A not-quite-as-warm-as-it-should-be day in March, the Ministry of Truth held its kick off by going to Halland's nation and eat some nice grub together. We all met up at the queue to Halland's and waited until we were allowed to bypass everyone in the queue, since we hade booked some tables ;)
When we got inside, we sat by our tables and awaited the food while chatting away in swell company. The fact that the table cloth was made of actual cloth and not paper made caused some of us to be very delighted.
After eating some nice food, the main event arrived: tonight's quiz! The theme was 1992 and we formed teams of 6 people in each. The questions were not trivial! In my team, Ministry of Fruits, we quickly found out that 3 of us actually stood a chance and knew their random quiz-trivia, while the rest of us didn't feel quite as knowledgeable at the moment. However, we were very good moral support and helped out with songs and smiles to cheer on our team mates.
20 difficult questions later, with way to little connection to maths if you ask me, we swapped our answer sheet with our neighbours and started correcting. Our summation of rough estimations actually gave us a point! After the correcting was done, and teams started to get eliminated, it was clear that the top two teams consisted of us from the Ministry of Truth! In the end, my team, the Ministry of Fruits, won with a mere point and a total of 37(!) points!
This must simply prove that the Ministry of Truth knows best and holds all of the information you could possibly ever need!
Well done and thank you for a very nice evening everyone! I'm looking forward to more of what Sanning 2019 will do in the future :D
Since you all refused to take the advice in my last post (well done, I'm proud of you) it's time to give you a proper lesson in micro-room etiquette. It come...
In short, here is a list:
Should you heat food in the microwave; RUN immediately after the lecture. It's a race, you're the star, show everyone else what you...
If desired, the last post of the summer will be about pie.
On the whole, the conclusion is that everyone should eat more pie.
Miss von Tänen
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