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Thought about sandwiches

They forgot translate me D:
30 Mar 2022 Vilma Ylvén

Back again, you did not think you had gotten rid of us in a week, did you? I was thinking of hanging out here the whole reading period, and you can damn it.

This week's knowledge is an ignorance, more precisely the ignorance of how many cucumbers / tomatoes / peppers go to a sandwich in Hilbert café. If anyone should have that knowledge, they are welcome to contact them. Qualified guesses are also received, but only if you can cite the source. Preferably with the Harvard system.

Speaking of Hilbert café, I would like to shed some light on the culinary experience that ordinary vegans nowadays can have here in our own math house. Paprika hummus and Pulled vego ?? The choices are endless. However, I would still like everyone to collectively forget that the taco sandwich ever existed, and that we instead look forward together towards the potential horizon. Vegan meatball sandwich? A vegan actually taco sandwich (note; without slimy beans)? A vegan salad ?????? Who knows what is to come.

tac o ’hey, liver pate
of teeth