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An Introduction among Bandits

- 26 Aug - 28 Sep 2024

Welcome to the F-guild and Lund!

The start of this year's introduction: An introduction among bandits, is on the 26th of August. The introduction will then run for five weeks until Saturday, September 28. For the international students, the introduction will start on Thursday the 22th. One of your mentors will call you later in August to try to answer any questions you might have about the introduction or starting university.

The FREJA association is organizing a meeting for girls and non-binaries on the 25th of August (the day before the introduction) 14:00 -17:00 outside Kårhuset. More information can be found on their website.

Here you will find all the information you need to prepare for the start of your studies and the introduction:

We who organize the introduction are called the Introduction Committee. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! You can reach us either via email or here if you want to be anonymous.

We look forward to welcoming you to the F-guild and LTH!

Greetings, The Introduction Committee

Volunteer recruitment for the Introduction 2024

Cofös Lovisa 10:46, 27 Jan 2024

Dear Guild!
In February we will start recruiting mentors and extrafös.

Do you want to be a part of welcoming all the new students to the Guild, but don't know how? Then be sure to come to our info meeting at 12:15(..) in MH:G on Monday, February 5th or Tuesday, February 6th. The Tuesday meeting will be held in English.

On Thursday, February 8th, we will also be in the café between 11-14 and answer questions about the Introduction and the recruitment process.

The application form to be a mentor or extrafös is open from the first information meeting until Friday, February 9th, 13:00. More information about the application and the interview process will be published on the website and Facebook, so stay tuned.
You can find the details of the info meeting as an event in the F-app, or on Instagram @foset2024!

Hope to see you then!
-Föset <3

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