von Tänen here, vibin' as usual.
There are some theories that no one is reading this blog. We at von Tänen obviously know that this is not true and that you all check every week to see if something new and exciting has come up. Which of course it does because we are here now, and we are exciting.
This week's knowledge is that miska is a word, which is a derogatory term for a woman (and rhymes with whipping (in swedish)). It feels good to know that sexism is alive and well.
But we should not think about that now that spring is at the door. Think instead of more fun things like applying for a summer job, or getting back exam results or maybe even that it's time to do a spring cleaning. Extra congratulations to you who are allergic to pollen.
Have the good ones, we'll hear from you next week
of teeth
Since you all refused to take the advice in my last post (well done, I'm proud of you) it's time to give you a proper lesson in micro-room etiquette. It come...
In short, here is a list:
Should you heat food in the microwave; RUN immediately after the lecture. It's a race, you're the star, show everyone else what you...
If desired, the last post of the summer will be about pie.
On the whole, the conclusion is that everyone should eat more pie.
Miss von Tänen
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