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Party Parrots in Hilbert Café

It all started the night before Hilbert Café opened up for the first time this year. It all started with a Partying Parrot. But now, they are more...
4 Feb 2018 Leo Einarsson

Less than a week ago, a former ladybug found a trove of rainbow colour-shifting Party Parrots, A.K.A. The Cult Of The Party Parrots. Now, almost all of it’s kind has been invited to Hilbert Café’s internal Slack communication channel and they are taking it over! At the moment, 55(!) different kind of Parrots have invaded. There is a Coffee Parrot and a Revolutionary Parrot for instance.

The Hilbert Slack #Random is completely overtaken by these parrots! And they always shoew up at the most inappropriate moments. For instance, in the middle of a meeting, during the darkest hours of the day and today they even entered the very serious #ShopingList!

But, hey! Hilbert Café loves everyone, so we will of course welcome all these parrots to our fantastic Café! <3