The board is the instance that has the highest authority in the guild beside the guild assembly, and consists of the chairman of the board, the president of the guild, the Vice President of the guild, the secretary and four board members. The board has decisions right in some questions regarding the economy and the function of the guild, and is also working with more long term questions.
There are held regular board meetings to discuss and make decisions. If you have an idea regarding the guild, or just want to participate in the discussion during the meetings, you are very welcome to join. The meetings are usually held Tuesdays odd numbered weeks at 17.15 in the board room. If you have a question you wish to add to the board's agenda, contact the chairman of the board, and if you wish to be summoned to the board's meetings, write to board meetings.
The following link is a guide to how the board meetings work: A guild member's guide to board meetings
As chair of the board you are the convenor of the board. The main duty is parted in three, sedning out invitations to the board meetings, establishing the agenda for the board meeting and then leading the meeting. Apart from the board meetings, it is the chair of the boards duty to plan and prepare discussion, visionary, economy and term meetings. Each week you spend approximately 10 hours, but you usually spend a bit more time close to the term meetings.
As a board member, you are one of the seven members of the board. They keep track of the guild's finances and discuss more long-term issues. Since the board has the right to make decisions on a lot of issues, you have great influence on the guild. The position is also quite flexible as the board can, in addition to the activity plan, choose the issues the board finds interesting to spend time on.
The secretary is one of seven members of the board and must work closely with the section chair. It is the secretary's responsibility to take minutes at each board meeting, ensure that they are approved and publish them to the website. The heaviest responsibility for the secretary is during the guild meetings in the fall and spring. The secretary is usually there to take the minutes. A lot of work is added with documents to be written, processed and sent out before meetings. After the meetings, the secretary, together with the other members of the board, must ensure that policy documents are updated.
The routine work of the secretary is to collect the mail from the F-guild's two mailboxes. If necessary, the secretary orders home office supplies such as ink cartridges. Once per reading period, the secretary collects work reports from the committee chairs to present to the board. As a member of the Executive Board, there is also various board work. The whole board has discussions, vision and financial meetings a few times a semester.
As the president of the guild, you have the ultimate responsibility for the guild's activities. This includes leading the council of the executives, having an overall view over the guild along with the board and to have good contact with other important persons in the Math building. The president are also in contact with the presidents of the other guilds at LTH, and you always have several small projects to take care of.
To be the president requires quite a lot of time. Exactly how much it takes depends on level of ambition and time of the years among other things, but you have to be willing to spend at least 5-20 hours per week on work connected to the position. Since this position requires a lot of time, when you at the same time have the school to take care of, there is a risk that you sometimes experience stress. To be structured and to plan the work well is a good way to try to avoid that. As the president you are also responsible for the economy of the guild together with the board, but the accounting are usually taken care of the treasurer.
One of the most important and educative parts of being the president is to lead the guild. This position gives you a lot of different experience thanks to the diversity of duties. You also have the privilegie to work along with the presidents of the other guilds at LTH, and you get to learn a lot about how they work. And last but not least you get to see how the whole F-guild works and develops.
Vice President is a post with very varied tasks. This is mainly due to the many different responsibilities. In addition to always working closely with the President, the Vice President is also responsible for that the on-goings of the committees work well. That responsibility means that you have good contact with all Committee president's and support them according to their (and the Vice President's) needs. The Vice President is also one of the seven members of the Board.
As Vice President one also has indirect care of the visionary work of the Guild, which is partly done with the Board and members of the Guild.
As Vice President one is also responsible for projects in the Guild and acting as contact person at the start of such projects. Here you work directly with taking advantage of members' visions and transform them into reality.
Elect for this post has mandate period until the summer 2024.
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