The master of the conscience is responsible for the activity of the committee and encourages for a lot of fun projects! The master is main responsible for the equality plan of the guild and makes sure that everyone who is active at the guild in different ways has the knowledge they need to evaluate and develop their work at the guild from an equality perspective!
As the master of the conscience you are a part of the Council of Executives at the guild as well as the LTH Equality Board together with the Equality Presidents from other guilds. It's a great opportunity to get to know eachother and plan bigger projects with more outreach!
The Master of Conscience is also responsible for the guilds sustainability work and helps the sustainability coordinators in their work.
The Master of Conscience, along with the President for Student Equality, has professional secrecy. If you have anything you want to bring up or talk with the master of conscience about, never hesitate to contact them!
Master of the Conscience kan sökas fram till 23:59, 6 Oct 2023.
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