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The introduction committee


We in the Introduction Committee are responsible for the introduction here at the guild. Together we sit in meetings, interviews with volunteers, educations etc during to spring, to arrange the best possible welcome to all of the new students arriving in autumn. They also have the responsibilites of signing deals with corporate sponsors,
present a budget to the board, hold educations for their volunteers, develop a communication-plan for introduction, design a schedule as well as communicating with school representatives.

The Introduction Committee consists of the Head of the Introduction Committee fös as well as a few (usually four or five) the Introduction Committee Commissioners, with different responsibilities within the group. To their aid they also recruit mentors, extrafös and mission mentors that help them both before and during the introduction.

Any questions you may have regarding the introduction you can direct to us.

The Fös

You can also contact us anonymously here.



The Guilds Cofös is together with the Överfös responsible for the introduction, that starts in the beginning of the fall. During the spring the Fös is planning the introduction , interviewing and choosing introduction volonteers and much more. Each Fös has their own responsibilitys, for example sponsorship, design and public relations, PR.
As Överfös you also have a greate administrative responsibility by participating in The Council of Executives and in the College of Nollning at TLTH.

Who currently occupies the position?


Who currently occupies the position?


The Guilds Cofös is together with the Överfös responsible for the introduction, that starts in the beginning of the fall. During the spring the Fös is planning the introduction , interviewing and choosing introduction volonteers and much more. Each Fös has their own responsibilitys, for example sponsorship, design and public relations, PR.