The Ministry of Truth have developed a document for how to spread information.
Within the Ministry of Truth we work with distribution of information to the F-guild's members as well as documentation and archiving that which happens in the guild. It's the Minister of Truth along with the Minions of Thruth that have responsibility for making the information easily accessible. Here the Minions of Truth describe how they work
We work with making the information from the guild's all corners available for you. This includes everything from making posters for events to updating the webpage and filling our calendar. We want our guild to be imbued with transparency and that everyone should be able to take part of the information.
The Photographers work with documentation of all the fun events in the guild
Carpe Momentum - Catch the moment, this is the guild photographer's mission. We perpetuate the moment and document everything fun that happens in the guild. We appear on all events in the guild's name, ready to catch your spexy pose or your amazing gyckel!
The Archivists archive everything that is worth archiving. They tell
First and foremost we take care of our beautiful archive. We try to save interesting things and keep in order that which has been interesting the last fifty years. Other things we like to do include making carrot wine, eating punch rolls and telling way to many anecdotes. So if you wonder who instituted Christmas at F, how the nolle-t-shirt looked in 1999 or want to check a receipt from 2007, it's us you want to talk to!
The Ministry of Truth usually has lunch meetings on mondays in a classroom, so if you are interested in how the Ministry works as a whole, the door is open for anyone that wants to join!
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, just get in touch with the Minister of Truth!
As the Minister of Truth you are responsible for the Ministry of Truth's work as well as their budget and you also hold a place in The Council of Executives. You have as tasks to send out the Weektorn on Sundays before every study week in both Swedish and English, to be responsible for the guild's different information channels such as Facebook as well as different notice boards and ask the Committee to service when the guild need help with spreading information. The Minister of Truth is also part of the Student Union's information college. You are expected to run projects and all the time evolve the Committee in new directions. The post doesn't include any big handling of money but it happens from time to time, mostly when you order posters.
The Guild Photographer's are responsible for photographies taken on all the F-guild's events and each photographer is responsible for publishing its own pictures in the picture gallery on the guild's webpage. Time spent on the post varies depending on how many guild photographer's that are elected and how often the guild has events. On some bigger events it can become a bit stressed when photographing every pair. The most intense period you have as a guild photographer is during the Introduction. As a thanks you get to go to all events that you're photographing for free.
To be a Minion of Truth means that you are included in the Minister of Truth's core group and together with the other Minions of Truth assist the Minister of Truth in his or hers work with spreading information in the guild. The responsibility varies with the tasks which can be everything form writing on the blog, filming and editing, designing posters or following through on other ideas that you have. The post is often not particularly stressed even if you work with some deadlines and have planning meetings on a regular basis. Since a big part of the information that flows through the guild goes though the Minister of Truth you get a good insight in the guild's activity and the Board's work.
As a Minion of Truth you get the opportunity to learn to use programs like Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign which will most probably be very useful to you in the future. No previous experience is required!
von Tänen is the guild's own paper and was released the first time as soon as 1973. As a Member of the Editorial Staff of von Tänen you are responsible for providing von Tänen with content that maintains the guild's interest. You also assist the Editor of von Tänen in his or hers work.
The Head of App- and Web Development coordinates the work of the webmasters and also have the same work assignments as a webmaster. The Head of App- and Web Development is also a part of The Management alongside the other heads of committees.
von Tänen is the guild's own paper and was released the first time as soon as 1973. The Editor of von Tänen works together with an editorial staff to produce the paper von Tänen. As the Editor of von Tänen you are responsible for the editorial staff's work.
As a webmaster you have some admin rights and help in the coding of the website and F-app. The webmasters are also there to assist you if there are any problems with the mail alias system or to help you access and use the F-guild's digital resources.
We use the following systems in our work, which means that if you have experiences in them you will have an easier time getting started as a webmaster but almost all the newly elected webmastes are beginners and get a thorough walk through of the systems.
All webmasters do not work with all the things listed, it is also possible to focus on just doing stuff on the website/app and not doing anything to do with the server, which is usually handled by the su-permen anyway.
The Archivist's have responsibility for order in the archive, that protocols are saved and that cool stuff are taken out now and then and presented in a good way. As an archivist you work independently and the greatest advantage is that you with time receive a big insight in what actually has happened in the guild during the previous years.
As Cinematographer you are responsible for the guilds film equipment and drone! If a guild member wants help with movie making you should help them with the equipment. The guild has cameras, a gimbal and a drone! You will get a drone license financed by the guild and are responsible for flights!
You also get free entrance to all the events you film at.
As a su-perman you are an upgraded webmaster, you get more access and more responsibility, otherwise the post is the same. As a webmaster you have some admin rights and help in the coding of the website and F-app. The webmasters are also there to assist you if there are any problems with the mail alias system or to help you access and use the F-guild's digital resources.
As Convenor of the Guild Photographers you do the same things as a normal Guild Photographer. In addition it is also your task to arrange meetings with the other photographer's and keep a good communication in the group.
2025 © F-guild at TLTH.
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