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By-election to the Ministry of Truth

Maja Svensson 17:02, 16 Sep 2019

The Ministry of Truth are looking for magnificent members of F to join our crew! The positions that are open are Archivist and Member of the Editorial Staff of von Tänen. No prior skills are required, we just wish for you to bring a positive energy and curiosity to the position.

Archivist: The Archivist's have responsibility for order in the archive, that protocols are saved and that cool stuff are taken out now and then and presented in a good way. As an archivist you work independently and the greatest advantage is that you with time receive a big insight in what actually has happened in the guild during the previous years.

Member of the Editorial Staff of von Tänen: von Tänen is the guild's own paper and was released the first time as soon as 1973. As a Member of the Editorial Staff of von Tänen you are responsible for providing von Tänen with content that maintains the guild's interest. You also assist the Editor of von Tänen in his or hers work.

Are you interesting in joining us? Send an email to no later than 30th september. Interviews will be held week 40.

Extraordinary guild assembly for election of auditor and members of the nomination comittee

Otto Holmström 13:51, 3 Sep 2019

Dear F-guild,
The board calls for an extraordinary guild assembly after a request from the auditors.

The assembly will be held on the 19th of september in MH:R, with a start time at 12:15. The assembly will be in swedish.

At the assembly, election of an auditor, two members of the nomination committee and two supplementary members of the nomination committee will be held.

In the name of the F-Guild

Maja Svensson 15:29, 23 Aug 2019

Hello all newly admitted!

Isabella Ljung 14:39, 12 Jul 2019

How fun that you’re going to study one of the programs at the F-guild! When the semester starts so does the introduction and you get a chance to meet new friends and have a really fun time! The Fös are responsible for planning the whole introduction and if you have any questions you’re always welcome to contact us att We look forward to meeting you in August!

Welcome to the F-guild,
The Fös

Open positions Corporate Relations Committee

Nik Johansson 21:04, 22 May 2019

Do you love money? Do you wish that the guild had more? Then you should apply to a position within the Corporate Relations Committee!

We are looking for Members of the FARAD Team and Deputy Head of Corporate Relations (for this position last day to apply is the 26th of May). Read more about the positions at

Interested? Contact the Head of Corporate Relations Nik Johansson at

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Minutes from the Guild Assembly

Otto Holmström 13:52, 29 Apr 2019

The minutes from the guild assembly are now accessible through the document archives. You can also find it through this link.

von Tänen is looking for an editor for the next school year

Maja Svensson 13:37, 22 Apr 2019

von Tänen is our guild newspaper and is released every reading period and filled with fun articles and puzzles to entertain the members. Do you want a creative job with a lot of freedom and lead the editorial staff of von Tänen? This is the post for you. You do not need any prior knowledge, just a curiosity and will to learn. Your predecessor promises a handover you will never forget... Send your candidacy to before 6/5.

Read more about the post at

Apply to be a voluteer during the introduction

Isabella Ljung 10:31, 9 Apr 2019

Right now the Fös is looking for a few more volutneers! Did you miss the chance to apply and want to be part of the most fun event of the year? The Fös is looking for mission mentors, extra fös for the camp and people responsible for the girls gathering.

Right now we're looking for three mission mentors - one for the soapbox race, one for the movie and one for the airband. As a mission mentor you help the group complete the mission and have fun as they get to know each other! The extra fös for the camp plan the camp during the first week of the introduction which is usually very well liked! If you want to be part of the group that organizes a really great camp then extra fös for the camp is what you should apply for. Furthermore, both the mission mentors and extra fös get to attend the Stortorgsmiddag. You can find the application here ( and the deadline is Monday the 15th of April 20:00. Interviews will take place during lunch the 16th as well as during lunch and the evening the 17th.

The day before the introduction starts there's usually a girls gathering where all of the new girls of the F-guild are welcome. There's usually coffee, some games and older girls already studying in the guild are there to talk to the girls and answer questions. This has been appreciated by the girls in the past! Is this something you think sounds fun and want to arrange? Fill out this form ( no later than May 7th to apply! Usually two-three girls are responsible for the girls gathering, if there's more applicants than that interviews will take place after exam period during easter.

We're looking for: Mission mentors, extra fös for the camp and people responsible for the girls gathering
When can you apply? Now! Application for mission mentor and extra fös for the camp is open until April 15th 20:00, people responsible for the girls gathering until May 7th.
How? Apply for mission mentor and extra fös for the camp here (, people responsible for the girls gathering here (
Why? It's so much fun!

If you have any questions about the application, send and e-mail to and we'll be happy to answer!

Adjusters for the Guild Assembly

Otto Holmström 17:56, 29 Mar 2019

To make the Guild Assembly possible there is a requirement of two adjusters that are present during the whole assembly.
As an adjuster you keep track of the people present, count votes and proofread the protocol afterwards.
Because the Assembly will be held in Swedish it will be difficult for you to be an adjuster if you aren’t potent in Swedish.
If you have any questions, contact me using the contact page.

Candidate for Project Manager of FARAD

Nik Johansson 14:16, 26 Mar 2019

For the guild spring assembly, the guild is still without a candidate for Project Manager of FARAD 2020. Project Manager of FARAD is a post which allows for lots of personal growth and FARAD is incredibly important to the guild since it is our largest event with corporations.

If you have the slightest interest for project management or corporate relations, this is the perfect position for you. You will learn a great amount about planning and carrying out a big event as well as creating good contacts with companies such as Axis or London based Stock-Market trading company Jane Street.

Lastly, I wanna emphasize that no prior experience is required. I knew nothing when I started, but learnt everything along the way. You will have lots of support from me (prior Project Manager) as well as the Head of Corporate Relations and the Board.

If you have any questions at all, please do contact me (!

/Max Gustafson, Project Manager FARAD 2019

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