidates poster.

On the night between the 8/11 and 9/11 you will get an email from us stating if we have chosen to nominate you or not, in this email we will also include more information about how the election process works at the Guild Assemby for those who feel unsure about this. As soon as possible after this we in the Nomination Committee will publish all our nominations.

Note that these emails will be sent in Swedish so if you see an email from that you can't understand, just reply and we'll send you the same info in English. As always you can email us if you have any questions.

P.S. There is still plenty of time left to apply for a position, so make us in the Nomination Committee happy by candidating!🐳

We want your opinions about the study environment!

Teodor Bucht 09:20, 20 Oct 2020

Great Guild!

If you have any opinions about the physical study environment you should fill in this form: #safetyfirst

In service of the study environment,
President Teodor

Liability for payments

Teodor Bucht 16:33, 14 Oct 2020

If you are registered for an event where you pay at the event and don’t show up at the event and there is no reserve to take your place you will become in debt to the guild and will need to pay before attending any other events.

Great Guild!

During the spring the Management discussed how to reduce food waste that comes from people not showing up at FETSMs. It is both a problem that we throw away food and that the ones showing up pay extra for the ones not showing up. Therefore the following guideline will be put into action starting at the next FETSM: If you are registered for an event where you pay at the event and don’t show up at the event and there is no reserve to take your place you will become in debt to the guild and will need to pay before attending any other events.

In service of the Guild,
Teodor Bucht

Anonymous questions to candidates at the Fall Assembly

Mattias Näsström 13:05, 14 Oct 2020

To make sure that questioning of candidates which apply for a position at the Fall Assembly will run as smoothly as possible and that the questions asked are thought through we in the Nomination Committee are now collecting anonymous questions for candidates that apply for a position at the Fall Assembly.

If you have a question please fill in the form where you can choose if you want to ask a question to a specific candidate or to everyone who has applied for a specific position.

If you have any questions about this please email

Book a time for an interview!

Mattias Näsström 13:20, 9 Oct 2020

If you have applied for a position which will be elected by the General meeting you should have received an email to the email adress you have registered at the F-guilds website. The email comes from Valberedningen and in the email there is a link where you can book a time for an intervju (Boka intervju), make sure you do this as soon as possible!

Make sure to check your trash if you can't see the email and if you still can't find anything, send an email to and we'll solve it.

OBS! This doesn't hold for positions elected by Board, if you are unsure who elects the position you applied for you can find it at