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All news

New Main Sponsor of the F-guild, CellaVision

Nik Johansson 18:40, 19 Dec 2019

We are happy to announce that we have entered a long-term agreement with CellaVision, makeing them the Main Sponsor of the F-guild.

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Otto Holmström 13:13, 4 Dec 2019

Christmas quiz

Seamus Doyle 18:33, 28 Nov 2019

Hi! Du you study at F? Do you like Christmas? Do you like ekosar? Are you free the afternoon on the 9th of December? If so, come to the the F-guild's and W-guild's Comittee of Student Equality's amazing Christmas quiz. We will offer traditional Swedish rice porridge! We will offer glögg! We will even offer, and yes it is free, sandwiches, julmust and clementines. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Bring your own food-box and spoon!

Try-it-out week in Hilbert Café!

Emelie Zhu 13:50, 26 Nov 2019

Follow our QR-code and give Hilbert Café suggestions on sandwiches!
And then, over reading week 5, come and test out the winning suggestions and possibly we'll have found a new Hilbert classic?...

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Otto Holmström 16:45, 21 Nov 2019

Clothing Swap Day ep. II: The Clothing Swap Day Strikes Back

Seamus Doyle 15:30, 15 Nov 2019

Do you have clothes? Especially those that you don't want anymore? Do you have books? Especially those that you don't want anymore? Do you have cuttings? Especially those that you don't want anymore? If so, swing by the Hilbert room the 22/11 between 10.30-15.00 for the Comittee for Student Equality's Clothing Swap Day. If you have stuff, you might even get some Love-yummies for FREE!

So what are you waiting for? Search through your closet/book case/plant corner and we'll see you on Friday!

Otto Holmström 13:37, 8 Nov 2019
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Seamus Doyle 13:30, 14 Oct 2019

Hey Guild!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, the committee of student equality and the student council will have a stress workshop in Hilbert Café 17.15. The thought is to discuss stress in a constructive way together with older and more experienced students at the guild and to, hopefully, receive a few good tips about handling and relating to stress.

If you still aren't convinced , I can tell you that we will be offering FREE FIKA if you sign up to the event before 23.00 this evening and that you don't have to be there all the time. You can drop by whenever during the event.

I hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow!
//Your very own head of the committee of student equality

Volunteer mingle

Rebecca Svensson 13:31, 4 Oct 2019

Now that the fall election is open, it's time for volunteer mingle. If you have questions and thoughts about what it is like to be a part of the work at the F-guild, just show up and mingle with the guild's various committees. Traditionally, there will be a quiz walk where you can test your knowledge of the guild's committees. Also, be sure to nominate people for different posts and why not candidate yourself.
Hope to see you in Mattehuset the 14th of October between 6 pm and 8 pm.

Fall Guild Assembly

Otto Holmström 13:16, 24 Sep 2019

Fall Guild Assembly 2019

Welcome to the guild fall assembly 2019! The meeting will be on Monday the 11th of November and Tuesday the 12th of November. Wednesday the 13th of November will be a possible day of continuing the meeting if we don't finish the days before. You can candidate to open positions through the website. Send motions to the secretary before the 18th of October.

Full meeting documents can be found under the meeting forum.

Following dates and times

  • 11th and 12th of November (MH: R) - the guild spring assembly

with starting time 17.59.

Following dates and times before the meeting

  • 18th of October - Motion deadline
  • 4th of November - Publishing of the Meeting Agenda

For more information check the website calendar.
Should you have any other questions about the Assembly, contact the Board.

In the service of the Guild
Otto Holmström, Secretary
Rebecca Svensson, Chair of the board